List of Tax saving tax planning Articles

tax saving(tax planning)

What is disability deduction, and how is it deducted from income?

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it abundantly clear that medical expenses are heavy and always on the rise.

What is the national pension system? Can I save tax if I invest in NPS?

Retirement: the twilight years of your life. Whether your retirement will be peaceful or not, depends on the bank balance you have managed to accumulate through your working life.

What tools and calculators can you use for tax saving?

At the end of the financial year, every earning individual has one thing on their mind: income tax filing.

Which are the best tax saving instruments in India?

Paying taxes is an inevitable part of being a working-class citizen or entrepreneur/business owner.

How can I reduce my taxable income?

Everyone wants to save more, and create a financially stable future that covers every expense even without a regular source of income.

The Need & Importance of Early Tax Planning

Saving money by reducing your tax liability requires groundwork. It’s called tax planning.

How is Income Tax Calculated?

Many people are amateurs in the whole gamut of calculating income tax, paying taxes, filing returns, tax saving, etc.

What are the types of direct and indirect tax?

The tax structure in India is a three-tier which includes the Central Government, State Governments and Local Authorities.

Tax Savings Strategies: How can you save tax through your investments

As an earning individual, paying taxes is inevitable. The government uses this amount to pay for the country’s development in various aspects such as healthcare, transportation, defence etc.

What is Tax Deduction?

The revenue stream to the Indian government that helps maintain various aspects of the country is through the taxes paid by the citizens.