Super Crop Safe Ltd Management Discussions

Jul 23, 2024|03:40:00 PM

Super Crop Safe Ltd Share Price Management Discussions


India is the one of the major players in the agriculture sector worldwide and it is the primary source of livelihood for 55% of Indias population. India has the worlds largest cattle herd (buffaloes), the largest area planted for wheat, rice, and cotton, and is the largest producer of milk, pulses, and spices in the world. It is the second largest producer of fruits, vegetables, tea, farms fish, cotton, sugarcane, wheat, rice, cotton and sugar. The agriculture sector in India holds the record for second largest agricultural land in the world generating employment for about half of the countrys population. Agriculture and allied sector form the bedrock of Indian economy as it engages more than 50% of the work force and contributes about 21% to the countrys Gross Value Added (GVA). The developments in this sector are keenly watched by the policy makers, business, academia and other stakeholders.


According to INC42, the Indian agricultural sector is predicted to increase to US$24 billion by 2025. Indian food and grocery market is the worlds sixth largest, with retail contributing 70% of the Sales. In terms of the exports, the sector has seen good growth in the past year. In FY 22 (April 2022 February 2023)

• Exports of Marine products stood at US$ 7.4 billion. • Exports of rice (Basmati and Non - Basmati) stood at US$ 10.2 billion.

• Buffalo meat exports stood at US$ 2.88 billion.

• Sugar exports stood at US$ 5.28 billion.

• Tea exports stood at US$ 759.96 billion.

• Coffee exports stood at US$ 1.01 billion.


India is the fourth largest global producer of agrochemicals after the US, Japan and China. This segment generated a value of USD 4.4 billion in FY15 and is expected to grow at 7.5% per annum to reach USD 6.3 billion by FY20. Approximately 50% of the demand comes from domestic consumers and the rest from exports. During the same period, the domestic demand is expected to grow at 6.5% per annum and exports at 9% per annum.

There are good emerging trends and solutions for sustainable crop protection which include crop protection chemicals, agronomy, fertigation, seed treatment, bio-technology development etc. The next generation agriculture in the country will have to encompass all such possible solutions using the best mode in a given scenario. The sector faces many challenges and solution to same can lead to India becoming a global manufacturing hub of quality crop protection chemicals.

Crop protection chemicals will also play a major role in the new phase of Second Green Revolution. The role of crop protection chemicals is not limited to protection; they help in yield enhancement as well. Use of crop protection chemicals can increase crop productivity by 25-50%, by mitigating crop loss due to pest attacks. It is estimated that almost 25% of worlds agricultural production is lost due to postharvest pest attacks. Thus, crop protection chemicals are also very essential to ensure food and nutritional security.


This year, monsoon in India is predicted better. This should help recover farm and related economic growth. El Nino effects are gradually fading in India and paving way for La Nina, which would be inductive to more rains and consequently increased farm production. This will translate into a better demand for crop protection chemicals. Input prices for crop protection chemical companies are likely to remain subdued in the near future which will impact selling prices for farmers. Due to this, while the market could grow in volume terms, but in value terms, growth would be moderate. The long-term drivers like increasing population, current low capita consumption of pesticides, decreasing arable land, focus on productivity and increasing purchasing power would continue to remain intact and will drive the global crop protection market.

Some of the other demand drivers are:

• Formation of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) to counter the difficulties faced due to land fragmentation

• Availability and dissemination of appropriate technologies that depend on quality of research and extent of skill development

• Plan expenditure on agriculture and in infrastructure which together with policy must aim to improve functioning of markets and more efficient use of natural resources

• Governance in terms of institutions that make possible better delivery of services like credit, animal health and of quality inputs like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and farm machinery

Distribution of domestic crop protection market by Product category

The Indian crop protection market is dominated by Insecticides, which form almost 60% of domestic crop protection chemicals market. The major applications are found in rice and cotton crops. Fungicides and Herbicides are the largest growing segments accounting for 18% and 16% respectively of total crop protection chemicals market respectively. As the weeds grow in damp and warm weather and die in cold seasons, the sale of herbicides is seasonal. Rice and wheat crops are the major application areas for herbicides. Increasing labor costs and labor shortage are key growth drivers for herbicides.

The fungicides find application in fruits, vegetables and rice. The key growth drivers for fungicides include a shift in agriculture from cash crops to fruits and vegetables and government support for exports of fruits and vegetables. Bio-pesticides include all biological materials organisms, which can be used to control pests. Currently bio- pesticides constitute only 3% of Indian crop protection market; however there are significant growth opportunities for this product segment due to increasing concerns of safety and toxicity of pesticides, stringent regulations and government support.

Major crop protection products


Major products Main application


Acephate, Monocrotophos, Permethrin Cotton, Rice


Mancozeb, Copper Oxychloride,Thiram Fruits, Vegetables, Rice


Glyphosate, 2,4,D, Pendimethalin Rice, Wheat


Spinosyns, Neem based Rice, Maize, Tobacco


Zinc Phosphate, Aluminium Phosphide Stored Products

State wise agrochemical consumption


Organic farming preserves soil quality and diversity in crop production, and avoids hazards to the environment on a long-term basis. Organic farming as a means to sustainable agriculture has benefited farmers. The certified cultivated area under organic farming has grown from 4.55 lakh ha in 2009-10 to 7.23 lakh ha in 2013-14, with around 6 lakh farmers practicing it. But, still, the total area under organic farming is insignificant compared to the net sown area of 140 million hectares. In terms of exports also, exports of organic food at about 1.6 lakh tonnes and at an estimated value of USD 220 million is less than 1 per cent of global exports. Against this backdrop, to provide a major fillip to organic farming in India, the existing components of organic farming under the NMSA have been put together under a new programme called "Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana". The programme envisages development of 10,000 organic clusters and provides chemical-free inputs to farmers and increase the certified area by 5 lakh hectare within a period of 3 years. Under this, every farmer in a cluster will be provided an assistance of Rs. 50,000 per hectare in 3 years towards conversion to and adoption of organic farming and towards market assistance. In line with governments Organic Farming initiative the Company has started its Bio-Technology Division for research and development work in the field of Organic Farming and development of organic fertilizers. At Bio-division of the Company VAM, Maycorrhizal Bio-fertilizer with brand name SUPER GOLD is developed and commercially marketed in last year. SUPER GOLD is licensed product for which production from root level to formulation is developed in Bio Division, which is done by only few Companies in India. It increases roots in crops and increases reach of roots to absorb more fertilizers and water which remains untouched otherwise. Use of this product will reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and water that will result in low cost farming to Indian farmers.


Super Crop Safe Ltd enjoys the unique distinction of having strong brand equity in agrochemicals and Bio fertilizers. Built on a foundation of trust and respect for quality product are increasingly recognizing the mutual benefit of distributors and farmers working with your Company.

Domestic agri-inputs focus on developing strong brands backed by quality supply for the Indian market. These are high performance, high potential, early stage products, which Super Crop Safe Ltd enjoys early entry benefits.

The domestic agri-inputs operation has shown consistent growth over the past few years and all this was possible with continuous farmer connect initiatives, strong and extensive distribution capabilities and professional marketing team with experience and straightforward and transparent dealings with all stakeholders.


The Company has diversified into Microbial biotechnology (Mycorrhiza, Spirulina) and further our need based R & D is going on to develop sustainable Botanicals and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) for Ayurvedic, Herbal and Microbial Therapeutics (Nutraceutical&Nutri-theraputics). Products developed as a result of this R&D activity will be marketed with the existing strong marketing network of the Company.

Products Developed

1. Mycorrhiza VAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza) a complete Biofertilizer, under the brand name Super Gold

The main benefit of this, to the farmer is, it reduces the dose of phosphatic fertilizer by fifty percent, and hence there is no any additional expense. It increases the yield up to 20 percent besides many other benefit to improve the soil structure, pH & maintaining the rhizosphere microbial community, organic carbon (OC) responsible for the optimum C:N ratio an index of soil fertility.

Mycorrhiza (VAM); an important component of soil life and soil chemistry, responsible for nutrient mineralization, solubilisation particularly (P, Zn, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Cu Etc...) transportis developed as Granule, Powder and Liquid Bio Fertilizer for sustainable agriculture, horticulture and plantation.

Mycorrhiza (VAM) increases 10 100 fold roots potential to absorb the nutrient from rhizosphere and imparts natural defense against various pathogens. It reduces the use of chemical fertilizer up to 50% and enhances the yield up to 40% of plants.

A consortium of natural companion species of Glomus developed and being produced by nurse culture approach.

Further our R & D have strengthen it as Super Gold with MHB (Mycorrhiza Helper Bacteria) a consortium of 14 in-house sturdy isolates for N, P, K and Zn which make our formulation a UNIQUE of its kind.

2. Spirulina: Dietary supplement under the brand name Superlinaa

A highly nutritional and therapeutic micro-algae; Protein 60 % (approx) hence a good admixture of food supplements for malnutrition. High Concentration of Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Selenium and Iodine works well for iron deficient children, pregnant women. Good for cardio vascular disease due to potassium (k) and rheumatism due to selenium (Se). Rich in Antioxidants by virtue of higher concentration of Vitamin B12, Beta-Carotene, Phycocyanin and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) help to work as blood purifier hence antiaging.

Besides this: Abundance of Energy, Strengthen Immune system, Inhibit allergic reaction, Fight obesity, Improve muscle strength and Endurance, Control Blood Sugar level, Keeps skin healthy etc.

3. Super Wonder: A super protector against pest and disease

SUPER WONDER is a biological insecticide based on botanical extract produced by Nano technology & formulated as balanced poly-botanicals WS (Water Soluble Concentrate) with nano concentration of Co-factors for plant defines enzymes.

Actions: Protect from sucking pests Like, Aphids, Jassids, White Fly, Thrips, Mites etc and fungal pathogens (Mildews, Wilt, Damping off, Leaf spot etc). It has ovicidal effects. Minor insect is easily killed by different natural plant extracts. Besides Poly-botanicals, the extract contains various natural elements responsible for the growth of the plants. Boost crops immunity and over all biomass hence yield.

Products Under Development:

4. Soil Reclaim: Reclaim alkalinie & sodic soil

Plant absorbs nutrition at pH ranging between 5.5 to 7.5. Above pH 7.5 are alkaline where as below pH 5.5 are acidic. Both the conditions are unfavourable for crops growth and development. Degraded alkaline soil is called sodic soil since there is no exchangeable calcium (Ca), pH is more than 8.5. Seven million hectare of Indian soil is either alkaline or sodic hence non-productive for crop. It is a great challenge for scientist to

reclaim these soils. We are at the verge of development of a combination of natural alkaline / sodic microbes with green chemicals having great potential to reclaim it slowly.

Bio-resources conservation and sustainable utilization as per National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) is an important regulation guideline to be followed while working in this arena, however since we have already ventured into Microbial Biotechnology (Bio-fertilizer, Bio-fungicide & Bio-pesticide), we have decided to develop a state of the art R & D institution to develop cell as bioreactor, a recent trend in biotechnology to develop chemicals, pharmaceuticals & therapeutic molecules in-house in completely closed/controlled environment without any hazardous waste hence with green chemistry approach.

The endeavor includes the

• Development of In-house medicinal plants garden

• Development of High-tech nursery for mass propagation

• Development of Plant Tissue Culture for mother stock

• Development of Cell line approach for the production of APIs

• Development of nutritional & therapeutically important yet un-explored bio resources

A state-of-the-art facility is planned to construct, the land available with us for the purpose is already having NOC.

Out Look

The agrochemical industry has seen structural changes on the back of relative increase in purchasing power of the farmer largely and to a certain extent on account of enhanced farm dynamics. The cost benefit of usage of pesticides has improved with continual increase in MSPs and the changing food habits of the rising middle class. Higher labour cost has also given boost to agrochemical consumption in the country. As a result, agrochemical industry has witnessed sustained growth in the last decade, driven by volume growth as well as change in product mix followed by pricing growth. The Government of India, together with several private players continues to take incremental efforts to push higher penetration of agri-inputs in India.

Within agrochemicals, fungicides and herbicides are expected to show healthy growth on the back of increased acreage under horticulture, rising horticulture produce prices and emergence of organised retail (largely used in fruits and vegetables).

Given the moderation in the environment overall, the outlook for your Companys agri-inputs business in FY 2022-23 looks cautiously optimistic and performance would reflect continued growth momentum although at a controlled pace. The key factors that would drive sustained growth include pattern and distribution of the upcoming annual monsoon rainfall together with upsides from products launched in the past few years. This growth would be further propelled with the introduction of more than 45 new products in 2022-23, which would have distinctive competitive advantage over the target molecules.

In addition, your Company will strengthen and expand its reach into new underdeveloped markets and crop segments which will further improve prospects going forward. Institutional tie-ups with the Corporate, for supply of agrochemicals have also started yielding fruits and will contribute to growth.

Industrial Relations and Human Resources

Your Company considers people as its biggest assets and "Believing in People" is at the heart of its human resource strategy. Lot of efforts are put in talent management, strong performance management, learning and training initiatives in order to ensure that your Company consistently develops inspiring strong and credible leadership.

Your Company believes that people perform to the best of their abilities if they feel a sense of ownership. Consequently, the Company has strengthened the working environment to make it inclusive, progressive and flexible and promoting an excellence-driven culture. The Company reinforced its vision, mission and values among employees.

The Company fosters a performance-driven and merit-linked remunerative environment. It acknowledges the contributions of performers, preparing them for more challenging roles. The Company organised training programmes covering technical, behavioural, safety issues, code of conduct, product training and other needs.

The Company continued to recruit scientific, technical and managerial personnel (graduates and postgraduates) of experience in the field of agrochemical industry. A structured development programme, aligned to business needs, helped groom fresh hires into prospective leaders. As on March 31, 2023, the total employee strength stood at 60 and industrial relations remained cordial.

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