List of Share market Articles

Share Market Guide

What is Capital Appreciation?

Capital appreciation refers to growth in the market value of assets or investments. For most people, the ultimate objective of investing is capital appreciation - buying assets cheap and selling them at a relatively higher price.

What is Conservative Investment?

Today, with a plethora of investment options available, it is difficult to choose. Investment decision-making is a product of various factors such as risk appetite, reward expectation, time horizon, age, tax planning, and liquidity.

What is Current Income?

Setting investment goals is essential to accomplishing financial success. Investment goals differ for each investor and include regular income generation, capital protection, liquidity, and capital growth based on your priority and objectives.

What is Equity Income?

Equity investment can provide a return in two ways - capital appreciation and dividend income. While capital appreciation refers to an increase in the market value of equity shares, a dividend refers to the distribution of profits by a company to its shareholders.

What is the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR)?

Growth is inevitable to survive in the market for the long term. Analyzing the future growth potential of the company, before investing, is not just important, but rather indispensable.

What is a Subscription Agreement?

One of the most widely utilised methods by companies to raise funds is through an Initial Public Offering (IPO), where the company sells the shares to the general public.

What is an Accredited Investor?

An investor must know about every type of investor to understand the stock market better. This blog will shed light on accredited investor meaning and how they affect the overall stock market.

What are Piggyback Registration rights?

Piggyback registration rights entitle investors to register their stocks when either another investor or the company initiates a registration.

What are Widow and Orphan stocks?

Widow and Orphan stocks offer relatively low-risk stocks as an investment opportunity while providing a high rate of dividend.

What are Pink Sheet Stocks?

Equities listed and traded over-the-counter (OTC) markets rather than on major stock exchanges like NASDAQ or NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) are known as Pink sheet stocks.