List of Share market Articles

Share Market Guide

Difference between Shares and Mutual Fund

Shares and Mutual Funds are the most popular investment instruments in the financial market. Investing in shares means that you are investing directly in equity markets, while Mutual Fund investments mean a professional fund manager is investing for you in either equity funds or debt funds.

Know the Difference Between Shares and Bonds

Financial experts recommend that investors should have a diverse portfolio where they invest in both equity and debt. It can allow them to mitigate their losses if one asset class goes through a bear market.

How to Pick Stocks?

The journey of most stock investors begins by first opening a trading and Demat account online with a credible broking company. However, after the first step of being eligible

Difference Between Equity Market and Debt Market

As an investor in the stock market, you should be aware of the basic terminology used to describe various elements to make an informed decision about what to invest in and how to go about it.

What is the Consolidated Account Statement (CAS)?

The Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) gives an investor all the necessary details about his investment holdings and mutual fund transactions in an orderly, simplified manner, into one consolidated document.

Basic Concepts of Trading and Demat Accounts

A Demat or dematerialized account is where you hold your shares in an electronic format. Once you open an online Demat Account, you will get a Demat Account number which you quote while conducting the sale or purchase of stocks.

The Five Biggest Stock Market Myths

Investors in India have been approaching the share market with caution and hesitation, the major reason behind this being the various myths and misconceptions about the share market.

How Does the Stock Market Works?

A stock market is a platform where you can invest in various financial instruments, including shares, bonds, futures and derivatives. Irrespective of your choice of investment, the stock market is more than equipped to offer you the

How Brokerage Charges are Calculated in the Stock Market?

While trading in the stock market, knowing about the various charges, including brokerage charges, and how these charges are respectively calculated is mandatory. Once you open a Demat Account and a Trading Account, you are all set to trade in

What are Bonus Shares?

As a new-age investor, it is vital to be aware of the fundamentals of the stock market before starting your investment journey. Along with being well-versed in the market dynamics, you must know about the key concepts of the stock markets.