List of Share market Articles

Share Market Guide

5 Common Mistakes by First-Time Investors Make

Investing usually seems like a stress-free side hustle. However, first-time investors often find that the truth is far from this myth. Investing takes time, effort and patience. Investing in the stock market can be tricky and can cost you lots of money if not paid attention to.

Different Types of Investment

2020 and COVID the pandemic highlighted the importance of savings and investments. When salaried employees lost their jobs in India and across the world, savings and other investments proved crucial for those who had made the right decisions early in their careers.

Long Term Investment vs Short Term Investment

In financial markets, there is no alternative for quick wealth creation. Investing is the long-drawn process, where patience, commitment and close attention are required. Your capital can be invested in the short term and long term.

What is Commodity Market?

If you thought that the equity market was the only financial market in the world, then you’re in for a surprise. As a matter of fact, there are a couple of other financial markets that are as popular as the stock market - the currency market and the commodities market

What is NSDL?

The National Securities Depository Limited is a financial entity set up to hold securities in the form of tangible or non-physical certificates. It's like a bank account system for securities like bonds and shares, in the form of either tangible or intangible certificates. It was set up to facilitate the fast transfer of securities.

Investment Guide for Beginners

The stock market is a dynamic entity with scores of patterns, trends, and movements, most of them highly unpredictable. It is not a place to randomly invest in stocks based on your gut instinct. Here, people with an understanding of the complex system and subsystems manage to survive and make profits.

5 Things to Know About Loan Against Demat Shares

Whether it is to meet financial emergencies or fulfil certain short-term or long-term goals, availing of a loan has become easier and acceptable than ever before. However, with such high demand for loans, they are accompanied with high-interest rates that make them unapproachable and unaffordable for numerous people.

Difference Between NSDL and CDSL

The process of buying and selling shares is possible in India because of depositories and as an investor, it is important to know about the two functioning depositories.

Tips for NRIs to Invest in Indian Stock Markets

If you are an NRI and want to select the best investment avenues in India, then stocks may be the right thing for you. Indian stock markets have the third largest investor base globally—after the USA and Japan.

What is the Right Time to Invest in Stocks?

Whether you are a newcomer or an experienced hand, the eternal question in trading is always - what is the best time to buy (or sell) stocks?