List of Share market Articles

Share Market Guide

What Is CRR, Repo And Reverse Repo Rate?

Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is the amount of funds that banks have to maintain with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) at all times. If the central bank decides to increase the CRR, the amount available with the banks for disbursal comes down.

What Is SGX Nifty?

As a trader, you are not just limited to trading in derivatives in the Indian stock exchanges but can also trade in the same in via SGX Nifty.

What is GTT Order (Good Till Triggered)

Good - Till Triggered (GTT) orders are basically a price alert based order placement or trigger based orders. When a pre-set trigger (Entry Price) is breached, only then the order is placed with exchange to execute the order.

What does Away-from-the-Market Mean?

A limit order where the desired price to execute the trade is different from the prevailing market price of the security is called the away-from-the-market.

What does At-the-Market Mean?

A type of market order that instructs the broker to execute the transaction in the capital markets at the best available price is called the at-the-market order.

Understanding Do Not Reduce

Do not reduce means the investor’s price conviction is not affected by the security’s dividend payment. If an order is specified as do not reduce or DNR, the price order remains unaltered to a dividend payment.

What is a Joint-Stock Company?

A joint-stock company is a business organization jointly owned by the company’s stockholders. The ownership percentage of each shareholder depends on the number of shares they hold. In a public joint-stock company, the stocks are traded on the stock exchange.

What is Freed Up?

Freed Up is the post-lock-up IPO period, which lasts anywhere between 90 to 180 days. During this time frame, the underwriters cease to take up selling of shares at the decided price.

What Does Above the Market Mean?

Traders and investors in the market aim to amplify their profit. They leverage various investment strategies to achieve their profit goal.

What is Flotation?

Flotation is a process where a private company goes public by issuing new shares and acquiring finance from external sources, such as the general public or a group of investors.