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Prima Industries Ltd Management Discussions

Mar 7, 2025|03:40:00 PM

Prima Industries Ltd Share Price Management Discussions

Prima Group has always been a value-driven organization. These values continue to direct the growth and business of Prima Group of companies. We are aware of our responsibility to generate economic value for the society. In pursuit of our goals, we will make no compromise in complying with applicable laws and regulations at all levels.

The strategic objective of Prima Industries Limited is to build a sustainable organization that remains relevant to the agenda of our customers, while creating growth opportunities for our employees and generating profitable growth for our investors.

Industry structure and developments, segment wise or product-wise performance, outlook, risks and opportunities of the Company and discussion on financial performance with respect to the operational performance, has been covered in the Boards Report more specifically.

Our Company has a favorable work environment that motivates performance, customer focus and innovation while adhering to the highest degree of quality and integrity. As part of manpower development and training and with an aim to enhance operational efficiency, employees of the Company have been sent on postings and assignments to other Prima Group companies.

The Company has an adequate system of internal controls to ensure that transactions are properly authorized, recorded, and reported, apart from safeguarding its assets. The internal control system is supplemented by well-documented policies, guidelines and procedures and reviews carried out by the Companys internal audit function, which submits reports periodically to the Management and the Audit Committee of the Board.

Further, statements in this Report, describing the Companys objectives, projections, estimates and expectations may constitute forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Actual results might differ materially from those either expressed or implied in the statement depending on the circumstances.

Financials performance and Operational Efficiency

The following discussions on our financial condition and result of operations should be read together with our Audited Financial Statements and the notes to these statements included in the Annual report. These Financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) under the Historical Cost Convention as a going concern on accrual basis except for certain financial instruments which are measured at fair values, the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and guidelines issued by SEBI. The Ind AS are prescribed under Section 133 of the Act, read with Rule 3 of the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and relevant amendment rules issued thereafter.

The overall performance of the Company has witnessed a healthy growth in profit during the year 2023-24 while comparing to that of previous year. Our Companys performance was promising in Solvent Extraction Division but was not remarkable in the Animal Feed Division. The total turnover of the Company is Rs. 79.37 Million as against that of the previous year of Rs. 75.73 Million. The Net worth of the Company stands at Rs. 196.07 Million as against that of the previous year of Rs. 224.35Million.

Segment wise or product wise performance

The companys primary segments have been identified as

(a) Cattle Feed Division

(b) Oil Cake Processing Division

There are no reportable secondary segments. Segment wise analysis has been made on the above basis and amounts allocated on a reasonable basis. The accounting policies adopted for segment reporting are in line with the accounting policies of the company. The detail of segment wise performance is given along with the Audited Financial Statements which is annexed to this Report

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
For Prima Industries Limited
Place: Cochin Sd/-
Date: 25.07.2024 S K Gupta
Chairman and Managing Director

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