California Software Company Ltd Management Discussions

Jul 23, 2024|03:32:44 PM

California Software Company Ltd Share Price Management Discussions

Dear valued shareholders and stakeholders,

We are pleased to present our report on the business and operations of your company and its working results for FY 2022-23. Throughout this period, we made significant progress in our efforts to strengthen the companys position for accelerated revenue growth. We took a series of dramatic steps to execute against that strategy, including strengthening our portfolio, expanding our partner ecosystem, and returning your company to growth.

During FY 2022-23, we intensified our focus on developing digital and analytics services, big data, blockchain, machine learning, loT, cloud computing, gaming, DeFi, NFT, artificial intelligence (Al) and analytics, intelligent process automation, industry and platform solutions, and interactive customer experiences.

As a result, we enter 2023-24 more strategically focused and technologically capable. We are integrating technology and expertise—from Calsoft, our partners, and even our competitors—to meet the urgent needs of our clients.

Today, Calsoft business is focused on providing end-to-end capabilities at scale across the full spectrum of professional services—spanning strategy, consulting, digital, blockchain, gaming, technology and operations. By combining Calsofts capabilities across these businesses, Calsoft is uniquely positioned to drive large- scale transformation for clients. We are resolved to re-establish Calsoft as an industry leader and be the catalyst of progress for our clients as they pursue the digital transformation of the worlds mission-critical businesses.


Small Businesses

Calsoft has the expertise and resources to offer a wide range of comprehensive, end-to-end IT services. With our integrated software and information services, we are able to tailor our solutions to meet the unique and diverse needs of our clients, delivering exceptional results every time.

Calsoft has taken significant steps to empower small businesses by incorporating a wide range of cutting-edge technologies, including eCommerce, POS (Point-of-Sale) systems, omnichannel approaches, loyalty programs, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Big Data, AI (Artificial Intelligence), analytics, blockchain, Virtual Reality (VR) and Web3. These technologies have proven to be invaluable tools for small businesses, helping them operate more efficiently and effectively than ever before.

By integrating these technologies and systems, traders can optimize their operations, make data-driven decisions, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and stay ahead in a highly competitive market.

Calsoft has developed four distinct layers to empower small businesses and enhance their operations.

rj ) 4

The first layer is focused on empowering traders through eCommerce, PoS, and

The second layer developed by Calsoft

is aimed at empowering traders through the use of CRM, loyalty engine, and digital marketing

The third layer developed by Calsoft is focused on empowering traders through the use of big data and AI

The fourth and final layer developed by Calsoft is centered around the use of new-age technologies such as Web3, gaming, and blockchain


Small Businesses


1. Global Reach: eCommerce platforms allow traders to reach a global audience, thus increasing sales opportunities.

2. Automated Operations: eCommerce solutions can automate many trading operations, including inventory management and invoicing.

POS Systems

1. Real-Time Inventory Management: Point-of-sale systems offer realtime tracking of sales and inventory, aiding in data-driven decisionmaking.

2. Customer Data: Collecting customer data at the point of purchase helps in personalized marketing and improves customer service.

Omnichannel Approaches

1. Customer Experience: Offering a seamless shopping experience across multiple channels (online, in-store, mobile, etc.) increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Data Collection: Multiple touchpoints allow traders to collect a plethora of customer data for better decision-making.


We specialized in developing and implementing end to end e commerce platform for your business.

Our Next Generation and Highly Secured commerce Platform dSPEEDUp eCom. dINSPIRA. dULTIMA. dCHAT are based on Digital Transformation of E Commerce Solutions by At Integration for B28 (business to business) and B2C(business-to- customer) segments.




dSPEEDUp is all-on-one eCommerce solution is built on the idea that you should have access to the best possible set of tools, no matter the size of your business.


dULTIMAs omnl-channel business solution is all about providing an optimized and seamless consumer experience. It doesnt take platform, channel, or device into account. It focuses on the customer and the customer alone


d-INSPIRA PoS helps the retailers for growing their business by managing inventory, processing payment, managing refunds, and returns, creating reports for analysing profits, etc.

Disruptive Technologies

Empowering /y

Small Businesses

The rapid evolution of disruptive technologies is indeed one of the most transformative and compelling narratives unfolding in todays world. The pace at which innovations like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things are advancing has reached unprecedented levels. These technologies are not just reshaping entire industries; they are fundamentally altering the way we conduct business, engage with customers, and navigate the broader economic landscape.

The Democratization of Technology

Today, disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (Al), Blockchain, and the Internet of Things (loT) are no longer the purview of large corporations. These technologies have become democratized, making it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to leverage them for scalable growth.

Agility and Resilience Through Technology

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation journey for many businesses. Small enterprises, often regarded as the backbone of our economy, have shown remarkable agility and resilience. Cloud computing, for instance, has empowered them to work from anywhere, reducing overhead costs and increasing efficiency.

E-commerce and Digital Presence

Gone are the days when a physical storefront was the only avenue for business. SMEs are now building robust online platforms and utilizing social media channels to reach their customers. With cost-effective, highly targeted marketing solutions, even the smallest business can now dream of a global footprint.

Leveraging FinTech

Financial Technology, or FinTech, has been particularly impactful. It has granted SMEs access to simplified, flexible, and cost-effective financial solutions, allowing them to navigate cash flow issues, raise capital, or even conduct international transactions with ease.

How Calsoft Is Leading the Charge

We recognize the pivotal role these technologies play in reshaping businesses, and thats why we have aligned our strategies to facilitate this shift. Our focus on R&D and partnerships with tech innovators has put us at the forefront of delivering scalable solutions tailored for small businesses. Were not merely a spectator in this technological revolution; we are active contributors and beneficiaries.

We have embedded these technologies into our product offerings, making them accessible and affordable. Our platforms ensure that our clients, regardless of their size, can tap into the most sophisticated tools to solve their problems, drive efficiencies, and generate value.

Leveraging the advancements in technology to create innovative products and services, Calsoft driving changes in the way people work and live.

Calsoft using products and services to reshape and reimagine how our society works, communicates, and even governs. We weaving ourselves seamlessly into the fabric of how people live today. Calsofts dSPEEDUp solution efforts to embed itself into consumer households. Through the dSPEEDUp solution is not just shopping needs, but also the daily demands of busy lives.



Calsoft reached further than ever into peoples lives, Weve shaped society around our products and services.

Through new partnerships with customers, employees, partners, and even governments, Calsoft empowered to build ever-stronger access and trust. This trust will give inroads to further embed ourselves into society, becoming ever more indispensable—and empowering our own revolutionary growth.




Technology-based products and services have a tremendous impact on the way people work and live.


Raising AI to Benefit Business and Society

As artificial intelligence grows in its capabilities—and its impact on peoples lives—businesses must move to "raise" their AIs to act as responsible, productive members of society.


The End of Distance

Virtual and augmented reality technologies are removing the distance to people, information, and experiences, transforming the ways people live and work.


Creating Intelligent Distributed Systems

Businesses are making big bets on intelligent environments via robotics, AI and immersive experiences. But to bring these intelligent environments to life, they must extend their infrastructures into the dynamic, real-world environments they want to reach.




Empowering small businesses through disruptive technologies involves the application of new or significantly improved technologies that change existing markets or create new ones. Disruptive technologies can offer small businesses opportunities for growth, competitive advantages, and improved customer experiences that were once reserved only for large corporations. Below are some ways in which disruptive technologies can empower small businesses:

Cloud Computing

Affordable Scalability: Small businesses can rent server space and computing power as needed, without investing in physical hardware. Collaboration: Cloud platforms make it easier to collaborate in real-time and share resources among a distributed team.

Artificial Intelligence (Al) and Machine Learning

Customer Service: Chatbots can handle a wide array of customer service queries 24/7.

Data Analysis: Al algorithms can make sense of large data sets, offering insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational inefficiencies.

Internet of Things (loT)

Inventory Management: loT sensors can automatically track inventory levels and reorder supplies as needed.

Energy Efficiency: Smart thermostats and lighting systems can reduce^^i utility costs.


Secure Transactions: Blockchain technology can facilitate secure and transparent financial transactions.

Supply Chain Verification: Small businesses can prove the authenticity and origin of their products.

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

Virtual Showrooms: Customers can experience products in a virtual space.

Training: AR can assist in more interactive and effective employee training.

E-commerce and Mobile Payments

Global Reach: Online platforms enable small businesses to reach a global audience.

Easy Transactions: Mobile payments like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and various cryptocurrency options make it easier for customers to make purchases.

Social Media and Digital Marketing

Customer Engagement: Social media platforms provide powerful tools for customer engagement and targeted advertising.

Reputation Management: Online reviews and feedback can managed more effectively.

3D Printing ^

Rapid Prototyping: Small businesses can quickly create prototypes for new products.

Customization: Businesses can offer personalized products without the need for large-scale manufacturing.

Automation and Robotics

Reduced Labour Costs: Automation can take over repetitive tasks, reducing labour costs.

Quality Control: Robots can perform tasks with high precision, reducing errors.


Challenging and Changing Business Models

To make the most of disruptive innovation, you must first identify the conventions within your current business model. Then, challenge and change them to create something new. This process involves taking risks and pushing the boundaries of the status quo.

Risk-taking and the Willingness to Disrupt the Status Quo

Disruptive technology may seem intimidating initially, but it can provide the tools to reinvent your organisation and create entirely new industries.

Adapting to Changing Markets

The business world is changing rapidly, so staying agile and adaptive is more critical than ever. Disruptive technologies can potentially change how companies operate and target new markets.


Environmental Impact of Disruptive Technologies

While disruptive technologies offer immense benefits, they also raise environmental concerns. Companies must consider the ecological impact of their innovations and prioritise sustainable practices to ensure a greener future.

Creating a Sustainable Disruption Strategy

Balancing innovation and sustainability is crucial for long-term success. By integrating environmental considerations into their disruption strategy, companies can align their goals with the broader vision of a sustainable world.


Creating a Culture of Innovation

Fostering a culture of innovation involves empowering employees to think creatively, take calculated risks, and share their ideas openly. Encouraging cross-functional collaboration and providing resources for experimentation can yield ground-breaking results.

Agile Business Strategies for Disruption

Adopting agile business strategies enables companies to respond quickly to market changes and consumer demands. By embracing flexibility and adaptability, businesses can pivot their models to leverage disruptive technologies effectively.


Emerging Technologies and Their Potential Impact

The future holds numerous emerging technologies, such as quantum computing, 5G, and biotechnology, with the potential to redefine industries. Staying informed and adaptable is vital for businesses harnessing the power of upcoming disruptions.

Preparing for Constant Change and Evolution

Disruptive technologies will continue to shape the business landscape. Embracing change, fostering innovation, and developing a growth mindset will enable companies to thrive amidst uncertainty and emerge as industry leaders.

Empowering small " businesses through e-commerce

is more relevant today than ever, especially in the increasing globalisation and the rise of digital platforms. Small businesses often face numerous challenges, including limited resources, a restricted customer base, and the complexities of distribution and marketing. E-commerce can offer solutions to these challenges in a ^anetycrf ways:

Strategies for Empowerment^ w through dSpeedUp E-commerce

User-Friendly Website: The first impression matters. The website should be easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and secure for online transactions.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Making the site searchable and easy to find can drive traffic and sales significantly.

Social Media Integration: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to create a robust online community around the brand.

Customer Service: Effective customer service is crucial for online businesses. Live chat options, quick email responses, and easy return policies can significantly enhance customer trust and satisfaction.

Local SEO: If the small business has a physical location, integrating local SEO can help the company show up in location- based searches, effectively bridging the online-offiine gap.

Payment Options: Offering multiple payment options, including digital wallets and international payment options, can cater to a wider audience.

Quality Photography and Descriptions: High-quality images and detailed product descriptions can help compensate for the lack of tactile experience online.

Data Analytics: Use data analytics to understand consumer behavior, optimize product listings, and personalize marketing strategies.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with other small businesses or infiuencers can expose the brand to new audiences at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing strategies.

Community Building: Hosting events, workshops, or webinars can offer additional value to customers, helping to build a loyal community around the brand.





In retail, your success relies heavily on your ability to collect data, process it in real-time, and transform it into actionable solutions on supply chain management, price optimization, risk management, inventory management, merchandising.

Our big data retail analytics services will help you not just to collect, prepare, and process your data in real-time but also to draw meaningful insights from it, as well as discover new opportunities and industry risks. Based on these precious "products" of the wise "cooperation" of big data and retail or big data and eCommerce, youll be able to make smart business decisions.

Due to the explosive growth of eCommerce, the rise of the smartphone culture, and fierce competition, customer expectations change faster than you could even imagine. To keep up, you must be aware of changes in consumer behavior before they occur.


In retail, your success relies heavily on your ability to collect data, process it in real-time, and transform it into actionable solutions on supply chain management, price optimization, risk management, inventory management, merchandising.

Our big data retail analytics services will help you not just to collect, prepare, and process your data in real-time but also to draw meaningful insights from it, as well as discover new opportunities and industry risks. Based on these precious "products" of the wise "cooperation" of big data and retail or big data and eCommerce, youll be able to make smart business decisions.


Complexity of network of data points in entire supply chain in a retail and e commerce is critical due to high customer expectations, product provenance, authenticity, traceability and inventory management are all pain-points which can lead to customer disappointment and wildly inefficient processes.

Our ,Blockchain enabled dUltima Omnichannel Platform allows merchants to bring transparency, realtime data and shared ledgers will enable to know where, your stock is and where customers interact at any stage, anywhere in supply chain or selling channels.

Empowering small businesses through Artificial Intelligence (Al) and analytics can be a game-changing strategy. By integrating these technologies, small businesses can level the playing field, competing effectively with larger companies and optimizing their operations for maximum efficiency and profitability.

By incorporating Al and analytics, small businesses can become more efficient, customer-centric, and competitive, ensuring long-term sustainability and growth.

Artificial intelligence (Al) is a fast-developing field of technology that has the potential to revolutionize many industries. One of Als most pressing issues is whether it will eventually replace human intelligence. Still, many businesses can attest to how Al has contributed positively to their business needs.

Of businesses that implemented Of sales and marketing executives

Artificial Intelligence have seen an say Al has helped their companies increase in productivity increase revenue

With this increased usage of Al, many now consider it a 10x alternative to humans, which lead to human intelligence being replaced by Artificial Intelligence.

Al is no longer just a buzzword; its a driving force behind business optimization and strategic decision-making. Small businesses, often faced with limited resources and intense competition, are finding solace in Als ability to level the playing field. Lets delve into how Al is reshaping the landscape for these enterprises:

1. Enhanced Customer Experiences.

2. Data-Driven Insights

3. Process Automation

4. Personalized Marketing

5. Competitive Advantage

6. Scalability and Growth

The journey to integrating Al into small businesses may seem daunting, but the rewards are worth the effort.

Big Data Analytics can be a powerful tool for small businesses, offering them a variety of ways to compete effectively with larger players in the market, optimize operations, and better understand their customers.

Improved Decision Making

Customer Insights

Operational Efficiency

Risk Management

Competitive Advantage

Real-time Analytics

Marketing Optimization

Product Development

Cost Reduction

Enhanced Customer Experience

Talent Management

Even though Big Data Analytics can offer multiple advantages, small businesses often face challenges in adopting this technology due to limited resources and expertise. However, with the advent of affordable SaaS-based analytics tools and growing community support, even small businesses can now harness the power of Big Data Analytics.

Different branches of analytics that can be done with sets of big data include the following:

Comparative analysis

This examines customer behavior metrics and real-time customer engagement in order to compare a companys products, services and branding with those of its competitors.

Social media listening

This analyzes what people are saying on social media about a business or product, which can help identify potential problems and target audiences for marketing campaigns.

Marketing analytics

This provides information that can be used to improve marketing campaigns and promotional offers for products, services and business initiatives.

Sentiment analysis

All of the data thats gathered on customers can be analyzed to reveal how they feel about a company or brand, customer satisfaction levels, potential issues and how customer service could be improved.

Big data challenges / \

In connection with the processing capacity issues, designing a big data architecture is a^ common challenge for users. Big data systems must be tailored to an organizations particular needs, Calsoft undertaking that requires IT and data management teams to piece together a customized set of technologies and tools.

Other challenges in managing big data systems include making the data accessible to data scientists and analysts, especially in distributed environments that include a mix of different platforms and data stores. To help analysts find relevant data, data management and analytics teams are increasingly building data catalogs that incorporate metadata management and data lineage functions. The process of integrating sets of big data is often also complicated, particularly when data variety and velocity are factors.

Big data management and analytics

Ultimately, the business value and benefits of big data initiatives depend on the workers tasked with managing and analyzing the data. Some big data tools enable less technical users to run predictive analytics applications or help businesses deploy a suitable infrastructure for big data projects, while minimizing the need for hardware and distributed software know-how.

Big data can be contrasted with small data, a term thats sometimes used to describe data sets that can be easily used for self-service Bl and analytics. A commonly quoted axiom is, "Big data is for machines; small data is for people."

Impacts of Al and Machlnox ^ BUSINESSES Learning on Healthcare

Big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning have been playing an active role in transforming industries for the better. Presently, the integrations have gone beyond just business analytics to more real-time experiences, like healthcare.

With the advent of technology and its rapid development in the late 20th and the 21st century, healthcare has seen shifts and amendments like it never did before.

Better disease diagnoses assays were invented, a better pipeline for drug and vaccine discovery was formulated, epidemiological studies boomed and people started getting the healthcare services they deserve. Currently, we entered a further morphed form of healthcare, which somewhat is driven immensely by technology.

AI and machine learning based approaches in research have prompted healthcare services to take a more analytically oriented treatment path. Additionally, a technology-based healthcare system also prevents the infrastructure from falling apart due to population burden.

Here are the top impacts of AI and Machine Learning on healthcare:

Constant monitoring of vitals

Faster disease diagnosis

Vaccine discovery pipelines

Medical image processing

Personalized medicine

Better health data and records

Easy access to health options

Big data for robust research

Benefits of AI and Machine Learning based Healthcare

AI and machine learning-based solutions are increasingly prevalent in healthcare, tackling a wide variety of challenges from diagnostic imaging to drug discovery. Calsc is focusing on these areas, they are entering a dynamic and impactful field with significant opportunities for innovation.

Some key applications of AI and machine learning in healthcare include:

Predictive Analytics

Drug Discovery


Personalized Medicine

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

For a company like Calsoft, developing solutions in these areas could offer a meaningful contribution to healthcare and potentially result in commercially successful products. The key would be to collaborate closely with healthcare professionals to ensure that the solutions are solving real-world problems effectively

"Calsoft continue to improve and

provide better support for life sciences

organizations, and to bridge functionality gaps and optimize the software tools for the industry".

As we approach 2023, its clear that digital marketing is continuing to evolve at a rapid pace. Al, automation, personalization, web3, data, and MarTech will remain essential elements of successful digital marketing strategies. Understanding search intent and creating relevant content will continue to be important, as will partnering with influencers and content creators. ChatGPT is expected to become an even more significant player In the search engine game, so businesses will need to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and techniques. Conversational marketing and search will also continue to evolve, with an emphasis on personalization and local context. To stay competitive, its crucial to keep an eye on the latest developments and be willing to adapt and innovate.


Digital Marketing has evolved significantly over the past few years, and the future looks even more exciting. Brands need to adapt to the changing trends to stay ahead in the game.

Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing will continue to play a critical role in reaching out to cross-generational audiences. Brands must invest in various channels to address the diverse demographics. Tik Tok is popular among GenZ, and brands must figure out how to engage with them.

Influencer Marketing and Content Creator partnerships Influencer Marketing and Content Creator partnerships will be a must-have in 2023. Brands cannot rely on the content they create by themselves.

Customer retention Customer retention will become more important than customer acquisition. Brands must reduce CAC and invest in retention, cross-sell, and upsell strategies to establish long-term relationships with their customers.

Al and web3: Al and web3 will continue to disrupt and shift Digital Marketing in 2023. Its essential to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the industry to succeed.




Our dedicated team of social media experts live and breathe all things social, and each has vast experience in setting up and executing successful paid and organic social media campaigns across all platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Linkedln, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube.

profile management audience


. PR & influencer marketing

organic & paid campaigns

tailored content plans post


Empowering small businesses through social media marketing is a vital approach in todays digital age. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedln, and Pinterest provide unprecedented access to a broad and engaged audience; By adopting a well-thought-out social media marketing strategy, small businesses can amplify their voice, expand their reach, and establish a strong online presence.



Metaverse marketing is the future of marketing.

The metaverse is a virtual reality world where people can interact with each other, buy and sell things, and live out

their dreams.


Engaging your consumers

SEO is evolving

Search optimization is continuously evolving, and we can expect further changes in 2023.

Search engines will focus more on understanding the intent of search queries and measuring the relevance of content. Backlinks are not as important as before, and instead, long-tail keywords and page load speed are becoming crucial factors to consider. Brands should invest in website optimization and regular audits to stay ahead of the competition. Additionally, Al-powered tools like ChatGPT may disrupt search engines in 2023,

SEO is changing:

Emphasizing the need to stay updated with the latest SEO trends and techniques. On-site optimization techniques like schema will no longer be just nice-to-haves, but a necessity.

Digital marketing is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by Al, automation, personalization, web3, data, and MarTech. To succeed in this new landscape, its crucial to understand your target audiences search intent and create relevant content. Partnering with influencers and content creators and leveraging community content at scale can also help brands to stay competitive. ChatGPT, an Al-powered tool, is expected to disrupt search engines in the coming years, which may require companies to adapt to new SEO trends and techniques. Conversational marketing and search are also evolving, and its essential to personalize content and consider local context and realities. Overall, staying up-to-date with the latest developments and being adaptable is key to success in digital marketing.


About Digital Marketing

As simple and self-explanatory as it sounds, Digital Marketing is that magical method that announces your presence all over the Digital Media. Be it social media, Google ads, IG posts, your companys presence will literally be noticed all over the internet hub therefore, ensuring targets you aim actually hit the bulls eye.

I Social Media Marketing Empowers SMEs

The integration of social media into digital marketing strategies has proven to be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes, but particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Social media platforms offer unique opportunities for branding, customer engagement, and sales, acting as catalysts for business growth.


telling you all these?

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the digital era, its crucial to recognize the transformative power of digital marketing, particularly for small businesses. With advances in technology and consumer behavior continually changing, digital marketing is no longer a luxury; its a necessity. Today, Id like to focus on some key digital marketing trends that are empowering small businesses to reach new heights.



Empowering small businesses through blockchain technology is a subject that is increasingly receiving attention as blockchain evolves beyond cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Blockchain can offer a range of solutions for small businesses, enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency. Below are some of the ways small businesses can benefit from integrating blockchain technology

Our experts can help you enable blockchain and transform your business.

Financial Transactions and Payments

Low Transaction Costs: Traditional online payment gateways often come with high fees. Blockchain can significantly reduce these transaction costs.

Speed: Blockchain transactions can be nearly instantaneous, even for international


Transparency and Security: Every transaction is transparent and securely stored on the blockchain, reducing the risk of fraud.

Supply Chain Management

Real-time Tracking: Small businesses can track the production, shipment, and receipt of products in a supply chain in real-time.

Provenance: Detailed history of a product from its origin through its entire lifecycle can be securely and transparently accessed.

Smart Contracts: These can automatically execute, enforce, or manage contracts, reducing the need for intermediaries.

Tokenization of Assets

Investment: Small businesses can tokenize their assets to raise capital, allowing people to buy shares in the form of tokens.

Asset Management: Tokenization allows for easier and more transparent buying, selling, and trading of real-world assets.

Decentralized Marketplaces

Reduced Costs: Listing and selling products on a blockchain-based marketplace can reduce fees associated with traditional e-commerce platforms.

Transparency: Such marketplaces can offer greater transparency in terms of product origin, reviews, and transactions.

Data Security

Secure Storage: Blockchains cryptography can be used for secure storage of business data.

Data Integrity: Once data is stored on a blockchain, it is extremely difficult to alter, ensuring the integrity of business records.

Networking and Partnerships

Global Network: The decentralized nature of blockchain can easily connect small businesses with international partners without requiring intermediaries.

Challenges and Considerations

Scalability: As of now, some blockchains still have scalability issues.

Regulatory Uncertainty: The legal landscape for blockchain is still evolving.

Initial Costs: The upfront cost of implementing blockchain technology can be high.

Overall, blockchain holds immense potential to revolutionize how small businesses operate, but due diligence and a well-thought-out integration strategy are essential.



Blockchains Next Billion Users and Trillions in Value

Blockchain: The Opportunity and the Addressable Need


Blockchain user numbers will be boosted by daily activity. The success of blockchain adoption will be measured by when it is being used by a billion plus end users who do not even realize they are using the technology. Blockchain-based products can make a significant impact in terms of wide consumer adoption in digital currency, especially central bank digital currency (CBDCs), gaming, and social.

Gaming industry next dimension

Since its inception decades ago, the video gaming industry has grown with stunning speed. Over the last five years in particular, it has experienced significant expansion as users worldwide play games of all types across a variety of platforms. Video gaming is also on the verge of a major transformational shift due to the emergence of the metaverse — a shared, persistent, threedimensional (3D) virtual realm where users interact with objects, the environment and each other through digital representations of themselves or avatars.

While many believe that the metaverse will eventually be pervasive throughout society, including in the business world and on social media, gaming has quickly become a first mover in this space. With this in mind, we recently surveyed a group of executives from leading gaming companies to gain their insights about the impact of and outlook for the metaverse.

The state of the gaming industry

An estimated 2.9 billion people — more than one out of every three people on the planet — played a video game in 2021, when global revenue for the industry exceeded $193 billion (see Figure 1). In addition, from 2016 to 2021, gaming grew at a compound annual growth rate of 15.6%.

We provide end-to-end video design, coding, testing, and deployment gaming solutions. We use Unity3D, Unreal, Cocos2Dx, Construct, and PlayCanvas to build fun games, we use the agile technique, which allows us to incorporate user feedback at every level. We build epic games with captivating animation, rich UI/UX, and delightful storytelling across all platforms of your choice.

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