List of Mutual funds/mutual fund guide Articles

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5 Best Small-cap Mutual Funds to Invest in 2020

As compared to large-cap and mid-cap mutual funds, small-cap mutual funds have higher returns potential. If you are an aggressive long-term investor, 2020 can be a great year to invest in small-cap funds.

Small-cap Investing in 2020: Know How to Invest in Small Caps

Experts believe that small caps are all-set for recovery in 2020. While most small-caps underperformed throughout 2019 and even 2018, they have probably bottomed out and can outperform large-caps and mid-caps this year

Mutual Fund Risk - Know the Types of Risks Involved

Mutual funds are one of the most popular securities to invest in currently. Diversified, convenient and professionally managed, mutual funds offer attractive returns. However, these investments come with their own risks.

What Is Hybrid Mutual Fund?

More and more people now know how mutual funds investment can be beneficial in creating wealth both over a short term and a long term.


When investing in mutual funds for the first time, your financial advisor will tell you that

What Mutual Funds Are Best For SIP?

Most financial advisors have observed that when an investor first starts to invest in mutual funds, they lack the discipline of investing regularly.

How to Buy Mutual Funds?

While most AMCs (Asset Management Companies) now have online platforms from where investors can buy mutual funds, a lot of beginners are unaware of the steps they should follow.

5 Simple Tips for Investing in SIP to Maximise Your Returns

SIP offers excellent investment opportunities in a time-bound and structured manner. As a prudent investor, you must know how to optimise returns on your investments in mutual funds through SIP.

Guide to Value Investment Strategy

You must have come across the popular usage that you got a stock at dirt cheap price. What you are talking about is value investing, which is the investment strategy based on deep value.

Why are Equity Mutual Funds Suitable for Long-Term Goals?

Equity funds, known for their high return potential and their risk possibility, are exchange-traded funds that invest majorly in equity and equity-oriented instruments. As per SEBI guidelines, any fund that