Alphalogic Tech. Management Discussions


Industrial Structure and Developments

Technology is transforming businesses in every industry around the world in a profound and fundamental way. In fiscal 2023, we saw emerging technologies, like generative AI, 5G, Low Code No Code, shape the future of industries. Responsible business approaches, including embracing ESG, have gained traction. We continue to witness businesses attempting to reimagine their cost structures, increase business resilience and agility, personalize experiences for customers and employees, and launch new and disruptive products and services.

Your Company is engaged in IT Consulting and software development services for its clients across the globe. The Company provides its services in 3 major verticals of business named Healthcare, Fintech & SAAS. The Company is providing services like Product Re-engineering, Mobility, Machine Learning, UI/ UX Consulting, DevOps Services, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Services and other IT based services. The Company has earned an income of Rs. 189.03 Lacs from its business activities for the reporting year which was Rs. 173.19 Lacs in the previous year.

Alphalogic foundation was laid with a motto of "Making Software Simple". Your Company has mastered agile development process over the years, developing 100+ world-class applications. We take pride in our matured process. Each phase of our process focuses on continuous improvement, collaboration, quality, and getting tested shippable product to the market. We use agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban to build amazing applications for our clients.

Outlook and Opportunities

Since the market has again gained its pace, the Management is hopeful that Company will register even higher growth rate in the future as the market of IT based services is increasing rapidly.

The Company is looking to expand and diversify its business activities. The company intends to fulfill its responsibility as a responsible corporate citizen and wishes to expand its business activities in the area of Cleantech which is not only good for the planet but for the company too. Your company is setting up a grain based bio-ethanol production facility at Chandrapur District, Maharashtra and in this respect MIDC has allotted a land in Chandrapur Growth Centre for setting up of Industrial unit for manufacturing of 150 KLPD Ethanol Product, DDGS and other allied products. Your company has received all important Government clearances and permission like Environment clearance, consent to establish (CTE), PESO construction approval, DFPD approval for interest subvention, etc. By setting up the distillery in the Naxal affected, underdeveloped and remotest part of Maharashtra, this project would create jobs, bring development and prosperity in the area. The group by supplying bio- ethanol for blending will help India reduce its dependence on Import of Crude from Oil Producing Countries and reduce the outflow FOREX from our Country. This venture would boost job opportunities and would also encourage indigenous technological development. The company is expanding and diversifying its business activities in such a way that it would result in broader customer base and multiple revenue streams which would foster the growth of your company. The positive results of which will be seen in the years to come.

Risk and concerns and threats

Profitability may be affected on account of competition from existing and prospective service providers of the Companys services and products. The Company is exposed to risks from change in policy of similar companies which are major players in the IT services-based market for the companys services product, further increase in input costs, higher levies, and changes in Govt. Policies/ Laws of land, etc. may affect profitability of the Company.

Internal control system and their adequacy

The Company maintains adequate internal control systems, which provide reasonable assurance of recording the transactions of its operations in all material respects and of providing protection against significant misuse or loss of company assets and compliance with applicable laws and regulations, etc. The adequacy of the same has been reported by the statutory auditors of your Company in their report.

Financial and operational performance

The performance of the Company for the financial year 2022-23 in comparison to previous year is summarized below:

(Rs. in Lacs except EPS)



As on 31st March

As on 31st March
Particulars 2023 2022 2023
T Revenue from Operations and Other Income 503.68 485.90 2296.66
Profit/ (Loss) before depreciation and tax 256.61 230.00 557.57
Less: - Depreciation 2.62 3.10 11.06
Profit/ (Loss) Before Tax 253.98 226.90 546.51
Less: - Tax Expenses for Current Year 66.34 54.00 139.38
Less: - Deferred Tax (1.39) (0.30) (0.64)
Profit after Tax 189.03 173.20 407.76
Total Other Comprehensive Income (72.98) (48.31) (72.99)
Total Comprehensive Income for the Period 116.05 124.89 334.78
Total Comprehensive income for the period attributable to
Controlling Interest - - 267.71
Non Controlling Interest - - 67.07
Profit / (Loss) Carried to Balance Sheet 116.05 124.89 334.78
Earnings per share (EPS)
Basic 0.56 0.54 1.19
Diluted 0.55 0.54 1.17
Face Value per Share (In Rs.) 5 5 5

The company is focusing on better utilization of resources, cost optimization techniques and technological enhancements to increase the operational performance of the company which will ultimately contribute to overall growth of the organization.

Material development in Human & Other Resources / Industrial Relations Front

Your Company considers the quality of its human resources to be the most important asset and constantly endeavors to attract and recruit best possible talent. Our training programs emphasize on general management perspective to business. The Company continues to empower its people and provide a stimulating professional environment to its officers to excel in their respective functional disciplines.

The industrial relations of the Company continue to remain harmonious and cordial with focus on improving productivity and quality. The total number of employees on roll during the year under review were twelve including Executive Directors on standalone basis.


The key financial ratios along with the comparative changes and requisite details forms part of the balance sheet forming part of this annual report.

Disclosure in Accounting Treatment

For the financial year 2022-23, Indian Accounting Standards are applicable to the company. In the preparation of financial statements, no different treatment from that prescribed in applicable Accounting Standard has been followed.

Cautionary Statement

Statements in this Management Discussion and Analysis Report describing the Companys objectives, projections, estimates and expectations may constitute "forward looking statements" within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Actual results might differ materially from those either expressed or implied.

For and on Behalf of Board of Directors ALPHALOGIC TECHSYS LIMITED

Anshu Goel Neha Goel
Date: 11-August-2023 Managing Director Director
Place: Pune DIN:08290775 DIN: 08290823