List of Share market Articles

Share Market Guide

What is a Trading Desk?

A trading desk can be a physical location or a department in a banking institution where the securities such as shares, commodities, currencies etc., are purchased and sold to fulfil their or the client’s trades in the financial markets. It is also known as a dealing desk.

Stock Exchange Daily Official List

In the last decade, the volume of the securities market has increased exponentially. The total value of global equity trading worldwide was USD 37.7 trillion in Q2 of FY21.

What is Spot Trading?

A spot trade, also known as a spot transaction, is when a trader buys or sells a financial instrument, commodity, or foreign currency on a specific date (the spot date).

What is Stochastic Modelling?

Every decision you make, whether it is in business or the stock market, is responsible for the volume of profits you yield in the end.

What is the Dark Cloud Cover candlestick pattern?

Technical analysis is a weapon of the stock market that makes trading more efficient for investors. Candlestick chart pattern is one of the tools of technical analysis.

What is shareholder value?

Shareholder value definition is rather straightforward. It is a business term that describes the value enjoyed by shareholders for owning shares in a company.

What is the Securities Exchange Act of 1934?

Rules and regulations are two pillars of the smooth management of any function. It eliminates mishaps and promotes the seamless performance of an activity.

What is a Stock Symbol?

The stock symbol is a unique identity of stock for publicly traded companies at stock exchanges. It is also called Ticker Symbol or Stock Tickers.

Three white soldiers candlestick pattern

The three white soldiers candlestick pattern often occurs at the end of a downtrend and is considered a relatively strong sign of a bullish market reversal.

What are Rising Three Methods?

All the investors who have a fortune in the stock market started systematically by investing a portion of their savings in good stocks.