Rajnandini Metal Management Discussions



IMF has projected global GDP growth to decelerate to 2.8% in 2023 from 3.4% in 2022 due to developments related to instability in financial sector, expectations of steeper interest rate hikes by major central banks to fight inflation and spillover effects from the war in Ukraine with gas supplies from Russia to Europe tightening.

As per IMF, despite the shocks of COVID-19, the Russian-Ukraine conflict, and synchronized policy rate hikes by central banks to curb inflation, India Continues to be the fastest-growing major economy in FY24, with a projected GDP growth rate of 6.1%.

Indias economy has position itself to ascend to the pre-pandemic growth path. However, high inflation, aggressive tightening of monetary policies by advanced economies, opening up of China and an unstable labor market remain major challenges.

The copper rod market is experiencing robust growth owing to the increasing demand from sectors such as power transmission, electronics, and telecommunications. The market is witnessing a surge in investments in infrastructure development projects, further fueling the demand for copper rods. Moreover, the growing emphasis on renewable energy sources is driving the need for copper rods in the production of solar panels and wind turbines.


Indian Electrical equipment Industry is set for revival and growth in power sector. This is an opportunity for demand in winding wires & strips, which is one of the principal inputs to electrical machines & electronic equipment. It is expected that customer base will expand and new customer base will be generated. The increasing adoption of electric vehicles presents a significant opportunity for the copper rod market. EVs require a larger amount of copper rods compared to conventional vehicles, as they utilize copper extensively in their electrical systems.


Increasing competition from domestic and foreign players could lead to margin contraction due to pricing pressure. Some of the larger global players are already present in India. Highly fluctuating price of copper, which is the principal input to the winding wire Industry, continues to be of serious concern. The rising cost of production, especially due to wage increase and rise in prices of other materials & services, short & stringent delivery schedule by customers in the background of highly volatile copper prices, Fiscal policy of government encouraging imports of inputs which are detrimental to Indian Electrical Industry, competition from other leading winding wire manufacturers etc. continue to threaten the profitability of your Company.


Global demand for refined copper is expected to increase by ~2% in 2023. China is expected to grow by ~1.8% and the rest of world is expected to grow by ~3.5%. Demand for refined copper in India is likely to improve and revert to pre-COVID.

The world copper mine supply grew by 3.5% in 2022 mainly on account of ramp up in output from new mines in Congo, Peru, etc. The ramp up of projects will continue to support concentrate supply in 2023, but high level of disruptions will restrict annual growth rate to 2.3%. While the copper market is likely to be balanced in 2024, deficit is expected to emerge in 2025. Recycling along with product substitutions shall be key in helping to mitigate some of this gap.

Domestic copper demand is driven largely by rods, which is the downstream product for the copper business. Companys strategy of enhancing copper VAP capacity through copper rods and copper inner grooved tubes will help it gain a larger market share and meet the growing demand for copper in the domestic market.


In the winding wire business, the global demand and supply of copper and its prices plays a vital role and could significantly affect your Companys turnover. Your company is fairly exposed to the domestic and global political and economic risks. The prices advanced on rapidly increasing demand for copper from China, India and the other emerging economies of Asia. Your company also continuously keeps working on getting approvals from new and renowned customers to increase its market share commensurate with its capacity. Intense competition in the market could affect our cost advantages and result in decreased turnover. Failure to complete fixed price, fixed time frame deliveries could result in lower revenues of the company.

The business of your company could suffer if we fail to anticipate and develop new products and enhance existing range to keep pace with the rapid changes in the winding wire industry. Currency fluctuations could affect the results of operations. Your companys manufacturing facilities are based in India. Any changes in the legal, fiscal and other regulatory regimes of our country could affect our performance. In the event that the Government of India brings about any changes in import tariffs in India and reduction or curtailment of income tax benefits available to some of our operations in India can pose risks to your company. It also has a wide customer base and changes in the legal, fiscal or regulatory regimes can also affect the competitiveness of our product and affect your companys performance.


The Companys internal control systems are commensurate with the nature of its business, the size and complexity of its operations and such internal financial controls with reference to the Financial Statements are adequate. A strong culture of internal controls is pervasive throughout the Company. Regular internal audits at all locations are undertaken to ensure that the highest standards of internal control are maintained. The effectiveness of a business internal control environment is a component of senior management performance appraisals. The primary aim of the internal control system is to manage business risks with a view to enhance shareholder value and safeguard the Companys assets. It provides reasonable assurance on the internal control environment and against material misstatement or loss. The Company has in place a robust mechanism to deal with Internal audit that involves having a dedicated Assurance & Control function. The Audit Committee discusses audit plans, findings and observations made by the internal auditors at its meetings. The findings made by the internal auditors are reviewed and suggestions implemented


Training: Training to employees at all levels is provided regularly to develop the knowledge and skills. The management is fully committed to the development of its human resources. Your company aims at providing in class training to each employee. Every new recruit receives complete safety training and on the job training from his colleagues/supervisor. Functional and developmental training is provided from time to time to all employees to enhance their skills and productivity. There is an all-round support from the management to the development of human resources.

Knowledge Management:

RML has a practice of sharing experiences of one company with other group companies in various fields of production / finance / marketing. Knowledge Management is being developed by involving and sharing of information on key performance parameters at all levels which results in an overall improvement. This has been formalized by having a daily Business Meeting which is held at all locations of the group companies

Industrial Relations: Your company continues to maintain healthy and cordial industrial relations. The values and the culture of the group foster family feelings amongst all its employees.


The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirement of the Companies Act, 2013 and applicable Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India.

Particulars Year Ended 31.03.2023 Year Ended 31.03.2022
(Rs. in Lakhs) (Rs. in Lakhs)
Revenue from operations 1,02,888 1,02,825
Other income 1,017 125
Total Income 1,03,905 1,02,950
Cost of Material consumed 97305 97164
Purchase of Stock in trade - 2034
Change in inventories of Finished goods, work in progress and stock-in-trade 585 -622
Employee Benefit Expenses 574 365
Finance Cost 728 397
Depreciation and amortization 119 114
Other Expenses 2,482 2,082
Total Expenses 1,01,793 1,01,535
Profit Before tax 2,112 1,415
Less: Provision for tax
Current T ax 710 367
Deferred Tax 34 46
Total Tax expenses 744 413
Net Profit for the Year 1,368 1,002
Less: Income Tax Paid for earlier year - -
Add: Other Comprehensive Income - -
Total Comprehensive Income 1,368 1,002


The significant changes in the key financial ratio of the Company, as compared to the previous year are as given below-

Sl. No. Particulars FY 2022-23 FY 2021-22 Change (%) Explanations
1. Inventory Ratio (%) 18.43 29.39 (37.29) Increase in Inventory Level
2. Debt Equity Ratio (%) 1.51 1.73 (12.96) Decrease our debts from bank.
3. Net Profit (%) 1.33 0.97 36.52 Increase in revenue from investments.
4. Debtor turnover Ratio 10.51 9.90 6.17 Our Debtor increased.