Arihants Secur. Management Discussions


a) Overview, Industry Structure, Development and Outlook

Our Company is concentrating mostly on Trading in Shares and also on Loan financing. The growth of the industry had faced very critical times due to depreciation in the Indian rupee and partly due to political reasons. So the Stock markets and other financial sectors had gone through very tough times and had to content with the stagnation. The price rise and other national and International factors have also contributed to the stagnated growth of the Indian Capital Markets. Under the above circumstances, our Companys performance for the year ended was moderate.

The present outlook in the Capital Markets seems to be encouraging when compared to the previous year environment and the Company is expected to do well in the coming years.

b) Business performance and Segment Reporting

The company is presently operating in two identifiable business segments viz., Share Segment and Loan Segment. It operates in one geographical segment; services in India only. The particulars of segment wise revenue, results and capital employed are furnished separately.

c) Internal Control System and its adequacy

The system of internal control has been established to provide reasonable assurance of safeguarding assets and maintenance of proper Accounting records and its accuracy. The business risks and its control procedures are reviewed frequently. Systems audit is also conducted regularly to review the systems with respect to Security and its adequacy. Reports are prepared and circulated to Senior Management and action taken to strengthen controls where necessary.

d) Risk Management

Risk evaluation and management is an ongoing process in the company.

e) Human resources and Industrial relations

Your company continues to have cordial relations with its employees.

f) Cautionary Statement:

Statements in the Management discussion and analysis describing the companys objectives, projections, estimates and expectations may be “forward looking statements” within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied. Important factors that could make a difference to the companys operations include economic conditions affecting demand/supply and prices conditions in the domestic and overseas markets in which the company operates/ going to operate, changes in government regulations, tax laws and other statutes and other incidental factors.