KBS India Management Discussions


The Company is engaged in providing Stock Broking Services. Your Directors present the Management Discussion and Analysis for the year ended 31" March, 2023. Investors are cautioned that these discussions contain certain forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties including those risks which are inherent in the Companys growth and strategy. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any of the opinions or forward-looking statements expressed in this report consequent to new information or developments, events or otherwise.

A. Industry Structure and Developments:

The performance of capital market in India has a direct correlation with the prospect of economic growth and political stability. Though the growth projections for FY 2022-23 appear reassuring, there are certain downside risks such as pace and shape of global recovery, effect of withdrawal of fiscal stimulus and hardening of commodity prices. The industry is mainly dependent on the Investors sentiments. It is now prevailing good and getting healthy.

B. Opportunities and Threats:

Considering the industry structure, our business performance may also be impacted by increased competition from local and global players operating in India, regulatory changes and attrition of employees. With growing presence of players offering advisory service coupled with provision of funds for the clients needs, we would face competition of unequal proportion. We continuously tackle this situation by providing increasingly superior customized services. In financial services business, effective risk management has become very crucial. Your Company is exposed to credit risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risks. Your Company has in place suitable mechanisms to effectively reduce such risks. All these risks are continuously analyzed and reviewed at various levels of management through an effective management information system.

C. Segment-Wise Performance:

The Segment wise performance is given in Notes to the Standalone Financial Statements.

D. Future Outlook:

Based on the buoyancy of the Indian Economy, the overall scenario and steps taken by the management; the future outlook of your company looks good. The Company is making all efforts to accelerate growth of its business.

E. Risk and Concerns:

Your Company manages risks associated with broking operations using internally developed credit monitoring system implemented through fully automated risk management software and selective direct monitoring of certain operating parameters. The automated risk management procedures rely primarily on internally developed risk management system and systems provided by system vendors. The Company manages business risks through strict compliance and internal checks. It will not be out of context to state that the system has worked very effectively during the year under review.

F. Internal Control System and Their Adequacy:

Your Company has proper and adequate system of internal controls commensurate with the size and nature of its business. However, strengthening of internal control systems is an ongoing exercise. Further; the Company has an independent internal audit system. The process of internal audit involves, reviewing of existing Controls and Systems. Internal Audit also recommends the actions for strengthening of the business processes. The internal audit ensures adherence to operating guidelines, regulatory and legal requirements. The Audit Committee of the board periodically reviews the reports of the Internal Auditors and takes corrective actions wherever necessary.

By Order of the Board of Directors
For KBS India Limited
Tushar Suresh Shah
Date: 28.08.2023 Chairman & Managing Director
Place: Mumbai DIN:01729641