List of Share market Articles

Share Market Guide

What Are Secured Premium Notes?

To meet its long term and short term needs of finance, a company may issue various kinds of securities to raise funds from public. A company may decide to issue securities because it needs start up capital or to repay debts or even to expand. It may also need an infusion of new management ideas and know-how.

What Is A Commercial Paper?

In the global money market, commercial paper is an unsecured promissory note with a fixed maturity of 1 to 364 days. But most of us are unaware of the meaning of the term commercial paper.

Decoding The Correlation Between Currency Value And Stock Market Movement

Over a longer time frame, the Indian rupee has generally followed a weakening pattern. That is due to the inflation differential between India and the US. The Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) is based on the premise that in order to remain competitive, the INR has to weaken to the extent of the inflation differential.

What is the difference between bonus and stock split?

Both bonus and splits entail a small tweaking of your capital base. In case of bonus, the company issues fresh shares to the existing shareholders by capitalizing the profits held in the free reserves of the company.

Five trading strategies in a highly volatile market

Volatile markets require certain trading strategies. Managing risk by setting stop losses or trading options are examples. Here are five of them.

Pros and cons of long-term trading

The definition of long-term is a subjective topic. This is because the term means one thing for day traders and another for buy-and-hold investors. Here, we will discuss the pros and cons of long-term trading from a buy-and-hold investors point of view, which could easily mean holding the security for over 20 years.

Preference Shares

Among various types of stocks, this blog details a type of stock called Preference Shares. In your quest of achieving your financial goals through equity investing, understanding preference shares will prove vital in making informed investment decisions.

How to activate Margin Trading Facility?

Remember that the margin trading facility requires you to activate margin trading facility once at the beginning. You don't need to do it each time. There are various ways of activating your margin trading.

Fll Investment in Stock Exchanges

Foreign Institutional Investors (Flls)

5 Reasons why investors fail in stock market

Investing in stocks based on the price trends and not bothering about the business is a big reason for failure at the stock market. Sometimes decisions based on the price of stocks might be deceptive and can cause loss to the investor.