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Kiri Industries Ltd Directors Report

Jul 22, 2024|02:09:18 PM

Kiri Industries Ltd Share Price directors Report


The Members


Your Board of Directors are pleased to present the 25th Annual Report together with Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2023.

* Standalone Performance

(Rs. in Lakhs)
Particulars FY 2022-23 FY 2021-22
Total Income 62,488.10 113,866.63
Operational Expenses 71,056.96 110,538.21
Earning Before Finance Cost, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) (8,568.86) 3,328.42
Less: Finance Cost 610.14 461.37
Depreciation and Amortisation 4,413.05 4,362.63
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax (13,592.06) (1,495.58)
Less: Current Tax - -
Deferred Tax 171.24 563.91
Profit/(Loss) For the Period (13,420.82) (931.66)
Other Comprehensive Income 50.03 (28.02)
Profit/(Loss) and Comprehensive income (13,370.79) (959.69)

* Highlights of Standalone Operations

During the year under review, the Company has reported a total income of Rs.62,488.10 Lakhs as compared to Rs.1,13,866.63 Lakhs in FY 2021-22, which is decreased by 45% as compared to previous financial year. The revenue has decreased mainly due to lower demand of dyes and dyes intermediates globally. Export demand was lower during the year on account of Russia-Ukraine War, high inflation in US and Europe, high energy cost, etc. which leads to decline in export for the Company. Margins were impacted mainly due to increase in raw material prices, power & fuel costs, freight & transportation costs and substantial legal costs during the current financial year as compared to the previous financial year.

The Company has reported negative Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation ("EBITDA"). The EBITDA stood at negative Rs.8,568.86 Lakhs for the FY 2022-23 as against positive EBITDA of Rs.3,328.42 Lakhs for the FY 2021-22 mainly due to reduction in volumes as well as prices of dyes, dyes intermediates and basic chemicals on account of subdued demand globally.

The Company has reported loss of Rs.13,370.79 Lakhs for FY 2022-23 as against loss of Rs.959.69 Lakhs for FY 2021-22.

The Management believes that the moderation in input costs, reduction in the operational and fixed costs, expected higher capacity utilization through optimization of product mix and easing of inflation should enable the Company to reclaim the EBITDA margins and to deliver volume lead profitable growth in coming years.

? Consolidated Performance

(Rs. in Lakhs)
Particulars FY 2022-23 FY 2021-22
Total Income 94,840.14 149,889.81
Operational Expenses 98,254.28 137,562.58
Earning Before Finance Cost, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) (3,414.14) 12,327.23
Less: Finance cost

Depreciation and Amortisation





Share of Profit of Associates 21,161.03 33,585.69
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax 12,227.68 40,418.18
Less: Tax Expenses 1,563.19 1,540.84
Profit/(Loss) For the Period 10,664.48 38,877.34
Other Comprehensive Income 50.33 (33.32)
Profit/(Loss) and Comprehensive income 10,714.81 38,844.02

? Highlights of Consolidated Operations

During the year under review, total income of the Company has been deceased by 36% from Rs.1,49,889.81 Lakhs to Rs.94,840.14 Lakhs. The Company has reported negative EBITDA of Rs.3,414.14 Lakhs for the FY 2022-23 as compared to positive EBITDA of Rs.12,327.23 Lakhs for the previous financial year.

The Company has reported Earnings After Tax to Rs.10,714.81 Lakhs in FY 2022-23 from Rs.38,844.02 Lakhs in FY 2021-22, which is 72% lower. In the consolidated Earnings After Tax, Lonsen Kiri Chemical Industries Limited has contributed to Rs.5,002.14 Lakhs.

? Dividend

To conserve the resources for the future development of the Company and due to current year losses, the Directors do not recommend any dividend on Equity Shares for the year under review. The Dividend Distribution Policy is available on the website of the Company i.e. www.kiriindustries.com.

? Transfer to Reserves

The Directors have decided not to transfer any amount to the General Reserve for the year under review.

* Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF)

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 124 and 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 ("Act") read with the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 ("IEPF Rules"), any money transferred to Unpaid Dividend Account and which remains unpaid or unclaimed for 7 (seven) consecutive years from the date of such transfer shall

be transferred by the Company into IEPF account, established by the Government of India. Further, the Company shall also transfer shares of members whose dividends remain unpaid/unclaimed for a continuous period of seven years to the demat account of IEPF Authority. During the year, there were no funds/ shares, which were required to be transferred to IEPF Authority.

The following table provides dates on which unclaimed/unpaid dividend and their corresponding shares would become due to be transferred to the IEPF:

Financial Year for which dividend declared Type of Dividend Dividend Rate (%) Date of Declaration Amount of Unpaid/ Unclaimed Dividend as on 31.03.2023 Due Date for transfer to IEPF
2018-19 Final 20 27.09.2019 Rs.2,82,870/- 27.10.2026
2019-20 Final 5 25.09.2020 Rs.90,467/- 25.10.2027

The Company has appointed a Nodal Officer as per IEPF Rules, the details of which are available on the website of the Company i.e. www.kiriindustries.com.

* Subsidiaries, Associates, Joint Venture and Consolidated Financial Statements

The Company has prepared Consolidated Financial Statements in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards ("Ind AS") and as per Schedule III to the Act. Except where otherwise stated, the accounting policies are consistently applied. The Board has reviewed the affairs of the Companys subsidiaries during the year at regular intervals.

As on March 31, 2023, there are total 6 (Six) Subsidiaries, 3 (three) Associate Companies and 1 (one) Joint Venture Company. However, two subsidiaries namely SMS Chemicals Co. Ltd. and Synthesis International Ltd. have ceased their operations and therefore have not been considered in the Consolidation. In accordance with Section 129(3) of the Act, the Company has prepared Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and its Subsidiary, Associates and Joint Venture, which forms part of this Annual Report. A statement containing salient features of the financial statements of the subsidiary/Joint Ventures/ Associates companies in Form AOC-1 is provided as "Annexure A" to this report. During the year under review, Indo Asia Copper Limited became subsidiary of the Company and there were no other Companies which have become or ceased to become subsidiary, associate or joint venture of your Company.

In accordance with Section 136(1) of the Act, the audited financial statements including consolidated financial statements of the Company alongwith all other documents required to be attached thereto and audited accounts of the subsidiary Companies, are available on the website of the Company at www.kiriindustries.com.

Your Company has also implemented Policy for determining Material Subsidiary as per the requirements under Regulation 16 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("Listing Regulations"). The said policy is available on the website of the Company i.e. www.kiriindustries.com.

* Directors and Key Managerial Personnel

As of March 31, 2023, your Companys Board of Directors ("Board") have seven members comprising of three Executive Directors and four Non-Executive Independent Directors. The Board has one Women Independent Director. The details of Board and Committees composition, tenure of Directors, areas of expertise and other details are available in the Corporate Governance Report, which forms part of this Annual Report.

The Board of Directors report the sad demise of Mr. Pravinchandra Kiri (DIN : 00198275), founder Chairman and Whole Time Director of the Company on June 12, 2022.

As recommended by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors have appointed Mr. Yagnesh Mankad (DIN: 03204060) and Mr. Girish Tandel (DIN: 08421333) as Additional Directors in the capacity of Whole Time Directors of the Company w.e.f. February 11,2023 and re-appointed Mr. Manish Kiri, Chairman & Managing Director for a further period of 3 years w.e.f. April 01, 2023.

As required under Regulation 17(1C) of the Listing Regulations, the aforesaid appointments were approved by the shareholders by passing requisite resolutions through Postal Ballot on May 07, 2023.

As per the provision of Section 152(6) of the Act, Mr. Manish Kiri (DIN: 00198284), Chairman & Managing Director, retires by rotation at the ensuing AGM and, being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.

The Company has received requisite Notices from the member under Section 160 of the Act in respect of the aforesaid Director, proposing candidature for the office of Director. The resolution for re-appointment of aforementioned Director along with his brief profile forms part of the Notice of the 25th AGM and the resolution is recommended for approval of members.

There was no other change in the composition of the Board of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel during the year under review, except as stated above.

Mr. Ulrich Hambrecht, Independent Director resigned as director of the Company w.e.f. May 30, 2023 due to his health issue.

• Auditors

• Statutory Auditors

M/s. Pramodkumar Dad & Associates, Chartered Accountants, were re-appointed as Statutory Auditors of the Company at the 24th AGM held on September 29, 2022 for a further period of 5 years.

The Report issued by the statutory auditors on the financial statements along with the notes to the financial statements of the Company for the financial year 2022-23 is forming part of the Annual Report. There has been no qualification, reservation or adverse remark or disclaimer in their Report.

• Cost Auditors

Pursuant to Section 148 of the Act read with the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014, M/s. V. H. Savaliya & Associates, Cost Accountants were appointed as Cost Auditors of the Company by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on August 12, 2022 for the Financial Year 2022-23.

Your Company has maintained the cost records as prescribed under Section 148 of the Act and rules made thereunder.

The Cost Audit Report for the financial year 2022-23, issued by the cost auditors does not contain any qualification, reservation, adverse remark or disclaimer.

• Secretarial Auditors

Pursuant to Section 204 of the Act read with Rule 9 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 and Listing Regulations, as amended, M/s. Kashyap R. Mehta & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries, were appointed as Secretarial Auditors of the Company by the Board, at their meeting held on August 12, 2022 for financial year 2022-23. The Secretarial Audit Report in the prescribed form MR-3 is attached herewith as "Annexure B".

The Secretarial Audit Report for the year ended on March 31, 2023 does not contain any qualifications, reservations or adverse remarks.

* Declaration by Independent Directors and statement on compliance of Code of Conduct

During the year under review, all Independent Directors have given their declarations stating that they meet the criteria of independence as prescribed under Section 149(6) of the Act and Regulation 16(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations and have also complied with the Code for Independent Directors as prescribed in Schedule IV to the Act. In opinion of the Board, they fulfill the conditions of independence as specified in the Act and Rules made thereunder and the Listing Regulations. They have further declared that they are not debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of the Companies by the SEBI/ Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such statutory authority. In terms of Regulation 25(8) of the Listing Regulations, they have confirmed that they are not aware of any circumstance or situation which exists or may be reasonably anticipated that could impair or impact their ability to discharge their duties. In the opinion of the Board, all the Independent Directors are persons of integrity and possess relevant expertise and experience including the proficiency.

In terms of provisions of the Listing Regulations, the Board of Directors of the Company have laid down a Code of Conduct ("Code") for all Board Members and Senior Management Personnel of the Company. The Board Members and Senior Management Personnel of the Company have affirmed compliance with the Code. The Chairman & Managing Director of the Company has given a declaration to the Company that all Board Members and Senior Management Personnel of the Company have affirmed compliance with the Code. Code of Conduct for Board Members and Senior Management Personnel is available on the website of the Company at www.kiriindustries.com.

* Meetings of the Board, Committees & Compliance to Secretarial Standards

During the year under review, 4 (Four) Meetings of Board of Directors were held on May 30, 2022, August 12, 2022, November 09, 2022 and February 11, 2023.

Pursuant to the requirements of Schedule IV to the Act and the Listing Regulations, separate Meetings of the Independent Directors of the Company were held on June 13, 2022 and February 11, 2023.

Details of Composition and meetings of various committees held during the year are provided in Corporate Governance Report, which is forming part of this report.

During the year under review, the Company has complied with the provisions of Secretarial Standard on Board Meetings (SS-1) and Secretarial Standard on General Meetings (SS-2).

* Listing Fees

The Equity Shares of your Company are listed and actively traded on the BSE Limited (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE). The Company had paid Annual Listing fees to both the stock exchanges for the Financial Year 2023-24 within the stipulated time.

* Changes in Capital Structure

There was no change in the Capital Structure of the Company during the year under review.

* Board Evaluation

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board have laid down the process and criteria for annual performance evaluation of the Board, its Committees and individual directors. The Board has carried out an evaluation of its own performance, Committees and individual directors in compliance with the provisions of the Act and Listing Regulations.

The evaluation process covered aspects such as Board structure and composition, frequency of Board Meetings, participation in the long term strategic planning, contribution to and monitoring of corporate governance practices and the fulfilment of Directors obligation and fiduciary responsibilities, including but not limited to active participation at the Board and Committee meetings. The Board has reviewed the performance of the Board as a whole, its Committees and individual directors taking into account feedback of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Independent Directors, which includes the evaluation of the Chairman and Non- Independent Directors of the Company.

* Remuneration of Directors and Employees

A Statement pursuant to Section 197 of the Act read with Rule 5 of Companies (Appointment & Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 is attached as "Annexure C".

The statement containing particulars of employees as required under Section 197(12) of the Act read with Rule 5(2) and Rule 5(3) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, forms part of this report. However, the said statement is not being sent along with this Annual Report to the members in line with the provisions of Section 136 of the Act. The same is open for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company. The Copies of this statement may be obtained by the members by writing to the Company Secretary.

* Policy on Directors Appointment and Remuneration

The Companys policy on directors appointment and remuneration and other matters as provided in Section 178(3) of the Act has been disclosed in the Corporate Governance Report, which is a part of this report and is also available on website of the Company i.e. www.kiriindustries.com.

* Familiarisation Programme for Directors

The Company believes that a Board, which is adequately informed/familiarised with the Company and its affairs can contribute significantly to effectively discharge its fiduciary duty as director of the Company and that fulfils stakeholders aspirations and societal expectations. In this regard, the Directors of the Company are updated on changes/developments in the domestic/global industry scenario in the sector which affect the business of the Company, to enable them to take well informed and timely decisions. The details of familiarization programmes have been disclosed on the Companys website i.e. www.kiriindustries.com.

* Directors Responsibility Statement

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 134(5) of the Act, with respect to Directors Responsibility Statement, it is hereby confirmed that:

a) in the preparation of the annual accounts for the year ended March 31, 2023, the applicable accounting standards read with requirements set out under Schedule III to the Act, have been followed and there are no material departures from the same;

b) the Directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and of the loss of the Company for that period;

c) the Directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the

Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

d) the Directors had prepared the annual accounts for the year ended March 31, 2023 on a going concern basis;

e) they have laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and such internal financial controls are adequate and operating effectively;

f) they have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively.

* Internal Control Systems and their Adequacy

The Company has an Internal Control System, commensurate with the size and nature of its business operations. The Company has appointed an external audit firm for internal audit of the Company. The Internal Auditor reviews the adequacy of internal control system in the Company and its compliance with operating systems and policies & procedures. Based on the report of internal auditor, the account department undertakes corrective actions in their respective areas and thereby strengthen the controls. Significant audit observations and corrective actions thereon are presented to the Audit Committee on quarterly basis.

The details in respect of internal financial control and their adequacy are also included in the Management Discussion and Analysis Report, which is a part of this report.

* Deposits from public

During the year under review, the Company has not accepted any deposits from public within the meaning of Section 73 to 76 of the Act read with the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014 or any other applicable provision(s), if any.

* Details of Loans, Investments and Guarantees

Details of Loans, Guarantees and Investments covered under the provisions of Section 186 of the Act are provided in the note no. 3, 4, 12 and 43 to the Standalone Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended March 31, 2023.

* Related Party Transactions

All related party transactions entered into during FY 2022-23 were on arms length basis and in the ordinary course of business and were reviewed and approved by the Audit Committee and are in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Act and the Listing Regulations.

With a view to ensure continuity of day-to-day operations, an omnibus approval is obtained for related party transactions which are of repetitive nature and entered in the ordinary course of business and on an arms length basis. A statement giving details of all related party transactions entered pursuant to the omnibus approval so granted is placed before the Audit Committee on a quarterly basis for its review. The specific related party transactions has also been approved by the Audit Committee as and when required.

Since all related party transactions entered into by the Company were in ordinary course of business and were on arms length basis, Form AOC-2 is not applicable to the Company. The details of the transactions with Related Party are provided in the note no. 40 to standalone audited financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards.

Members at their 24th AGM have approved the material related party transactions with Lonsen Kiri Chemical Industries Limited, a Joint Venture Company in which Chairman & Managing Director of the Company is also interested. Other than this, there are no materially significant related party transactions entered into by the Company with Promoters, Directors or Key Managerial Personnel etc. which may have potential conflict with the interest of the Company or which requires the approval of the members.

In terms of Regulation 23 of the Listing Regulations, the Company submits details of related party transactions on a consolidated basis as per the specified format to the stock exchanges on a half-yearly basis.

An abridged policy on related party transactions is available on the website of the Company i.e. www.kiriindustries.com.

* Conservation of energy, research and development, technology absorptions and foreign exchange earnings and outgo

The relevant information on conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings & outgo as required to be disclosed in terms of Section 134(3)(m) of the Act read with Rule 8 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 is annexed to this report as "Annexure D".

* Risk Management

The Company has a Risk Management framework in place to identify, assess, monitor and mitigate various risks to the business.

This framework seeks to minimize adverse impact on the business objectives and enhance the Companys competitive advantage. The framework also defines the risk management approach across the Company at various levels. Risk Management Committee reviews the process of risk management.

The details of the Committee and meetings held during the financial year 2022-23 and its terms of reference are provided in the Corporate Governance Report. The Risk Management Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company www.kiriindustries.com.

* Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower Policy)

As per the provisions of Section 177 of the Act and Regulation 22 of the Listing Regulations, the Company has devised a vigil mechanism named Whistle Blower Policy for escalating system of ethical concerns etc. and to deal with instances of fraud and mismanagement, if any. The details of the Whistle Blower Policy is available on the website of the Company at www.kiriindustries.com and also given in the Corporate Governance Report.

* Composition of Committees

The Company has 5 (Five) Committees namely Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee and Risk Management Committee. A detailed note on the composition of the board and other committees are provided in the Corporate Governance Report.

* Audit Committee

As required under Section 177(8) of the Act and the Listing Regulations, the composition of the Audit Committee is mentioned herein below:

Name of Member Designation
Mr. Keyoor Bakshi Chairman to the Committee
Mr. Manish Kiri Member
Mr. Mukesh Desai Member
Ms. Veena Padia Member

During the year, all the recommendations made by the Audit Committee were accepted by the Board.

* Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

Pursuant to Section 135 of the Act, the Company has constituted Corporate Social Responsibility Committee ("CSR Committee") comprising of following members:

Name of Member Designation
Ms. Veena Padia Chairperson to the Committee
Mr. Pravin Kiri* Member
Mr. Manish Kiri Member
Mr. Mukesh Desai Member

*Cessation w.e.f. June 12,2022 due to demise.

The Company has always been committed to the cause of social service and has repeatedly channelized its resources and activities, which positively affects the society socially, ethically and environmentally. Your Company has taken up various Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR") initiatives and enhanced value in the society.

The Company has formulated CSR Policy which encompasses its philosophy and guides its sustained efforts for undertaking and supporting socially useful programs for the welfare & sustainable development of the society.

The brief outline of the CSR policy and the initiatives undertaken by the Company on CSR activities during the year under review are set out in "Annexure E" of this report as per the format prescribed in the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014. For further details regarding the CSR Committee, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report. The CSR Policy is available on the website of the Company i.e. www.kiriindustries.com.

* Nomination and Remuneration Policy for Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and Other Employees:

As prescribed under Section 178 of the Act and Regulation 19 of the Listing Regulations, the Company has adopted Nomination and Remuneration policy for Directors appointment and remuneration including criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes, independence of a Director, which is available on the website of the Company i.e. www.kiriindustries.com. The relevant information as per Regulation 19 of the Listing Regulations is available in the Corporate Governance report.

* Human Resource Development

Your Company believes that Human Resources play a vital role in achieving its long term corporate goal and it has always remained one of the most important assets and a key variable in achieving operational performance. Hence, the Company continues to invest on hiring the best talent from other industries, developing and retaining the available talent to ensure a sustainable talent supply within the organization.

The Company continues to provide them with a safe and comfortable working environment. The Company provides various opportunities to the employees to develop their skills to take up higher responsibilities in the organization.

* Corporate Governance & Management Discussion and Analysis Report

As prescribed under Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V of the Listing Regulations, a separate section

on corporate governance practices implemented by the Company, along with the Compliance Certificate from the Secretarial Auditors regarding compliance of conditions of corporate governance as stipulated in Listing Regulations are set out in "Annexure F" to this Annual report.

The Management Discussion and Analysis Report on the industry and business operations of the Company, as required under the Listing Regulations are set out in "Annexure G" of this Report.

* Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR)

Pursuant to Regulation 34 of the Listing Regulations, top 1,000 listed entities based on market capitalization shall require to submit Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR). Accordingly, BRSR is annexed to this report as "Annexure H".

* Annual return

As required under Section 92 and 134 of the Act read with Rule 11 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, Annual Return as on March 31, 2023 is available on the website of the Company at www.kiriindustries.com.

* Disclosure

As per Regulation 43A of the Listing Regulations, the Dividend Distribution Policy is available on the Companys website i.e. www.kiriindustries.com.

The details in respect of compliances with provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder is available on the Companys website i.e. www.kiriindustries.com.

The Company has adopted a Code of Conduct to regulate, monitor and report trading by insiders which prohibits trading in securities of the Company by directors and designated persons while in possession of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information in relation to the Company. The said code is available on the website of the Company at www.kiriindustries.com.

During the year under review, the Company has complied with Secretarial Standards as applicable to the Company.

* Material Changes

There have been no material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of the Company between the end of financial year to which the financial statements relate and date of this report.

* Significant and Material orders passed by the Regulators or Courts

During the financial year, no significant or material orders were passed by any Regulatory/Statutory Authorities or the Courts or Tribunals which would impact the going concern status of the Company and its future operations.

* Details in respect of frauds reported by Auditors other than those which are reportable to the Central Government

During the financial year, the Statutory Auditors, Cost Auditors or Secretarial Auditors of the Company have not reported any frauds to the Audit Committee or to the Board of Directors as prescribed under Section 143(12) of the Act and rules made thereunder.

* Updates on court case in Singapore

In the matter of DyStar Global Holdings (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. ("DyStar"), where the Company holds 37.57% equity stake, the Company has been very successful and has won against Senda International Capital Limited ("Senda"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Longsheng Group wherein on March 03, 2023, Singapore International Commercial Court ("SICC") crystallized and decided the final valuation of the Companys stake at US$603.8 million which is increased by US$122.2 million, 25% higher than the earlier determined valuation of US$481.6 million after giving an effect of the decision of the Court of Appeal which is Supreme Court of Singapore dated July 06, 2022.

Senda has failed to make payment of the legal cost amount awarded to the Company and failed to comply within deadlines given which is January 20, 2023. The company has filed a writ of seizure and sale of Senda shares held in DyStar to the extent of recovery of legal costs awarded to Kiri by SICC as well as the Supreme Court of Singapore. The sheriff office of Singapore Supreme Court took possession of Senda shares held in DyStar to the extent of legal cost amount.

The Company has also commenced examination of judgment debtor proceedings in SICC in relation to cost orders made in Kiris favour. The Company has applied to examine Mr. Ruan Weixiang, (The Chairman of Zhejiang Longsheng Group, the Chairman of DyStar, and former director of Senda), and Ms. Fan Jing (current director of Senda) for information on Sendas assets. The Company is currently taking steps to effect service of the relevant court documents on Mr. Ruan Weixiang and Ms. Fan Jing.

Recently on July 25, 2023 the Company has filed an Alternate Relief Application with SICC for enforcement of Valuation Judgement and recover US$603.80 million determined by SICC vide its judgement dated March 03, 2023, wherein it has applied to SICC for making Senda and DyStar jointly and severally liable to complete the buy-out, wherein:

(a) DyStar to complete purchase of 17.57% of the equity of DyStar from Kiri at US$282.37 million within one month of the date of Court Order, thereafter Senda and/or DyStar buy balance 20% of equity of DyStar from Kiri at US$321.47 million within four months of the date of Court Order, for which a receiver be appointed by the Court for limited purpose of executing the share purchase by DyStar;

(b) In the event Senda and DyStar fail to comply with the order of the Court, DyStar should be wound up by Court and pay the buy-out order amount of US$603.80 million and all interest and legal expenses in priority to Senda from liquidation of DyStars assets;

(c) Senda shall be liable to pay interest on the Final Purchase Price from April 03, 2023 at 14.85% per annum (or any alternative interest rate determined by the SICC until the completion of the purchase of Kiris shareholding in DyStar or until Kiri receives the full amount of the Final Purchase Price, whichever is later.

(d) Senda be restrained from transferring, charging, or otherwise dealing with its shares in DyStar until full payment of the Final Purchase Price, and all interest and legal costs, to Kiri;

(e) DyStar shall be liable to pay:

(i) Interest at 14.85% per annum (or any alternative interest rate determined by SICC on the amount of US$282.37 million, from the date on which the purchase should be completed in accordance with point (a) above until the date of completion of the purchase of 17.57% of Kiri s shareholding in DyStar or until the Kiri receives the purchase price of US$282.37 million, whichever is later; and

(ii) Interest at 14.85% per annum (or any alternative interest rate determined by SICC) on the further amount of US$321.43 million, from the date on which the purchase should be completed in accordance with point (a) above until the date of completion of the purchase of 20% of Kiris shareholding in DyStar or until Kiri receives the purchase price of US$321.43 million, whichever is later.

? Acknowledgement

The Board takes this opportunity to sincerely thanks all its stakeholders, shareholders, customers, legal advisors, suppliers/contractors, employees, Government agencies, local authorities and the immediate society for their un-stinted support and co-operation during the year.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Manish Kiri
Place: Ahmedabad Chairman & Managing Director
Date: August 11, 2023 DIN: 00198284

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