Intrasoft Technologies Ltd Company Summary

IntraSoft Technologies Limited is an Indian Listed Company in IT Enabled Services Sector engaged in the business of E-Commerce. The Company is operating through its Wholly Owned E-Commerce Subsidiary 123Stores, Inc. USA and focuses on the US Online Retail market and was ranked as the 262nd largest Internet Retailer in USA as well as the 11th fastest growing Internet Retailer in the 2016 Top 500 Internet Retailer Guide.123Stores Inc. sells approximately 535,000 products from over 1,746 brands on the Internet under the brand name 123Stores. The E-Commerce Portal offers customers direct access to a vast selection of products, superior customer service, convenience of fast delivery and low affordable prices. The Company has strategic partnerships with & and others to sell its products to their customers, similar to a shop-in-shop format.