Twinstar Indus. Management Discussions

Industry Structure and Development:

With the IT expertise the company also focuses in various other fields of trade, commerce, commodity trades. The company is also very keen to work with the government of India on various other IT projects. With the "Make in India" initiative the company is very keen in working with various top players in the country on various projects which are well under its scope of Interest and expertise.

Opportunity and Threats:

The Board of Directors are exploring the possibilities of earning revenue for the Company through entering into BPO services by making use of the large infrastructure of the Company at Navi Mumbai. The Company has already started working on large government projects. Management aims to achieve success with its endeavor to work with the Government of India and try and pick a few other projects too from various other departments of the Indian government. Management is already successful in its first step by becoming an EA with the UIDAI.

Segment Wise/ Product Wise Performance:

There has been a very good performance in the trading division as well as in I.T.

Since the company has started government business the performance of I.T. division will be many folds in the years to come.


Due to the presence of the Company in various industries and the willingness of the Board of Directors of the Company to keep on exploring various opportunities the future of the Company is promising and growth centered.

Risk/ Concerns and Mitigation:

The Company has a dynamic Risk Management framework to identify, evaluate business risks and opportunities. The framework helps in identifying risks, exposure and potential impact analysis for the Company level.

Internal Control System and their adequacy:

The Company has an in-house internal audit department which examines and ensures adequate internal checks and control procedures. It also ensures proper accounting, records authorization, control of operations and compliance with law.

Further, the Internal Auditors periodically reviews the effectiveness of the Internal Financial control and makes suggestions for constant improvements.

Discussion on Financial Performance with respect to Operational performance:

Twinstar Industries Limited, the company has been involved into IT businesses since its inception. At Twinstar our constant endeavor is to grow. In some recent developments the company has been appointed by UIDAI as an Enrollment Agency (EA). The company has started its operations and is progressing. The company expects good growth from the project. With a wider objective and trying to cater to a wider audience the company is also looking into various fields of work with the Government of India and a few other companies as well. With the recent changing and constant increasing competition, the company plans to take the challenge to them and perform better than its peers. With the new Mantra of "Inspire" the company would look into projects which are new and different. Company would also increase its scope of work in the field of IT and soon would show significant progress there too.

Human Resources and Industrial Relations:

The Company considers human resource as a valuable ingredient of the Company. The Company has appropriate policies in place for recruitment, training, skill development and compensation for its workmen, employees and staff. The Company makes an effort to keep on building good relationship with its associates, competitors and all the stakeholders in the various industries wherein it operates.

Disclosure of Accounting Treatment:

In Preparation of Financial Statements, a treatment as prescribed in Accounting Standard has been followed and hence no disclosures are required with respect to the same.

For Twinstar Industries Limited
Sd/- Sd/-
Daulat S. Mehta Anita Kiran Dev Ravat
DIN 01575366 DIN - 08490523
Managing Director Director
Place: Mumbai
Date: 09/11/2021