Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, read with Part A of Schedule III of the said Regulations, we wish to inform you that, 1. Mr. Balakrishna Kumar, Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company has resigned from the said post with effect from close of working hours on Monday, May 09, 2022.2. The Board of Directors of the Company at its Meeting held on February 11, 2022, had approved the appointment of Mr. Parthasarathy Iyengar as Company Secretary and Compliance Officer with effect from the date of his joining the Company i.e. Tuesday, May 10, 2022.The disclosure pursuant to provisions of Regulation 30 (7) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, read with SEBI Circular CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated 9th September, 2015 for appointment of Mr. Parthasarathy Iyengar as a Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company, is enclosed herewith.You are requested to take the same on record.
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