Contract Specifications

Instrument TypeUnderlyingExpiry DateOption TypeStrike PriceMarket Lot
OPTIDX NIFTY 12-09-2024 PE 22,350.00 25.00

Price Information

Last PriceTodays ChangeUnderlying value
0.85 -0.50 24,852.15
  • Open : 1.35
  • Prev Close : 1.35
  • Today's Range : 0.60 - 1.35
  • Average Price : 0.76
  • Buy(size) : 1,21,000.00
  • Sell(size) : 87,575.00

Turnover Open Interest Information

VolumeTurnoverOpen InterestChange in OI%Change in OI
2,85,67,025.00 6,38,49,47,19,689.00 49,61,175.00 30,52,475.00 159.92
InstrumentsBuy[Rs.Cr]Sell[Rs.Cr]Net Positions [Rs.Cr]Contracts ['000s]OI Value[Rs.Cr]
Index Name1596.922267.11 [-670.19] 24.18238309.58
Index Options2384642.432444774.57 [-60,132.14] 36942.328305458.54
Stock Futures24750.7228951.27 [-4,200.55] 306.349329727.92
Stock Options33052.6528951.27 [4,101.38] 392.0634968.23


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