List of Online share trading Articles

Online Share Trading

What is the Relative Strength Index?

The Indian stock market has come a long way from an open outcry system where investors had to visit the stock exchanges with physical share certificates to make a trade.

The Best Positional Trading Strategies

If you want to trade in stocks but can't keep up with the daily fluctuations, and don't want to engage in long-term investments, then positional trading could be ideal for you.

What is the Diamond Top Formation?

Diamond Top Formation is one such technical analysis pattern used by traders to predict price movements.

What is Turtle Trading?

Around the world, the securities market has been a constant source of curiosity and experimentation. Various traders have developed strategies and patterns after prolonged research and experience.

What is the Red Ocean Strategy?

Businesses today strive to remain afloat amid fierce competition in their industry. One company has to level up against the other.

What are Blue Ocean Strategies?

All businesses have one goal: Profitability. However, the term profitability is comprehensive.

What is MTM?

You enter the financial market with Rs 1,00,000 capital. You do your research and invest them in good financial assets.

What is Position Trading?

Position Trading is a long term investing approach which follows the strategy of buy-and-hold for months or even years.

What is a Bid-Ask Spread?

The stock market is not a lottery. But, individuals, corporations, and governments use the stock market as an auction to buy and sell securities.

What is Swing Trading?

The universe of stocks is one of the most rewarding ones. Yes, it is true that long term investments tend to provide higher returns as good stocks always go up in price and give regular dividends to the shareholders.