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Anmol India Ltd Management Discussions

Jul 22, 2024|01:59:43 PM

Anmol India Ltd Share Price Management Discussions

Global Economic Overview

Global goods trade growth slowed in the first half of 2023 in tandem with weakening global industrial Production Pressures on global supply chains have abated as goods demand has weakened and global shipping conditions have improved. The global supply chain pressures index and suppliers delivery times reached their lowest levels in almost four years in the first half of 2023 and are expected to remain low.

During the pandemic, trade growth was supported by a shift in the composition of demand toward tradable goods and away from services, which are less trade-intensive.

The gradual rotation of demand back to its pre-pandemic composition is now slowing trade growth as is the fact that the recovery in China is expected to be predominantly driven by services, which will limit positive spill overs to its trading partners through demand for goods and commodities. The growing number of restrictive trade measures reflects a rising degree of geopolitical tensions and attempts by some major economies to follow more inward-looking policies. In the longer term, this will likely reshape global supply chains and increase trade costs.

As the global consumption pattern gradually reverts to its pre-pandemic balance between goods and services, trade is expected to recover to 2.8% in 2024, showing a modest improvement aligned with GDP growth. The trade outlook is subject to various downside risks, including weaker-than-expected global demand, tighter global financial conditions, worsening trade tensions between major economies, mounting geopolitical uncertainty.

Global inflation

Persistent high inflation in advanced economies seems to be primarily fuelled by excess demand, as supply chain pressures ease and energy prices decline. However, there may still be lingering constraints on supply capacity that contribute to the inflationary pressures. In Europe, the role of energy prices is particularly significant, as the pass-through of these costs into overall prices could further contribute to inflation persistence. The sunsetting of fiscal programs that have mitigated price spikes for end-users may exacerbate this situation. Furthermore,the absence of economic slack may empower firms and workers to exert pricing power, resulting in inflation becoming more responsive to changes in economic activity. (Source World Bank Group June 2023)

Global trade remains under pressure due to geopolitical tensions, weakening global demand and tighter monetary and fiscal policies.

Overview of the Indian Economy

Indias robust economic growth in the first quarter of FY 2022-23 propelled it past the UK, securing its position as the worlds fifth-largest economy. Overcoming the challenges posed by successive waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, India has shown remarkable resilience. Notably, the real GDP in the first quarter of 2022-23 stands at approximately 4% higher than the corresponding period in 2019-20, indicating a strong and promising start to Indias recovery from the pandemics impact.

With the pent-up demand being unleashed and the widespread vaccination coverage, it is expected that the contact-intensive services sector will be the key driver of Indias economic development in 2022-2023. This sector, benefiting from increased consumer spending and improved confidence, is poised to play a significant role in Indias overall economic resurgence. (Source https://www.ibef.org)

The Economic Survey mentioned that National Logistics Policy would ease the domestic frictions to encourage Indian exports by reducing the cost of internal logistics. It also says that the latest Free Trade Agreements, such as with UAE and Australia, would address the external frictions by creating opportunities for exports at concessional tariffs and non-tariff barriers. Thus, the whole ecosystem would evolve in an export-friendly manner over time.

The Economic Survey observes that apart from the elevated crude oil prices, the revival of economic activity contributed to an increase in imports. Petroleum, crude & products; electronic goods; coal, coke & briquettes, etc.; machinery, electrical & non-electrical and gold were among the top import items. It mentions that while continued softening of the global commodity price outlook would assist moderate imports going forward, non-gold, non-oil imports may not decelerate significantly.

India has the potential to cater to the global demand for several products in a cost effective manner.

Economic Survey tabled in the Parliament stated that Industry sector withessed modest growth of 4.1 per cent in FY23 compared to the strong growth of 10.3 per cent in FY22. It explained that this is likely on account of input cost-push pressures, supply chain disruptions and the China lockdown impacting the availability of essential inputs and slowing the global economy.

The Survey highlighted that the PLI schemes are set to unlock manufacturing capacity, boost exports, reduce import dependence and lead to job creation for both skilled and unskilled labour. The Survey was optimistic that easing input prices and conducive demand conditions will support overall Industrial growth. (Source Economic Survey 2023)

Coal Industry Overview

Government of India has been placed in a better position to caterto excess energy demand. It further added that the coal industry is expected to grow at 6-7 per cent annually to reach a production level of 1 billion tonnes by FY26 and about 1.5 billion tonnes by 2030.

Coal demand grows across much of Asia due to its affordability and availability. India sees the largest increase of any country, although the rate of growth is slowing, dampened by a large-scale expansion of renewables and the use of supercritical technology in new coal power plants. Significant increases in coal use are also expected in Indonesia, Vietham, Philippines, Malaysia and Pakistan.

Coal in China accounts for ~14% of global primary energy, the largest around in the world. Developments in the Chinese coal sector have the potential to affect coal, gas and electricity prices across the world, for instance through inter-fuel substitution or regional arbitrage. This puts Chinas coal sector at the centre of the global energy stage. While China accounts for nearly half of the worlds coal consumption, its clean-air measures are set to constrain Chinese coal demand going forward. We forecast Chinese coal demand to fall by around ~3% over the period.

Meanwhile, in a growing number of countries, the phase out of coal-fired generation is a key policy goal. But market trends are proving resistant to change.

The story of coal is a tale of two worlds with climate action policies and economic forces leading to closing coal power plants in some countries, while coal continues to play a part in securing access to affordable energy in others,” said Keisuke Sadamori, Director of Energy Markets and Security at the IEA. “For many countries, particularly in South and Southeast Asia, it is looked upon to provide energy security and underpin economic development.

Global Investment in coal to rise

When looking at whats ahead for the sector, China and India are likely to boost domestic coal production, which could have a bearish impact on US seaborne coal demand, according to S&P Global Commodity Insights.

Investment in new coal-fired power plants remains on a declining trend, but a warning sign came in 2022 with 40 GW of new coal plants being approved the highest figure since 2016. Almost all of these were in China, reflecting the high political priority attached to energy security after severe electricity market strains in 2021 and 2022, even as China deploys a range of low-emission technologies at scale. Robust coal demand and high prices during the global energy crisis are also feeding through into higher global investment. Coal investment increased to USD 135 billion globally in 2022 and is expected to rise to nearly USD 150 billion in 2023. Nearly 90% of this investment takes place in the Asia Pacific region, notably in China and India where both countries have looked to expand production and develop new coal mines.

Global coal demand reached an all-time high in 2022, with prices rising to unprecedented levels in October 2021 and reaching record highs on several occasions in 2022. Globally, coal investment increased to USD 135 billion in 2022, a 20% increase on 2021 levels. Almost 90% of investment occurred in the Asia Pacific region, predominantly in China and India.

The majority of coal investment in 2022 was used to maintain production at existing mines, with smaller amounts used to expand production at brownfield developments. New greenfield projects are limited in most parts of the world amid investor and company concerns over the impacts of coal on climate change, environmental social and corporate governance issues, slow permitting and public opposition limiting the availability of finance. The exception to this is China and India, where energy security concerns and power shortages have led to the development of new mines as well as the expansion of existing mines.

India is expected to see the largest increase in coal demand, followed by the EU at ~6 percent and China at ~0.4 percent.

What is the reason for increasing coal demand?

• A shortage of natural gas due to Russias invasion of Ukraine was the primary reason for coal demand soaring, with a 2% increase in coal use for electricity production.

• Despite bold climate pledges from a plethora of major world powers, it seems that many are unable to break their addiction to coal, as consumption is set to hit an all-time high.

• Several countries have launched climate strategies that include the phasing out of coal production and use over the coming decades, however with gas shortages and a long road to getting enough renewable energy operations running to meet global demand, many continue to rely on coal for power and industry.

• Iron and steel production uses coal and there are not many technologies to replace the fuel immediately. One can say that coal is backbone of both the steel and cement industries.

• Continued expansion of Indias economy is expected during 2023-2024, with annual average GDP growth of 6.3 %, fuelled at least partially by coal.

• Indias push to domestic coal mining through both Coal India and auction of coal blocks to private companies, coal usage in India will increase as it plateaus in other parts of the world, including China.

• The central government has opened up coal mining for the private sector, claiming it as one of its most ambitious coal sector reforms. The government anticipates that it will bring efficiency and competition in coal production, attract investments and best-in-class technology, and help create more jobs in the coal sector.

• Plans for increasing power generation capacity and increasing electricity demand in India, in line with rapidly growing industrial and infrastructural development activities, are expected to drive the market.

India aims to become an economy of USD 5 trillion by 2024, with investing heavily in infrastructure. It is expected to boost the energy demand for industry and for electricity production. Although India has succeeded in bringing some form of electricity access to almost all of its citizens, the countrys per capita power consumption is still low, giving it a significant scope to grow.

Indian Coal Market

Coal is the most important and abundant fossil fuel in India. It accounts for 55% of the countrys energy need. The countrys industrial heritage was built upon indigenous coal.

Commercial primary energy consumption in India has grown by about 700% in the last four decades. The current per capita commercial primary energy consumption in India is about 350 kgoe/year which is well below that of developed countries. Driven by the rising population, expanding economy and a quest for improved quality of life, energy usage in India is expected to rise. Considering the limited reserve potentiality of petroleum & natural gas, eco-conservation restriction on hydel project and geo-political perception of nuclear power, coal will continue to occupy centre-stage of India s energy scenario.

Indian coal offers a unique ecofriendly fuel source to domestic energy market for the next century and beyond. Hard coal deposit spread over 27 major coalfields, are mainly confined to eastern and south-central parts of the country. The lignite reserves stand at a level around 36 billion tonnes, of which 90 % occur in the southern State of Tamil Nadu.

The Coal Ministry has announced that the government has fixed a target of 1.31 billion tonnes (BT) of coal production for FY 2024-25, adding that the same will go up to 1.5 BT by FY30. This comes as Indias domestic coal production has increased by over 16 per cent in the current financial year as energy demand continues to rise. From April 2022 to January 2023, India produced 698.25 MT of coal, against 601.97 MT during the same period of the previous year. In April last year, Indias power demand touched a record high of 216 GW, up 6 per cent year-on-year, as several regions in the North faced severe heatwaves.

The Ministry has been actively engaging with various state governments and Central government agencies both for starting new coal mines and also for increasing coal production in the currently operational mines. As a result of such initiatives, production from captive and commercial coal mines has increased to 93.22 MT in April2022 to Janaury2023 period of FY 22-23 from 71.31 MT in the same period of FY 21-22, showing a growth of more than 30 per cent. In FY23 so far, Coal Indias production alone has increased by over 15 per cent to 550.93 MT against 478.12 MT last year. The government ramped up domestic production amid a sharp increase in power consumption last year in India, which is the worlds third-largest energy-consuming country.

India is among the top five coal-producing countries in the world. However, some parts of its coal requirement are met through imports as the country is also among the major consumers of the dry fuel Indias import of coal rose 22% year-on-year in fiscal 2023, after witnessing a consistent fall over the last three years. The imports have risen, even as domestic coal production has gone up by 23% in the last five years. The increase in imports in FY23 compares with imports of 208.9 million tonne in FY22; 215.25 million tonne in FY21; and 248.54 million tonne in FY20. The data indicates that the imports are back to pre-Covid levels of over 240 million tonne.

The increase is primarily led by steam or thermal coal imports that rose 28.5% year-on-year to 161.74 million tonne, on higher demand from the power sector. The imports are likely to be higher in FY24, and power consumption is also projected to grow in double digits in the coming months, in view of unprecedented demand forecast by the Ministry of Power. Peak power demand is projected to grow to 229 GW by June this year, which compares with the peak of 215 GW a year ago.

(Million tonnes)

Coking Coal 51.83 51.20 57.16 56.05 4.59
Non-Coking Coal 196.70 164.05 151.77 181.62 14.62
Total Coal Import 248.53 215.25 208.93 237.67 19.21
Coke 2.88 2.46 2.48 3.63 0.24

*Import upto Apr, 2023 (Source:-DGCI&S)

Business Overview

Anmol India Limited is a leading provider of imported coal in India. Established. In 1988, the Companys history in the trading of coal spans over three decades. The Company is a one-stop solution for all coal needs or services. Anmol India Ltd is also one of the very few coal companies which uses new age technologies to optimize the supply chain. Company intends to improve its supply chain even more and develop such a robust technological supply chain stack so that when introducing new commodities we can have the same competitive edge as Coal.

Anmol India Ltd has designed a new version of the tech platform "Anmol Coal" which is one of its kind in the coal industry. The objective is to revolutionize the way coal is sold on stock & sale basis. Anmol Coal mobile app helps users understand the market better by not only publicizing the market prices but the terms & conditions associated with a particular price point. This helps user get a better picture of the market. The app takes bids from users and then allocates quantity based on best bids. This mobile app is a major element of modern technology for retail sector and will give us a competitive edge as it will make our services more accessible to the users. Through this app we can engage higher level of retail customers.

Being a client centric organization, we strive hard to offer superior quality products to our respected patrons. Backed with the team of dexterous and experienced professionals, we never accept any sort of compromise with the quality of our products. To maintain the quality standard of the product our professionals follow established norms and guidelines of the industry.

Anmol India Limited is exploring new opportunities in the Chemical related products and steel related products like Iron Ore, Iron Pellet, Met Coke etc. By exploring new opportunities in the steel and chemical- related products markets and leveraging synergies with our existing client base, we aim to broaden our business horizons and solidify our position as a major player in the global trading arena. The Company is focusing on investments in new products, to expand into new demographics and to identify & secure strategic partnerships and collaborations within the chemical and steel-related products sectors. This expansion is set to unlock significant growth potential for the Company, as the demand for steel and chemical-related products continues to surge worldwide.

Strengths and Opportunities

• Quality tested products from reputed independent agencies (like SGS, HRT etc).

• We believe that we are well positioned for the principal competitive factors in our business. We offer end- to end service offering. We are adding the benefit of coordination and collaboration with shipping and transport companies, vendors and suppliers. It will improve our Companys system responsiveness to the actual customers requirements which further reduces risks.

• Unique Mix of Customer: 70% Trader and 30% End User. Traders help in advance booking, risk mitigation and quick inventory turnover. End user help in better margin and inventory turnover in bearish market.

• Anmol India Ltd has introduced a new version of tech platform "Anmol Coal" which is one of its kind in the coal industry as the app helps users understand the market better by not only publicizing the market prices but the terms & conditions associated with a particular price point.

• Strong Cash Flows that provide resources in the hand of the Company to plan its expansion.

• Strong Distribution Network- over the years the Company has built a reliable distribution network that can reach majority of its potential market.

• Companys system responsiveness to the actual customers requirements which further helps in establishing long term relationships.

• As small scale manufacturing units is increasing, the market size is ever increasing.

• As imported coal is washed and cheaper, more and more industries are shifting to this fuel.

Internal Control Systems and their adequacy

Anmol India Ltd believes that internal control is one of the key pillars of governance. It provides freedom to the management within a structure of appropriate checks and balances. The Company has a proper and adequate system of internal financial controls, commensurate with its size and business operation. It ensures timely and accurate financial reporting in accordance with applicable accounting standards, safeguarding of assets against unauthorized use or disposition and compliance with all applicable regulatory laws and Company policies. Internal Auditors of the Company review the internal financial control systems on a regular basis for its effectiveness, and necessary changes and suggestions are duly incorporated into the system.

The Companys internal control environment warrants efficient conduct of operations, security of assets, prevention and detection of frauds/ errors, accuracy and completeness of accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial information.

Financial Performance

During the FY 2022-23, Revenue from operations recorded a healthy growth of 33.12% from Rs.1059.39 Crin FY22to Rs.1410.24 Cr in FY23. The EBITDA increased by 32.74% from Rs.27.52 Cr in FY22 to Rs.36.53 Cr in FY23. PAT stood at Rs. 18.66 Cr in FY23 as compared to Rs.15.55 Cr in FY22 witnessing a growth of 20% . EPS increased by 19.90% from Rs. 13.67 in FY22 compared to Rs. 16.39 in FY23.

We believe that our strong track record of financial performance and steady cash flows from our operations provide us with sufficient resources, support our working capital requirements service our existing debt on a timely basis and maintain a healthy level of cash on our balance sheet.

Weaknesses and Threats

• Increased competition from cleaner fuel sources are chipping away at coals dominant market share.

Cleaner alternatives are getting cheaper.

• We import our Coal from outside of India and payment of these purchases is made in foreign currency. Changes in value of currencies with respect to Rupee may cause fluctuations in our operating results expressed in rupees. Hence, we mitigate the risk by hedging the dollars or by passing the dollar risk to traders as much as possible.

• Policy uncertainty continues to be an issue

• Foreign Investment in mining sector

Human Resources

The Company considers its human capital to be the most important asset and treats its people with respect and dignity in all situations. The team is a balanced mix of experience and youth which allows a holistic approach to varied situations. Employee knowledge enrichment is a core value of the organization, and focus has been placed on training and development of the Companys human capital. Our endeavour is to provide a work environment where continuous learning and development takes place to meet the changing demands and priorities of the business. The Company offers employee-friendly policies, industry benchmarked compensation, learning and career growth opportunities, and empathetic health and safety initiatives so that employees feel motivated to perform at their best.

Our people have always been one of our most valued stakeholders and key differentiators.

Key Financial Ratios

Particulars FY 23 FY 22 Remarks

Debtors Turnover Ratio

67.89 53.42

Higher Ratio Implies Companys collection of accounts is efficient and that it has a high proportion of quality customers who pay their debts quickly.

Inventory Turnover Ratio

28.03 75.61

Receipt of Inventory in the last quarter of financial year decreases the inventory turnover ratio.

Interest Coverage Ratio

3.32 4.27

Increase in interest rates, decreases the interest coverage ratio

Current Ratio

1.32 1.46

Generally, a current ratio below 1.00 could indicate that a company might struggle to meet its short-term obligations, whereas ratios of above 1.00 might indicate a company is able to pay its current debts as they come due.

Debt Equity Ratio

0.51 0.66

The higher debt equity ratio indicates increasing the debt & lower capital base of company.

Operating Profit Margin (%)

2.59 2.60

The operating margin measures how much profit a company makes on the revenue of the company after paying for variable costs of production, such as wages and raw materials, but before paying interest, depreciation and taxes.

Net Profit Margin (%)

1.32% 1.47%

Due to increase in interest cost and other cost which are beyond the control of the business, the net profit margin decreases.

Return on Net Worth%

23.59% 25.78%

Net Worth Ratio decreases due to increase in interest cost which is beyond the control of business.

Cautionary Statements

This Management Discussion & Analysis report makes forward looking statements based on certain assumptions and expectations of future events over which Anmol India Limited exercises no control. Anmol India Limited cannot guarantee their accuracy nor can it warrant that the same will be realized. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implies. There are various macroeconomic which could impact the operations of Anmol India Limited.

By Order of Board of Director
For Anmol India Limited
Sd/- Sd/-
Chakshu Goyal Vijay Kumar
Whole Time Director Managing Director & CFO
DIN: 03126756 DIN: 00574900
Date: 13% July, 2023
Place: Ludhiana

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