Hemo Organic Management Discussions


By mid of March 2020, the outbreak of Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic has been rapidly spreading throughout the world, including India causing significant disturbance and slowdown of economic activity. The Company has made committed efforts to support its business stakeholders, employees and service providers. The effect of Covid-19 on the Company is insignificant. Looking at current situation the company does not predict any significant effect of Covid-19 on the Company as the Company is presently not carrying out any business activities. The Company is continuously monitoring the situation and taking necessary actions in response to the developments, to minimize the impact on the business of the Companys Future prospects.


(Rs in Thousands)

Particulars F.Y. 2021-22 F.Y. 2020-21
Revenue from Operations 68.30 80.70
Other Income - -
Total Income 68.30 80.70
Operating Expenditure before Finance Cost, Depreciation and Amortization 690.94 559.43
Earnings before Finance Cost, Depreciation and Amortization (622.64) (478.73)
Less: Finance Cost 1.04 -
Depreciation and Amortization Expenses - -
Profit/(Loss) before Tax (623.68) (478.73)
Less: Tax Expense - -
Profit/(Loss) after Tax (PAT) (623.68) (478.73)


In the financial year 2021-22, the Company has earned 68.30 Thousands from revenue from operations compared to 80.70 Thousands for the financial year 2020-21. Due to increase in Legal and professional expenses, the Company has incurred Loss after tax of 623.68 Thousands during the financial year 2021-22 as compared to loss after tax of 478.73 Thousands in the financial year 2020-21.


Particulars Numerator Denominator As at March 31, 2022 As at March 31, 2021 % change from March 31, 2021 to March 31, 2022
Current ratio Current Assets Current Liabilities 0.48 0.69 -30%
Debt- Equity Ratio Current borrowings + Non- Current Borrowings+ lease payments Shareholders Equity 1,020.53 53.26 1816%
Return on Equity ratio Net Profits after taxes - Preference Dividend Average Shareholders Equity (180.16) (5,334.69 ) -97%
Inventory Turnover ratio Cost of material consumed Average Inventory 97.01 243.85 -60%
Trade Receivable Turnover Ratio Net credit sales = Gross credit sales - sales return Average Trade Receivable 10.83 1,189.86 -99%
Trade Payable Turnover Ratio Net credit purchases = Gross credit purchases - purchase return Average Trade Payables 24.94 6.10 309%
Net Capital Turnover Ratio Net sales = Total sales - sales return Average working capital = Current assets - Current liabilities (6.56) (19.35) -66%
Net Profit ratio Net Profit after tax Net sales = Total sales - sales return (913.15) (593.22) 54%
Return on Capital Employed Earnings before interest and taxes Capital Employed = Tangible Net Worth + Total Debt + Deferred Tax Liability + Lease Payments 45.42 64.08 -29.11%


With the change in the segment of Companys Activities, following are the Opportunities for the Company:

> The Company is being managed by well experienced promoter with positive attribute to strive for challenges for future.

> Trading activities has turned out to be fruitful and there is good scope of future growth and profitability.


> Future uncertain Factors

> Competition


The Company has an efficient system of internal controls for achieving the following business objectives of the Company: Efficiency of operations

> Protection of resources

> Accuracy and promptness of financial reporting

> Compliance with various laws and regulations

> Compliance with the laid down policies and procedures HUMAN RERSOURCE

Equipping the Company with an engaged and productive workforce is essential to our success. We look for commitment, skills and innovative approach in people. In assessing capability, we consider technical skills and knowledge that have been acquired through experience and practice, along with mental processing ability, social process skills and their application. We continue to invest in developing a pipeline of future talent and nurture them. As part of this process, we provide development and training opportunities to our workforce, which motivates and encourages them to grow in their work. Total 5 employees were employed in the Company. The Company has been maintaining cordial and healthy Industrial Relations, which has helped to a great extent in achieving the upper growth.


Statements in this Report, describing the Companys objectives, projections, estimates and expectations may constitute forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Forward looking statements are based on certain assumptions and expectations of future events. These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. The Company cannot guarantee that these assumptions and expectations are accurate or will be realized. The actual results may be different from those expressed or implied since the Companys operations are affected by many external and internal factors, which are beyond the control of the management. Hence the Company assumes no responsibility in respect of forward-looking statements that may be amended or modified in future on the basis of subsequent developments, information or events.