How Much Does a Sub-broker Earn in India?

Everyone looks to invest their savings to multiply their wealth. As the stock market and its included financial instruments are the ideal options, there has been an unprecedented demand for sub-brokers who can assist investors in managing their investments effectively. This demand is also the core reason for people to switch their professions and become a sub-broker. However, to become one, you must be aware of how much a sub-broker earns in India.

This blog will allow you to learn about sub-broker earnings.

Who is a sub-broker?

According to the definition on the National Stock Exchange, a sub-broker acts on behalf of a Trading Member (a stockbroking firm) as an agent. A sub-broker is a person that functions similar to a broker but works as the middleman between two parties; the customer and the main broker.

While a stockbroker is a middleman between an investor and the stock exchange, a sub-broker is the middleman between the stockbroker and the investor. The job of a sub-broker is to mediate between the broker and client and assist the client in various activities such as financial transactions and paperwork. The role of a sub-broker is to assist investors with respect to their dealings in shares and other securities via the stockbroking firm.

If you are wondering about the role of a sub-broker franchise and how much a sub-broker earns in India, read on.


  • While brokers  are stock exchange members and work independently, a sub-broker is a middle person between the broker and the client. So, if you were to take up a sub-broker franchise, your income would depend on the pricing model of the broker.

  • The brokerage could have a percentage-based model. For example, if your client buys 10 shares of a company and each share costs Rs 100, the transaction cost is Rs 10 x 100 = Rs 1,000. So, the brokerage could charge 0.5 per cent of it as the fee, which is Rs 5. Your sub-broker income could then be a percentage of this amount. The greater your transactions, the more your earnings per month. This means it helps to have a wide client base apart from a good partner/broker.

  • The brokerage could also charge a lump sum for a transaction. The broker could set a certain fee irrespective of the transaction being taken up.

  • The brokerage could have a combination of the lump sum and the percentage-based model, wherein there is a set fee for a specific transaction amount and then a percentage charged once that level is crossed.

  • In all these scenarios, how much a sub-broker earns in India is calculated as a percentage of the total brokerage fee. This percentage could vary from brokerage to brokerage and can go up to 60 per cent of the brokerage fees.

When you become a sub-broker (Authorised person), you are responsible for doing all the hard work, involving researching companies, tracking the performance of stocks and taking on the burden of the client’s investments. This is why the earnings of a sub-broker (Also known as Authorised person) can go up to 60 per cent of the brokerage fee if you choose an ideal broker such as IIFL. As IIFL sub-broker earnings are the highest in the financial industry.

However, it is important to note that the sub-broker cannot charge a client directly and can only earn from the broker. Also, as a sub-broker, you may not require to set apart an initial investment in terms of office space and staff for a seamless customer experience.

Benefits of partnering with the right broker such as IIFL

  • If you are a sub-broker franchise, how much a sub-broker earns in India depends on the broker you choose to work with. Choosing the apt broker matters a great deal because as a sub-broker, your sub-broker earnings depend on the earnings of the broker. A good brokerage partner helps you with a secure client shifting and migration process. This is useful because as a sub-broker you may already have a wide database of existing clients and you may want to shift them to the current platform.

  • If you are looking for the right partner, it is time you looked at IIFL Securities to partner and grow as a sub-broker. You will get an IIFL sub-broker login and you can benefit from a high revenue-sharing model and an efficient tech platform through IIFL sub-broker earnings. Furthermore, you will also have access to infrastructure and risk management, branding and marketing support.

Work On Your Strengths And Abilities

The amount a sub-broker earns depends on the product range you offer. If you choose the right partner and open a franchise, you will be able to offer a range of products to suit different clients. These could be equities, currencies, IPOs, commodities or mutual funds. The greater your range, the wider your clientele and the higher your opportunities for a substantial income.

As a sub-broker, your success and income depend largely on building your client network, constantly following up with them and helping them with tips and guidance on their investment choices. Therefore, building your knowledge of the market is very important and is a great investment. Your ability to offer value, trust and efficient services also affects your income.


How much a sub-broker earns in India entirely depends on the right broker. A sub-broker can earn nearly 60 per cent of the income a broker makes on any given transaction provided it is the right broker such as IIFL. The more established the broker and their system, the better it is for the sub-broker. Choosing the right partner is at the heart of earning a good sub-broker income. An IIFL sub-broker login is all you need to partner with a broker who offers excellent tech support, infrastructure and secure client management and migration processes. With that, you can attract a wider client base and boost your income.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: You can apply to get a certificate from the National Institute of Securities Market (NISM). You will have to clear an exam including modules such as equities, commodities, mutual funds etc.

Ans: The financial products are:

  1. Equities

  2. IPOs

  3. Mutual Funds

  4. PMS

  5. NCDs

  6. Bonds

  7. Insurance Products

  8. Fixed DepositsM

Ans: As sub-brokers are not trading members, they can not charge brokerage fees. However, they are given a commission on the total transaction value done by their clients. There is no cap on the amount of commission a sub-broker can earn.

Becoming a sub-broker can be profitable depending on various factors such as market conditions, the sub-broker’s skills, network, and the brokerage firm’s support. Sub-brokers earn commissions on trades executed by clients referred to the brokerage firm, which can generate significant income during periods of high trading activity.

However, success also hinges on factors like client acquisition, market knowledge, and effective risk management. Overall, while sub-broking offers income potential, success requires dedication, industry knowledge, and the ability to adapt to market dynamics.

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