List of Share market Articles

Share Market Guide

Nifty Total Market Index vs Nifty 50: A Comparative Analysis

Investors aiming to leverage the market's expertise without selecting individual stocks, now consider index funds. These mimic specific stock market indices' performances. In this context, two particularly intriguing Indian stock market indices emerge, including the Nifty 50 and its counterpart, the Nifty Total Market Index.

Margin of Safety- Understanding Meaning and Formula

The margin of safety highlights purchasing stocks at a significant discount to their true worth. It is a critical risk mitigation component that ensures long-term success in value investing. Benjamin Graham, a renowned investor, introduced this concept to the world.

Understanding Coffee Can Portfolio

The coffee can portfolio strategy takes a "buy and hold" approach to investing. Investors purchase equities in organisations that have exhibited extraordinary success over a long period of time. Once acquired, these stocks are practically ignored for ten years, with no active buying or selling. This investment strategy is known as a coffee can portfolio.

Bulk Deals vs. Block Deals: Learn the Difference Between the Two

The definition of a bulk deal varies depending on the stock exchange and regulatory authority. Still, it often entails a transaction in which the number of shares exchanged exceeds a proportion of the company's total outstanding shares.

What is a Bracket Order?

A Bracket Order is a sophisticated trading technique that empowers traders to effectively manage their positions by placing three interconnected orders for a single trade. This innovative approach creates a "bracket" around the initial trade, providing traders with a comprehensive strategy to protect against market volatility and seize profitable opportunities.

What are large-cap stocks?

Large-cap stocks are usually well-established and dominant companies in their respective industries as their market capitalisation is over Rs. 20,000 crores. The term “cap” in large-cap refers to market capitalisation.

SEBI relaxes share transfer norms for deceased holders' accounts

Capital market regulator SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) has simplified the procedure for transfer of securities from the account of a deceased person and raised the threshold limit for such transactions in demat format to Rs. 5 lakh.