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Goa Carbon Ltd Management Discussions

Jul 3, 2024|12:00:00 AM

Goa Carbon Ltd Share Price Management Discussions



Global Economy

Global real GDP is forecasted to grow by 2.2 percent in 2023, down from 3.3 percent in 2022. Most of the weakness will be concentrated in Europe, Latin America, and the US. Asian economies are expected to drive most of the global growth in 2023, as they benefit from ongoing reopening dynamics and less intense inflationary pressures compared to other regions.

Despite rapid monetary tightening, inflation is proving persistent in many key economies, particularly on the back of strength in job markets amid severe labor shortages. Therefore, monetary policy is likely to remain restrictive throughout most of 2023, despite financial stability concerns. This will act as a break on economic activity and will likely lead to an increase in unemployment rates in various economies, particularly in Europe and the US.

Global real GDP growth should pick up steam in 2024 to 2.5 percent and be more evenly distributed among regions. Tailwinds to growth in 2024 will largely come from fading shocks related to the pandemic, elevated inflation, and monetary policy tightening. However, growth rates in 2024 and beyond are likely to be below the prepandemic trend, given ongoing supply-side weakness (e.g., ageing demographics worldwide and slow productivity growth).

Inflation, while lower than experienced currently, may remain relatively elevated for several reasons, including expected persistence in labor shortages.

The 10-year economic outlook signals a prolonged period of disruptions and uncertainties for businesses, but there are also opportunities. Global growth will return to its slowing trajectory once the 2022-2023 regional recessions end, with mature markets making smaller contributions to global GDP over the next decade. Nonetheless, there are still opportunities for firms to invest in both given their wealth and need for innovation to compensate for shrinking labor forces and emerging markets given their need for both physical and digital infrastructure to support their sizable and young labor forces. Keys to ensuring growth over the longer term include developing new lines of business; strengthening corporate culture; embracing digital transformation and automation; recruiting for talent with new skills not currently represented in the company; and maximizing the hybrid work model where it makes sense.

Source: Conference-board Discussion/topics/global economic outlook


Indian Economy

India’s growth continues to be resilient despite some signs of moderation in growth, says the World Bank. Although significant challenges remain in the India was one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.

Amidst the backdrop of the pandemic and prevailing global economic uncertainties, India stands out in a bright spot. India has been at the forefront of global economic expansion thereby contributing a significant global growth. The central government’s capital expenditure (capex) has been a key driver of India’s economic growth in FY23, with a significant increase of 63. months of FY23. This growth has also helped stimulate private sector capex since the beginning of FY22.

Source: The Indian Economic Survey FY23 Furthermore, with a record-high of $ 3.75 Trillion-mark in FY23, India became the fifth largest economy in the world beating the UK. Anchoring this economic growth momentum, India has witnessed a significant boost in its reputation through a 14% surge in overall exports during FY23, reaching a total value of $ 775.87 Billion, a substantial increase of approximately $ 100 Billion compared to the previous year.

The World Bank has revised its FY23/24 GDP forecast to 6.3 percent from 6.6 percent (December 2022). Growth is expected to be constrained by slower consumption growth and challenging external conditions. Rising borrowing costs and slower income growth will weigh on private consumption growth, and government consumption is projected to grow at a slower pace due to the withdrawal of pandemic-related fiscal support measures.

Although headline inflation is elevated, it is projected to decline to an average of 5.2 percent in FY23/24, amid easing global commodity prices and some moderation in domestic demand. The Reserve Bank of India has withdrawn markets accommodative measures to rein in inflation by hiking the policy interest rate. India’s financial sector also remains strong, buoyed by improvements in asset quality and robust private-sector credit growth.

The central government is likely to meet its fiscal deficit target of 5.9 percent of GDP in FY23/24 and combined with consolidation in state government deficits, the general government deficit is also projected to decline. As a result, the debt-to-GDP ratio is projected to stabilize. On the external front, the current account deficit 2.1 percent of GDP from an estimated 3 percent in FY22/23 on the back of robust service exports and a narrowing merchandise trade deficit.

Source: World Bank Press Release on the Indian Economy-/2023/04/04


Industry Overview

Calcined Petroleum Coke (CPC) is a crucial raw material in the production of aluminum and steel. Approximately 85% of the global CPC supply caters to the Aluminium Industry, while the rest fulfills the requirements of the steel and other allied industries.

The aluminum industry is striving to adopt sustainable alternatives such as low-carbon aluminum and innovating new technologies and alloys to establish itself as the most eco-friendly metal in the world. Aluminum produced through renewable energy sources is expected to gain more importance in the coming years.

Raw Petroleum Coke (RPC) serves as the raw material for CPC and is a by-product of oil refining. The process of“calcining” removes moisture and volatile matter from RPC at high temperatures to produce CPC. The CPC produced by this process is an essential raw material for manufacturing anodes required for aluminum smelting. Without CPC, aluminum smelters cannot produce this recyclable, lightweight, and versatile metal.

There are no commercially viable substitutes for CPC in aluminum smelting. Without calcination, larger volumes of RPC would be burned as a highly emitting fuel for power generation. Additionally, CPC plays a significant production of titanium dioxide, used as the base pigment for construction and automotive paints, as well as in plastics, coatings, cosmetics, toothpaste, and sunscreen. It is also utilized in the production of high-strength steel for infrastructure like bridges and skyscrapers.

CPC is available in two primary qualities: anode-grade CPC, essential for the aluminum smelting process, and industrial-grade CPC used in manufacturing titanium dioxide and other industrial applications. Also known as Recarburizer, it is used to raise the carbon level in the manufacturing process. Anode-grade CPC represents approximately more than 75% of global CPC production, while industrial-grade CPC represents the remaining. About 0.4 tonnes of CPC are and required for every tonne of primary aluminum produced.

China and North America are the dominant producers of CPC, accounting for over 75% ofglobalproduction.China, financial review are intended in particular, continues to hold a significant to remain around 55-60% in the near term. Due to the production-demand gap in the Middle East, Asian calciners are focusing more on the region for surplus capacity.


Company Overview

GCL, Goa Carbon Limited, is the manufacturing flagship Company of the Dempo Group. Since its establishment in 1967, GCL has been a leading player in the processing and manufacture of Calcined Petroleum Coke (CPC) in India. The core of their manufacturing process involves converting Green Petroleum Coke (GPC), a by-product of oil refining, into high-value carbon-based CPC by removing moisture and volatile matter at extremely high temperatures. This critical product serves as a vital raw material for various industries, including aluminium, graphite, titanium dioxide, and refractories.

With three state-of-the-art plants located in strategic regions across India – Goa, Paradeep, and Bilaspur – GCL ensures a robust manufacturing and delivery network. All their plants are proud holders of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications by Bureau Veritas, reflecting the Company’s commitment to quality and environmental standards. The Goa Unit has a licensed capacity to manufacture 100,000 MT of CPC, while the Paradeep and Bilaspur Units have capacities of 168,000 MT and 40,000 MT, respectively.

With the continuing restrictions on the import of GPC by the calciners and the import of CPC by the aluminum smelters which is capped by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India at 1.40 million tonnes per annum and 0.50 million tonnes per annum respectively, the additional requirement of both calciners and smelters will have to be met from domestic supplies within India.

GCL has earned an excellent reputation in the domestic market, supplying to prominent companies such as Hindalco Industries, National Aluminium Co. Ltd., Bharat Aluminium Co. Ltd., Vedanta Aluminium, Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd., Steelrole in the Authority of India Ltd., and several steel plants in the SouthWestern region and Odisha. The Company’s commitment to quality, reliability, and timely deliveries has also garnered the trust of international clients, including Aluminium Pechiney – France, Aluminium of Greece (AOG), SABIC – Saudi Arabia, Dubai Aluminum (DUBAL), Sohar Aluminium Co. – Sultanate of Oman, and ALUCAM – Cameroon.

With a clear focus on quality, sustainability, and meeting customer demands, GCL continues to pave the way as a leading force in the Calcined Petroleum Coke industry, both domestically and internationally. Their strategic plant locations near ports in Goa and Paradeep further enhance efficiencyreinforce their position in their operational the market.


Financial and Operational Review

Thefollowingoperatingand to conveyshare,expected the management’s perspective on the operating and financial performance of the Company for the Financial

Year 2022-23. This should be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements, the schedules and notes thereto and the other information included elsewhere in the Annual Report. The Financial Statements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013, the guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”), in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) and the other accounting principles generally accepted in India.

Some of the Key Financial ratios are given below in percentage, except for earning per share:


As at 31st March 2023

As at 31st March 2022

PAT / Sales



Return on Net Worth



Earnings per share ()



The net cash flow of the Company during the year ended 31.03.2023 is as follows:

Rs in Lakh


As at 31st March 2023

As at 31st March 2022

Cash used in operations



Cash used in investing activities



Cash generated from financial activities



Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year



Details of Key Financial Ratios are given below:

As at 31st March 2023

As at 31st March 2022

Debtors Turnover Ratio



Inventory Turnover Ratio



Interest Coverage Ratio



Current Ratio



Debt Equity Ratio



Operating Profit Margin %



Net Profit Margin %




The Company’s operational performance and financial results are subject to fluctuations from period to period due to several factors (please refer below para on ‘Business Challenges). One significant factor is the delivery schedule of varies over time and impacts the Company’s revenue streams. Additionally, the Company faces challenges in consistently raising selling prices in line with the changing costs of imported raw materials. The FOB price of these materials also experiences substantial variations, adding further complexity to the Company’s pricing strategy.



The outlook is uncertain again amid financial sector turmoil, high inflation,ongoing effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and three years of COVID.

The baseline forecast is for growth to fall from 3.4 percent in 2022 to 2.8 percent in 2023, before settling at 3.0 percent in 2024. Advanced economies are expected to see an especially pronounced growth slowdown, from 2.7 percent in 2022 to 1.3 percent in 2023. In a plausible alternative scenario with further financial sector stress, global growth declines to about 2.5 percent in 2023 with advanced economy growth falling below 1 percent. Global headline inflation in the baseline is set to fall from 8.7 percent in 2022 to 7.0 percent in 2023 on the back of lower commodity prices but underlying (core) inflation is likely to decline more slowly. target is unlikely before 2025 in most cases.

Source: IMF Publications/WEO/Issues/2023/04/11


Business Challenges

At Goa Carbon, we ensure to work towards addressing the potential threats and challenges and thereby minimizing the losses. In addition to the points discussed above, the Company has identified some of the critical business challenges and its mitigation plans that include:


Aluminium Industry

The demand for Calcined Petroleum Coke (CPC) is directly linked to the demand of the aluminium and steel industries.

Approximately 85% of the global CPC supply is dedicated to the aluminium sector, while the remaining caters to steel and other allied industries. As the aluminium industry shifts towards sustainable alternatives like low carbon aluminium and invests in innovative technologies and alloys, the importance of aluminium produced through renewable energy sources is expected to grow significantly in the near future.

Aluminium, the second most utilized metal globally after steel, has experienced remarkable growth, expanding significantly as compared to other returnto metals.

Its unique properties, such as lightweight, recyclability, conductivity, non-corrosiveness, and durability, make it the preferred metal for various applications across multiple manufacturing sectors. Often referred to as ‘the metal of the future,’ aluminium’s lightweight nature contributes to fuel efficiency, making it an efficient choice for automotive, defense, and aviation industries. In the construction sector, various aluminium alloys are widely used due to their durability and non-corrosive characteristics, making them suitable for exterior siding and structural components.

The demand for CPC may experience fluctuations based on variations in the demand and supply of aluminium and steel. As the cost of aluminium production rises in the western regions, there is a notable shift in aluminium production towards the East. This shift is anticipated to augment the demand for CPC manufacturing, thereby increasing business opportunities for the Company.

Overall, the Company’s prospects remain promising, given the steady growth of the aluminium industry and its increasing focus on sustainability. As a critical supplier of CPC to the aluminium and steel sectors, the Company is well-positioned to capitalize on the evolving market dynamics and drive its business forward.


Foreign Exchange and Interest Rate

The Company faces potential risks related to foreign exchange and interest rates. A sharp tightening of global financing conditions or a rapid appreciation of the U.S. Dollar against the Indian Rupee could exert significant pressure on the Company, particularly considering India’s large current account deficits funded by portfolio and bank flows. To mitigate these risks, the Company has implemented currency hedging strategies to safeguard against adverse exchange rate movements. Regular scenario planning and building reserves can also contribute to enhancing the Company’s financial resilience in the face of these challenges.


Supply of Raw materials

It is essential for our Company to source the appropriate raw material at the right price and at the right time, without which the production and quality of the material could be impacted. Off late, the customers have been very particular about the quality parameters of the CPC due to changes in their product portfolio. This put extra pressure on the procurement side since, at times, refineries do not extend any back-to-back quality assurances for all the parameters as it entirely depends on the type of crude oil or other inputs being used in the refining process. Further, a slight change in the material parameters has a huge impact on the pricing of the RPC. At the same time, the availability of high-quality raw materials continues to be a challenge – especially low sulphur anode-grade RPC for our calcination business. The RPC quality in the domestic refineries has been deteriorating which has resulted in heavy dependence on the imported RPC. This also gives an edge to the import based calciners like us to cater to the specific needs of the aluminium smelters

The Company has put forward a team of professionals to evaluate the procurement strategies, monitor production planning and inventory control systems, which improves control over raw materials planning. GCL continues working closely with its suppliers and the aluminium smelters as well to find long-term and sustainable solutions to the above-mentioned issues. Since the Company has been in the industry for more than five decades and has long-term relationships with refineries/suppliers and major smelters, all efforts are being made to procure the quality raw materials from different sources at competitive prices.


Environment & Regulations

Aluminium is the second most used metal in the world after steel, and approximately 0.4 tonnes of CPC is required in the production of every tonne of aluminium produced. Any regulations that impact either import or production of CPC will directly impact the aluminium industry in India. Thus, it is a critical and strategic part of the economic growth of India and occupies a due position in the global economy.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not classify RPC as hazardous. EPA has surveyed the potential human health and environmental impacts of RPC through its High Production Volume (HPV) challenge program and found the material to be highly stable and non-reactive at ambient environmental conditions. Most toxicity analysis of coke finds that it has a low potential to cause adverse effects on aquatic or terrestrial environments as well as a low healthdownward hazard potential in human, with no observed carcinogenic, reproductive, or developmental effects.

However, aluminium, and steel production create immense emission and can have an adverse impact on the environment. To curb the extensive production of aluminium and steel, the Honble Supreme Court of India had banned the import of RPC during July 2018 but eventually lifted it, permitting the import of RPC by Indian calciners to be within 14 lakh MT/year which is used as feedstock and not as a fuel.

With the Honble Supreme Court of India imposing restrictions on the import of Raw Petroleum Coke (RPC) by calciners and Calcined Petroleum Coke (CPC) by aluminium smelters, the annual caps have been set at 1.40 million tonnes and 0.50 million tonnes, respectively. As a result, both calciners and smelters will need to rely on domestic supplies within India to fulfill their additional requirements.

While the Supreme Court has ruled that Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) units are not mandatory for operating a CPC plant, it has directed the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEF&CC) to conduct a comprehensive study of calcination plants in India and establish emission standards for calciners. Subsequently, on 5th June 2023, the MOEF issued the final emission norms and granted a two-year period for implementation.

In response to the regulatory changes, the Company has proactively initiated necessary measures to ensure full compliance with the newly established emission standards within the stipulated two-year timeframe. By doing so, the Company aims to meet the environmental requirements and uphold its commitment to sustainable practices in the production of Calcined Petroleum Coke.


Trade Wars

Escalating trade tensions present a significant downside risk to the global economic outlook. If all proposed tariffs are enacted, a sizable amount of global trade flows could be affected, potentially hampering economic growth in the involved economies and causing negative ripple effects worldwide.

While certain countries may experience short-term benefits from trade diversion, an increase in trade protectionism could have detrimental long-term consequences.

Rising trade barriers would discourage international investments and lead to disruptions in global value chains, resulting in higher prices and reduced productivity across industries. The interdependent nature of the global economy amplifies the adverse impact of trade wars, jeopardizing the stability and prosperity of nations across the globe.

To mitigate these risks, cooperation and dialogue among nations are essential. Pursuing more open and inclusive trade policies, fostering multilateral agreements, and resolving disputes through diplomatic means are critical steps to preserve the efficiency and sustainability of global trade, promoting economic growth and stability for all.


Working Capital Requirements

The Company primarily relies on non-fund-based facilities such as Letters of Credit for procurement of its raw material from overseas markets. Once the shipment is completed the Letter of Credit gets converted into Buyers’ Credit Facility from overseas banks at a competitive interest rate based on the Trade Credit Bank Guarantee (TCBG) or SBLC issued by Indian Banks. Due to the increase in raw material prices, the requirement of working capital limits has also gone up substantially requiring the Company to avail of short-term loans (including overdraft limits) for meeting this requirement.

The Company actively explores alternative financing channels to meet its working capital requirements. Efforts have been made to negotiate commercial contracts in a way that mitigates the impact of finance costs. Additionally, the Company also imported raw materials based on the clean credits provided by its suppliers.

By seeking newer financing avenues and optimizing contractual terms, the Company strives to reduce its financing cost and improve overall working capital management. This proactive approach demonstrates the Companys commitment to financial prudence and securing the best possible funding arrangements to support its operations effectively.


Human Resources

At the core of our long term journey towards a responsible and sustainable future lies our valued workforce, whose well-being and development are central to our success. Our people policies are thoughtfully designed to foster a safe, harmonious, and supportive work environment, enabling the all-round growth of our employees. With an unwavering commitment to becoming greener, stronger, and smarter, our efficient and secure operations are a result of the collective efforts of our dedicated workforce, including contract workers.

Our HR Management Framework is strategically aligned with our business objectives, focusing on key pillars such as organization design, productivity, capability building, talent management, and career growth. We emphasize the importance of culture, communication, and engagement in driving these pillars forward. Empowered by our Values, Code of Conduct, and Human Rights policies, our employees are encouraged to raise concerns without fear of retaliation.

At GCL, we recognize our employees as our most valuable assets. To foster continuous growth in their competencies and ensure they stay abreast of new technical developments, we regularly conduct skill development training programs. This investment in their development leads to optimum capacity utilization and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, we prioritize providing a safe and healthy work environment to boost employee morale and drive exceptional performance.

As of 31st March 2023, our workforce comprised 191 permanent employees, encompassing 19 managerial personnel and 172 other employees, including skilled workmen. This blend of experienced professionals and talented technical managers forms the backbone of our company’s success.

With a relentless focus on our people’s well-being and continuous development, we are confident in our ability to steer the company towards greater heights of achievement and sustainability, guided by our shared vision of a brighter future for all.


Internal Control System

The Company maintains a robust internal control system that is tailored to the scale of its business operations and the specific demands of the industry it operates in. Internal auditors play a vital role in ensuring compliance, efficiency, and accuracy within the company’s operations through regular assessments and adherence to applicable laws and policies.

Regular internal audits are conducted to thoroughly assess the Company’s operations, and detailed reports are promptly submitted to the Audit Committee during their quarterly meetings. The Company’s dedication to meticulous internal controls and audits reflects its unwavering commitment to fostering transparency, optimizing operational efficiency, and upholding compliance standards across its entire organization.


Statutory Compliance

During the quarterly Board Meeting, the Executive Director presents a comprehensive declaration to the Board regarding the Company’s compliance with all relevant statutes, enactments, and guidelines. This declaration is made after obtaining confirmation from all the operating plants and the respective Heads of Departments. The aim is to ensure that the Company’s operations align with the necessary legal and regulatory requirements.

Furthermore, the Company Secretary, who also serves as the Compliance Officer, reports to the Board on the Company’s compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and the SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) Regulations. The Company Secretary plays a crucial role in overseeing and reporting the Company’s adherence to these specific legal frameworks.

The declarations provided during the Board Meeting serve as an assurance that the Company takes compliance seriously and strives to operate with integrity, in line with the applicable laws and regulations. By emphasizing these efforts in each quarterly meeting, the Company reaffirms its dedication to upholding ethical business practices and responsible corporate conduct.


Cautionary Statement

Some of the statements given in the above management discussion and analysis about the Company’s projections, objectives, estimates, expectations and predictions may be ‘forward looking statements’ within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations. The actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied statements. Important factors that could make a difference to the company’s operations include inter alia domestic and global economic conditions affecting demand and supply and price conditions in the industry, changes in Government laws, tax regime and other statutory changes, environmental laws and labour relations. The Company undertakes no obligation to periodically revise any such forward looking statement to reflect future events or

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