All investments are subject to market risks and price fluctuation risk and there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objectives shall be achieved. IIFL does not guarantee any assured returns on any investments. IIFL gives investment advice to the clients based on the risk profile and which is best suited to the client. The client has right to decide whether to opt for the products which are advised under these services. The Investment ideas / advice are provided by our core Investment Advisory team based on the Research, Analysis and Publicly available information. The return on investments is based on certain assumptions and actual returns may vary from the indicative returns. Past performance of securities/instruments is not indicative of their future performance. The performance of the recommended investment products may be adversely affected by various factors such as the performance of individual companies, changes in the market conditions, micro and macro factors and forces affecting capital markets in particular like interest rate risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and reinvestment risk. Your specific attention is drawn towards warnings, disclaimers in documents, advertising materials relating to investment products, recommended, if any, in the Report.
IIFL Securities Limited as Securities market intermediary or through its group subsidiaries may or may not have proprietary positions in the products advised to the clients.
Investment in securities market are subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. Please read the Risk Disclosure Documents carefully before investing in Equity Shares, Derivatives, Mutual fund or other instruments traded on the Stock Exchanges.
Insurance, Tax planning scheme are the subject matter of solicitation.
IIFL does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer.
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While Financial Plan 360⸰ Advisory Services are independently managed, IIFL Securities Ltd. under its wide range of separately managed services offering Merchant Banking, Broking, Distribution, Portfolio Management, Research services etc. would render respective services to the various customers as per the respective applicable Regulations/ Guidelines from time to time.
IIFL group, associate and subsidiary companies are engaged in providing various financial services and for the said services (including the service for acquiring and sourcing the units of the fund) may earn fees or remuneration in form of arranger fees, referral fees, advisory fees, management fees, trustee fees, Commission, brokerage, transaction charges, underwriting charges, issue management fees and other fees.
IIFL Securities Ltd., IIFL House, Sun Infotech Park, Road No. 16V, Plot No. B-23, MIDC, Thane Industrial Area, Wagle Estate, Thane - 400604. Tel.: (91-22) 2580 6650 *Customer Service: 40071000 *PMS SEBI Regn.: INP000002213, *Investment Adviser SEBI Regn.: INA000000623, *Research Analyst SEBI Regn.:- INH000000248.