List of Share market Articles

Share Market Guide

What are Escrow Shares?

The idea behind shares representing your money value is ideal, as the shares will appreciate and multiply to the wealth. However, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. As shares represent ownership, corporations, investors, executives etc.

What are Preference Shares?

The Indian stock market has consistently outperformed almost all other financial instruments in terms of returns

What are Common Stocks?

Investing in the Indian stock market is one of the most popular ways adopted by people looking to attain financial freedom.

What is OFS?

With the recent IPO frenzy, terms such as OFS, FPO, etc. are trending topics. OFS refers to Offer for Sale

What is Algo Trading?

Algorithmic Trading is the process of using pre-programmed trading instructions to execute trading orders at high speed in the financial market.

What is the 30-day moving average?

Crores of retail investors in India have a single aim: Making as much profit as possible. However, when you meet and talk to someone who is active in the stock market, there are always some instances when they lost a considerable amount of money.

What is Economic Moat?

If you look up the word ‘moat’, the definition is this – “a long wide channel dug around a castle and filled with water to make it difficult for enemies to attack.”

What is the Power of Compounding?

You and your friend have an exam next year which you have been planning to give for several years.

Alpha in stocks?

The aspect of making huge profits is attributed to stocks that perform exceptionally well and beat the overall returns of their peers, sector or the overall market. But, outperforming the market is not easy.