List of Share market Articles

Share Market Guide

What is the Inverted Yield Curve?

"Investors often leverage their financial prowess and invest in debt instruments, more specifically–Bonds."

Equity vs Enterprise Value

If you are an investor, you wouldn’t be concerned about the type of products and services, as long as the company is making profits and is appreciating its share price. However, the company has to think about both the factors and how it has to take their business forward in the best possible way along with giving good returns to the investors.

What is Wash Sale Rule?

For an investor, it is important to not only know about investment and trading strategies in the securities market but also be aware of the tax implications which may arise.

What is Quote Stuffing?

Quote stuffing means flooding the market with a large number of orders and withdrawing it immediately.

Failure Swing Pattern?

The stock market is an ocean that is better to dive into when you know how to swim. The market is typically analyzed using two approaches: fundamental analysis and technical analysis.

What is a Stock Quote?

A stock quote is the price of a stock on the exchange. Apart from price, it also contains other information leveraged by traders or investors to make investing or trading decisions.

Common stock vs preferred stock

The stock market provides diversification opportunities within its asset classes. When you buy stocks of companies, you do not think much about the tags they come with. Investors leverage these stocks to create a stock market strategy that caters to their short term and long term financial goals.

What is Elliott Wave Theory?

Elliot created the Elliott Wave Theory after observing that the financial markets always move in a zigzag formation.

What is Takeover?

Every company begins with a little capital and immense hard work and passion.

What is Capital Stock?

The term ‘Capital’ is used in various fields including business finance, capital budgeting, investing and economics. Capital essentially means wealth in the form of money or assets owned by an individual or organization to start a company or invest. It is also a type of stock that you can invest in. To learn more about capital stock, read on.