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Sayaji Industries Ltd Directors Report

Jul 22, 2024|03:16:00 PM

Sayaji Industries Ltd Share Price directors Report



Your directors have pleasure in presenting the 82nd annual report together with audited statements of accounts of the company for the financial year ended 31st March, 2023.


( In Lakhs)

Particulars Standalone Consolidated





Total income





Operating profit before interest, depreciation and taxation





Gross profit





Profit before exceptional item & tax





Exceptional item





Profit after exceptional item but before tax





Tax expenses





Profit after tax





Other comprehensive income





Total comprehensive income





Earnings per share







Your directors are pleased to report that for the first time in the history of the company, the total income of the company increased to more than Rs 1000 Crores. The company expanded its grinding capacity to 850 Tons per day which resulted into increased grinding activity which in turn improved the topline of the company. The bottom line however remained subdued during the year under review due to worsening of geopolitical situation and increase in the price of maize and other inputs. Though the company could pass on some portion of the increased cost to its customer, the bottom line of the company remained affected and, as a result of this, despite of increase in the total income of the company, there has not been corresponding increase the net profit of the company.


Your directors are pleased to report that during the year under review, your company could achieve maize grind of 2.87 lakh tons as against 2.52 lakh tons in the previous year due to increased capacity utilization and gradual expansion in capacities of the company. The total income of the company increased to 101956.21 lakhs as against Rs 76917.02 lakhs in the previous year which indicates a jump of 32.55% for the reasons indicated earlier. The company witnessed increase in demand for all its products, especially value added products. The price of maize during the year under review remained high as compared to the previous year. Cost of some other inputs has also increased. The company could pass on only some portion of such increased cost to its customers. As a result of this the bottom-line of the company remained subdued as compared to previous year. The EBITDA of the company during the year under review remained lower at Rs 3351.36 lakhs as against 5180.96 lakhs in the previous year. The gross profit of the company decreased to Rs 2317.69 lakhs as against 4173.72 lakhs in the previous year. The profit before tax of the company reduced to Rs 912.85 lakhs as against 2958.51 lakhs in the previous year and profit after tax declined to Rs 721.65 lakhs as against Rs 1884.39 lakhs in the previous year.


There has been an improvement in the turnover and profitability of Alland & Sayaji LLP, the joint venture of Sayaji Industries Limited during the year under review. However, there has been a nominal increase in the loss of Sayaji Seeds LLP, subsidiary of the company due to delay in monsoon in the previous year and impacted kharif sowing peak season. On a consolidated basis, the total income of your company increased to 104988.11 lakhs as against 79726.52 lakhs in the previous year, indicating a jump of 32%. The Gross Profit of the Company reduced to 1901.76 lakhs as against.4134.19 lakhs in the previous year. During the year under review, the profit before tax of the company stood at Rs 844.05 lakhs as against Rs 2937.15 lakhs in the previous year. The net profit after tax during the year under review was Rs 694.45 lakhs as against 1884.95 Lakhs in the previous year.

Keeping in view the policy of the company to increase/ decrease the dividend payouts to the shareholders based on the profits of the company and also considering the requirements of funds for the proposed expansion and modernization plans of the company in the times to come, your directors have thought it appropriate not to recommend any dividend on the equity shares of the company.


There has been an increase in the demand for all the products of your company in the previous year. The company has initiated process to increase its grinding capacity in coming years and modernize its equipment to improve quality and yield of its finished products. The price of maize remained high and there has also been increase in some input costs during the year under review. Your company has been able to pass on some part of increased input costs to its client in order to protect its margins but still margins remained stress during the year under review. Your directors are hopeful that with expected normal monsoon the price of maize may come down. This coupled with increase grinding activities due to expansion and modernization program undertaken by your company is expected to substantially improve the top line and bottom line of the company in the years to come.

Your directors are hopeful of improved economic activities in India which may lead to improved demand for the products of the company from sectors like FMCG, pharmaceuticals, textile, food, paper, paints etc. which may impact the margins of the company positively in the current financial year.


During the year under review, no amount has been transferred to general reserve.


The board of directors has constituted the following committees and the details pertaining to such committees are included in the corporate governance report, which forms part of this annual report.

  • Audit Committee
  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee
  • Stakeholders Relationship Committee
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Committee


There were 5(five) meetings of the board held during the year. The details of the meetings of the board and the committees thereof, convened during the financial year 2022-23 are given in the corporate governance report which forms part of this annual report. During the year, all recommendations made by the committees were approved by board.


  1. The statutory audit report for the year 2022-23 does not contain any qualification, reservation or adverse remark or disclaimer made by statutory auditors; and
  2. The secretarial audit report for the year 2022-23 does not contain any qualification, reservation or adverse remark or disclaimer made by the secretarial auditor appointed by the company.


As specified by the central government under subsection (1) of section 148 of the Companies Act, 2013, the company has maintained cost accounts and records.


In compliance with the provisions of Section 177(9) the board of directors of the company has framed the "Whistle Blower Policy" as the vigil mechanism for directors and employees of the company. The whistle blower policy is disclosed on the website of the company at https://www.sayajigroup.in/investor-relations/.


The insider trading policy of the company lays down guidelines and procedures to be followed and disclosures to be made while dealing with the shares of the company. The policy has been formulated to regulate, monitor and ensure reporting of deals by designated person/employees and maintain the highest ethical standards of dealing in company?s securities.


No significant and material orders have been passed by any regulator or court or tribunal which can have an impact of the going concern status and the companys operations in future.


In terms of the provisions of Section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Declaration and Payment of Dividend) Rules, 2014, all unclaimed / unpaid dividend up to FY 2014-15 amounting to Rs 6,06,550/- has been transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund. In compliance with the applicable rules and after complying with the requisite formalities, company will be transferring requisite applicable equity shares to the designated demat account of IEPF authority. The details of the shareholders whose shares are liable to be transferred to IEPF can be accessed at companys website viz. www.sayajigroup.in.


Details pertaining to credit rating is included in the corporate governance report, which forms part of this annual report.


The company pursuant to the Section 4 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 has constituted an internal complaints committee. During the year, no complaint was lodged with the internal complaint committee.


Certificate from managing director and chief financial officer of the company, pursuant to the Regulation 17 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, for the financial year 2022-23 under review was placed before the board of directors of the company at its meeting held on 24th May, 2023.


The company complies with all applicable secretarial standards issued by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India and approved by the Central Government under Section 118(10) of the Companies Act, 2013 for the financial year ended 31st March, 2023.


The company has received in past no. of awards for its products, use of boiler and certifications in recognition of the companys systems. The most recent certifications received by the company are OHSAS 18001:2007 certification in recognition of companys health and safety management system, ISO 9001:2015 in recognition of companys quality management system and ISO 14001:2015 in recognition of companys environmental management system.


The company had continued to avail the benefits of technical expertise from M/s Tate & Lyle, Belgium and SIGMA Mudhendislik Makine Sanayi Ve Ticaret Auaturk Mahallesi, Girne Cad, Turkey in the past. This has enabled it to further improve the technical parameters of the production processes and also improve the quality of its products.


Your directors report that the export turnover of the company during the year under review is Rs 13458 lakhs as against Rs 7717 lakhs in the previous year. There has been 75% increase in the export turnover of the company. With expansion of grinding capacities of the company and modernization programs being implemented, your directors hope that there would be more increase in the export turnover of the company. The company intends to continue with its long term export oriented marketing policy by penetrating more in its existing international market and exploring new avenues for its high value products.


Your directors are pleased to inform you that Sayaji Industries Limited has continued to utilize its working capital very effectively as a result of which there has been less utilization of working capital limits sanctioned by the bank despite of increase in the turnover of the company. The liquidity position is adequate to service all interest and debt repayments. Your company has been able to maintain and increase its market share for all its products and get better prices for its products due to extensive and effective efforts of the companys sole selling agents, M/s L G & Doctor Associates Private Limited. It is heartening to note that due to efforts on the part of the sole selling agents, despite of substantial increase in the revenue from operations of the company, total receivables at the end of the year remained in control and average credit period has reduced during the year under review.

The directors place on record their appreciation for the persistent untiring efforts of the sole selling agents to find new markets, pursue with the customers for additional orders and to ensure timely collection of dues. The directors also remain assured that with expansion of its capacities and modernization of its facilities the company would be able gain its market share due to efforts on the part of its sole selling agents.


Deposits aggregating Rs 11.19 lakhs due for repayment on or before 31st March, 2023 were not claimed by the depositors on that date. As on the date of this report, the entire amount has been claimed/ paid.

Your company has accepted the deposits aggregating to Rs 3028.45 lakhs (including renewed of deposits 388.50 lakhs) during the year under review after complying with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014. There has been no default in repayment of deposits or payment of interest thereon during the year under review and there are no deposits which are not in compliance with the requirements of Chapter V of the Companies Act, 2013.

Your directors appreciate the support which the company has received from the public and shareholders to its fixed deposit scheme.


All the properties and insurable interests of the company including buildings, plant and machinery, stocks, loss of profit and standing charges etc. are adequately insured.


During the year under review, the company continued utilization of biogas captured while treating the effluents which are generated from the manufacturing processes of the company. This has resulted into generation of more power at a reduced power cost. Utilization of biogas for generation of electricity reduces emission of the green house gases into environment and thus supports green environment. The new UASB digester is also helping the company to treat increased effluents generated after expansion of the capacities of the company to 850 tons per day and proposed expansion to 1100 tons per day.


There are no other material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of the company which has occurred between the end of the financial year under review of the company to which the financial statements relate and the date of this report.


Mr. Varun P. Mehta retires by rotation at the forthcoming annual general meeting and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.

Mr. Premal Mehta, Independent Director of the company resigned from the company with effect from 6th June, 2022 due to his increased work commitments and family responsibilities and obligations. The directors place on record their appreciation for his contributions and guidance to the company on its path of progress.

The board of directors of the company appointed Mr. Chiranjiv Patel aged 41 years and holding DIN 01252668 as additional director from 10th November, 2022 under section 161(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Article 89 of the Articles of Association off the company. He was also appointed as an independent non-executive director of the company under Section 149 of the Companies Acct, 2013 for a consecutive period to hold the office from 10th November, 2022 to 31st March, 2027. His appointment was approved by the shareholders of the company by way of postal ballot with effect from 31st December, 2022. The board considers that his association with the company would be of immense benefit to the company.

Consent of the members of the company is also being obtained by way of special resolutions through postal ballot for reappointment of Mr. Priyam B. Mehta as the chairman and managing director of the company for the period of five years from 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2028 and to his remuneration for the period of three years from 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2026, reappointment of Mr. Amit N. Shah as the whole time director (technical) for the period of three years from 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2026 and to approve his remuneration and for increase in the remuneration to be paid to Mr. Varun P. Mehta, executive director from 01/06/2023 to 31/03/2024 and Mr. Vishal P. Mehta, executive director from 01/06/2023 to 31/03/ 2024.

Mr. Priyam B. Mehta is the chairman and managing director of the company since November, 1982. He is assisted by Mr. Varun P. Mehta who is the executive director of the company since January, 2010 and Mr. Vishal P. Mehta who is also the executive director of the company since July, 2011. Mr. Amit N. Shah who has been associated with the company since more than three decades is the whole time director (technical) to ensure smooth plant operations. The appointment of the said whole time directors and their remuneration are recommended by the nomination and remuneration committee keeping in mind their contribution to the growth of the company, the financial position of the company, prevailing industry norms, provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and as approved by the board of directors and members of the company from time to time.

The independent directors of the company are highly qualified and stalwarts in their respective filed with wide and varied experience. They actively participate in the discussions at the board meeting and their suggestions have helped the company to grow at a rapid pace. The independent directors are paid sitting fees for attending the board and committee meetings. The nomination and remuneration committee has in place their criteria for determination of qualifications, positive attributes and independence of the directors, which they have considered for the appointment of the new independent directors and reappointment of independent directors for the second term of consecutive five years.

Pursuant to the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, the board has carried out an evaluation of its own performance, the performance of directors individually as well as the evaluation of working of its audit committee, nomination and remuneration committee, stakeholders relationship committee and corporate social responsibility committee. The manner in which the evaluation has been carried out has been explained in the corporate governance report.

The manner in which the remuneration is paid to the directors, executive directors and senior level executives of the company has also been explained in the corporate governance report.

During the year under review, 5 board meetings, 4 audit committee meetings and 1 meeting of independent directors were convened and held, the details of which are given in the corporate governance report. The intervening gap between the meetings was within the period prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013.


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 134 (5) of the Companies Act, 2013 your directors would like to state that:

(i) in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed;

(ii) the directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company at the end of the financial year as on 31st March, 2023 and of the profit of the company for that period;

(iii) the directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 for safeguarding the assets of the company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

(iv) the directors have prepared the annual accounts on a "going concern" basis;

(v) the directors had laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and were operating effectively; and

(vi) the directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively.


In terms of Section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 12 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, the annual return of the company is available on the website of the company at the link : https://www.sayajigroup.in/investor-relations/


The details of loans, guarantees or investments under Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 at the beginning of the year, given/ made during the year and at the end of the financial year under review is as given below:

(Amount in )

Particulars of Loans/Guarantees/ Investments As at 01/04/2022 Given/Made during the financial year As at 31/03/2023
Investment in Sayaji Seeds LLP

Rs 6,30,00,000/-

Rs 10,00,000/-

Rs 6,40,00,000/-

Investment in Alland & Sayaji LLP

Rs 3,50,00,000/-


Rs 3,50,00,000/-

Corporate guarantee given to Kotak Mahindra Bank for financial assistance to Alland & Sayaji LLP

Rs 8,25,00,000/-

(Rs 4,25,00,000/-)

Rs 4,00,00,000/-

Corporate guarantee given to Kotak Mahindra Bank for financial assistance to Sayaji Seeds LLP

Rs 13,00,00,000/-


Rs 13,00,00,000/-



All related party transactions that were entered into during the financial year were at arms length basis and were in the ordinary course of business. The company had not entered into any transactions with related parties which could be considered material in terms of Section 188 of the Companies Act, 2013. Accordingly, the disclosure of related party transactions as required under Section 134(3)(h) of the Companies Act, 2013 in Form AOC-2 is not applicable.


During the year, the company has incorporated a subsidiary in the name of "Sayaji Industries (FZC)" in the United Arab Emirates on 20th December, 2022 for business expansion purposes. The company is in the process of investing the fund in the newly incorporated subsidiary, and therefore no details are provided in the form AOC-1. SAYAJI INDUSTRIES (FZC) is yet to commence its business. It will be engaged in the marketing of company products such as starch, dextrose etc. in middle east countries.

Pursuant to Section 129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013, details required for Sayaji Seeds LLP, a subsidiary of the company, is given in Form AOC 1, which contains the salient features of the financial statements and is attached to the annual report.


The board of directors has approved a code of conduct which is applicable to the members of the board and all executives one level below the board. The company believes in zero tolerance against bribery, corruption and unethical dealings/ behaviour of any form and the board has laid down the directives to counter such acts. The code of conduct has been posted on companys web site www.sayajigroup.in

The code lays down the standard procedure of business conduct which is expected to be followed by the directors and executives one level below the board in their business dealings and in particular on matters relating to integrity in the work place, in business practice and in dealing with stakeholders.

All the board members and executives one level below the board have confirmed compliance with the code.


The statement on development and implementation of risk management policy is given under the management discussion and analysis report which is attached with this annual report.


Details in respect of adequacy of internal finance control with reference to the financial statements are stated in management discussion and analysis report which forms the part of this report.


The company has developed CSR policy with the objective to lay down guiding principles for proper functioning of CSR activities to attain sustainable development of nearby society. CSR policy is also available on the web-site of the company.

The company is contributing in the areas like promotion of education, public welfare and animal welfare.

The CSR policy developed by the company mentions the areas of its operation, the CSR activities, the allocation of funds and arrangements for carrying out such activities. The members of CSR committee include Mr. Varun P. Mehta as chairman Dr. Gaurang K. Dalal, Dr. Janak D. Desai and Mrs. Sujata P. Mehta as members.

The company has spent a sum of Rs 22.80 Lakhs on CSR activities during the year under review. After considering the amount of Rs 12.89 Lakhs available for set off at the beginning of the year, the company was required to spend Rs 21.75 Lakhs on CSR Activities pursuant to the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 against which the company has spent a sum of Rs 22.80 Lakhs and a sum of Rs 1.05 Lakh is available for set off in subsequent financial years. The CSR activities were overseen by the CSR Committee and also by the Board of Directors on a regular basis. The report on CSR activities is annexed hereto as Annexure - 2 and forms the part of this report.


The management discussion and analysis report as required under Regulation 34(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 has been attached and forms part of this directors report.


Your company has complied with the requirements of corporate governance as prescribed under Schedule V of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. A separate report on corporate governance forms the part of the annual report. A certificate from the Practicing Company Secretary Amrish Gandhi & Associates regarding compliance of conditions of corporate governance also forms the part of this report.


M/s Shah and Shah Associates, Chartered Accountants, Ahmedabad (ICAI Registration No. 113742W) continue to act as the statutory auditors of the company till the conclusion of 86th annual general meeting of the company to be held in the year 2027.


Pursuant to provisions of Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, Amrish Gandhi & Associates practicing company secretary was appointed to undertake secretarial audit of the company. The secretarial audit report is annexed herewith as Annexure - 3 and forms the part of this report.


The Company has received a letter dated 12th April, 2023 from the cost auditors M/s Dalwadi & Associates, Cost Accountants to the effect that their re-appointment, if made, would be within the prescribed limits under Section 141(3) (g) of the Companies Act, 2013 and that they are not disqualified for re-appointment. The board of directors of the company at its meeting held on 24th May, 2023 appointed M/s Dalwadi & Associates Cost Accountants as the cost auditors of the company to conduct the audit of cost records maintained by the company as required by the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time.

The members are requested to ratify the remuneration to be paid to the cost auditors of the company.


The information on conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and outgo as required under Rule 8(3) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 is appended hereto as Annexure - 4 and forms part of this report.


The information required pursuant to Section 197 read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Appointment & Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 in respect of employees of the company will be provided upon request. In terms of Section 136 of the Act, the reports and accounts are being sent to the members and others entitled thereto excluding the information on employees particulars which is available for inspection by members at the registered office of the company during the business hours on working days of the company upto the date of ensuing 82nd annual general meeting of the company. If any member is interested in inspecting the same, the member may write to the company secretary in advance.


Your directors express their deep sense of appreciation for the valuable and devoted services rendered by the chairman and managing director and the executive directors in the management and conduct of the affairs of the company. The directors also express their appreciation for the devoted services of the sole selling agents. Your directors also thank Kotak Mahindra Bank, bankers to the company for extending financial assistance by way of working capital facilities and term loans at competitive rates. Your directors also wish to place on record their deep sense of appreciation for the devoted services of the companys executives, staff, workers and all associated, directly and indirectly with the affairs of the company.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Priyam B. Mehta

Chairman and Managing Director

Place : Ahmedabad

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