Transport Corp. Management Discussions

Innovation is the key to unlocking the post crisis growth.

The year 2021-22 enabled the world to experience exactly the above. It was a year of innovation, recovery and renewal. Businesses of all sizes embraced digitalization and demonstrated full strength to build a culture of resilience and empathy. As a result of which, the global economy pounced back to the pre-pandemic path and most major economies were able to recover the nominal output lost during the pandemic.

"PHYGITAL" emerged as the new normal especially for the logistics industry, combining the physical aspects of delivery with the tech- enabled approach of ordering online. In line with the global trends, Indian consumers also started to adopt to the door-step delivery way of living. Online grocery shopping increased by 80%, giving rise to direct to customer (D2C) brands and hyper local delivery services for all kinds of products & services started driving the consumer demand.

Another global impact which the Indian industry has to grapple with is committing to carbon emissions reduction. Listed entities are working to inculcate ESG into their day to day working. High Inflation and significant supply-demand skew also led to enterprises scurrying to realign their supply chains; an opportunity to innovate, create paradigm shifts in business offerings and scale up.