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Unifinz Capital India Ltd Management Discussions

Jul 22, 2024|03:16:00 PM

Unifinz Capital India Ltd Share Price Management Discussions

Industry Overview

NBFCs have become important constituents of the financial sector and have been recording higher credit growth than scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) over the past few years. NBFCs are leveraging their superior understanding of regional dynamics and customized products and services to expedite financial inclusion in India. Lower transaction costs, quick decision making, customer orientation and prompt service standards have typically differentiated NBFCs from banks. Considering the reach and expanse of NBFCs, they are well-suited to bridge the financing gap in a large country like India. This is an enviable track record despite the business models of the NBFCs being severely tested by four large external events in the last few years, namely, (iy Demonetization, (ii) GST implementation, (iii) Dailure of few large NBFCs, and (iv) The pandemic.

Given the systemic risks that the sector poses, the RBI issued ‘Scale Based Regulation (SBR): A Revised Regulatory Frameworkfor NBFCson 22 October 2021 to make the financial sector sound and resilient while allowing a majority of NBFCs to continue under the regulation-light structure. The objective behind this scalebased approach is the principle of proportionality for regulating the non-banking financial companies. The purpose is to calibrate the degree of regulatory prescriptions based on the systemic importance of NBFCs and the contagion risk they pose to other entities in the financial system. The regulatory vigil over the NBFCs continues with focus on four key cornerstones of: (i} Responsible financial innovation, (ii} accountable conduct, (iii) responsible governance, and (iv) Centrality of the customer.

We believe that NBFCs with superior capital adequacy, better margins, frugal cost management, prudent risk management and those incorporating above four key cornerstones in their business models will continue to deliver sustainable growth in the foreseeable future.

Global Economy Scenario

IMF Financial Counsellor and Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department outlines the new updates in the latest release of the Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). The heightened inflation and ongoing spillovers from Russias conflict in Ukraine are contributing to increased financial stability risks. These risks are further exacerbated by poor market liquidity, raising concerns of a sudden and disorderly tightening of financial conditions that could interact with existing vulnerabilities. Emerging markets, in particular, are facing challenges, with rising interest rates, weak fundamentals, and significant capital outflows leading to higher borrowing costs. Frontier economies are particularly susceptible to these pressures, and the risk of additional defaults is heightened. In China, the property market downturn has worsened due to significant declines in home sales. This has put immense pressure on developers and raised the risk of spillovers to the financial sector. Overall, these factors highlight the importance of closely monitoring and addressing financial stability risks in the face of inflation, geopolitical tensions, liquidity concerns, and vulnerabilities within emerging markets and Chinas property market.

Indian Economic Overview

The Indian economy, however, appears to have moved on after its encounter with the pandemic, staging a full recovery in FY22 ahead of many nations and positioning itself to ascend to the pre-pandemic growth path in FY23. Yet in the current year, India has also faced the challenge of reining in inflation that the European strife accentuated. Measures taken by the government and RBI, along with the easing of global commodity prices, have finally managed to bring retail inflation below the RBI upper tolerance target in November 2022.

The introduction and piloting of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will also provide a significant boost to digital financial services. They may lay the framework for another generation of financial innovation. The Covid-19 pandemic hurt most sectors of the economy, with the effect particularly profound for contact-intensive services sectors like tourism, retail trade, hotel, entertainment, and recreation. On the other hand, non-contact services such as information, communication, financial, professional, and business services remained resilient.


Growth and Competition

RBIs financial stability report highlighted that loan to the services and personal loans sector recorded a healthy growth rate, whereas the industry sector saw marginal decline. Data from the RBI showed that on a year-on-year (y-o-y) basis, the services sector saw 14.5 percent growth from 12.5 percent last year. And the personal loan sector saw 29.5 percent growth from 28.6 percent last year. Experts highlighted that competition among NBFCs will intensify as sector players are working on bringing new technological amendments in operations and services. Experts said 2023 could be a mixed bag for NBFCs as regulations from RBI could be tightened and brought under a wider ambit. With this, competition and the race to provide quicker and advanced services could lead to a market situation where one could either see immense growth or introduction of newer challenges in the sector. The year 2022 saw major developments in the NBFC sector like the merger and sales of many reputed NBFC.

Information Technology

We continue to make substantial investments in technology, in line with our ‘Digital First approach. As part of this initiative, we launched the Selfie platform, allowing customers to quickly onboard digitally from the comfort of their homes. During FY23, we successfully opened numerous accounts through our digital channel. Additionally, we have expanded our reach by integrating with various payment gateways, such as Paytm, Razorpay, and Cashfree, offering customers the convenience to pay as per their preferences. To enhance our data management and reporting capabilities, we have established our own centralized Data Mart for LMS reporting and analytics. Thanks to our robust technology infrastructure, we were able to promptly transition most of our staff to flexible working hours when necessary. Looking ahead, our focus is on elevating the customer experience through digitally enabled customer life cycle management, which includes Video KYC fulfillment and virtual interactions. Furthermore, we introduced a tab-based onboarding facility for company executive personnel, enabling them to meet prospective customers and complete the onboarding process digitally within minutes. Threat and Opportunities Threats:

1. Economic Slowdown: A global economic slowdown or recession can pose a significant threat to NBFCs sector. During periods of economic contraction, credit demand tends to decrease, leading to higher defaults and lower profitability for NBFCs.

2. Regulatory Changes: Frequent changes in regulations, both domestically and globally, can pose challenges for NBFCs Sector. Compliance costs may increase, and new regulations may require adjustments to business models and opera tions, potentially impacting profitability and growth.

3. Liquidity Risk: The company is exposed to liquidity risk, representing the possibility of facing challenges in meeting its financial liabilities settled in cash or other financial assets. The primary liquidity requirements involve disbursing loans to customers, repaying borrowings/credit lines, and covering operational expenses. To fulfill these requirements, the company relies primarily on borrowings and profits. Accordingly, they maintain surplus funds in cash equivalents, bank balances, term deposits, and investment securities with active and liquid markets, ensuring these assets can be easily sold to meet liquidity needs. This comprehensive monetary mechanism is believed to adequately address liquidity risk.

4. Credit Risk: The company is exposed to credit risk arising from its lending activities. Economic downturns and fluctua tions in borrower creditworthiness can result in elevated default rates and a rise in non-performing assets, which could potentially place significant pressure on the companys financial well-being.


1. Expanding Credit Demand: With Indias growing middle class and increasing consumer aspirations, there is a significant opportunity for your company to cater to the expanding credit deman By providing innovative and tailored financia products and services, your company can tap into new market segments and fuel their growth.

2. Digital Transformation: Moving from physical availability to digital available across the India will help to cater the wide customer base. The rapid digitalization of financial services presents opportunities to enhance operational efficiencies reach a wider customer base, and reduce costs. Embracing technology-driven solutions, such as online lending platforms, and online EMI calculator can help us to improve customer experiences and gain a competitive edge.

3. Inclusive Finance: Our Company aims to provide financial assistance to every individual, ensuring that the needs of underserved and unbanked populations are fully met. Through an expansion of our services to rural and semi-urban areas and the introduction of micro-level finance options for any reasons, we are committed to supporting economic development and tapping into untapped market segments. By doing so, we can foster greater financial inclusion and create opportunities for those who have previously been left behind.

Financial Performance:

A. Revenue Growth: Our company witnessed significant revenue growth in 2023, mainly due to a substantial increase in loan disbursements and an extensive customer reach. This positive trend indicates our capacity to capitalize on market opportunities and expand our customer base, with recorded revenue of \914.95 lakh compared to 49.91 lakh. B. Profitability: Despite incurring a record loss of 55.04 lac, our company achieved a high turnover due to strategic expansion, research and development investments, and aggressive marketing campaigns. The reported loss might be influenced by one-time events and external economic factors. Strategic investments in technology and talent were made, impacting short-term financials but setting the stage for enhanced competitiveness and long-term value creation. Profit before Tax decreased by 39.54 lac to 84.02 lakh. After providing for Income Tax of 328.98 lakh, Net Loss shown of 355.04 lakh in this year. As on March 31, 2023, our total balance sheet size increased to 1667.21 lakh from 3619.15 lakh, as on March 31, 2023. C. The provisioning for Expected Credit Loss (ECL) during the year increased significantly to 127.42 Lakh, compared to 4.49 lakh in the previous year, reflecting the higher levels of non-performing assets (NPAs) and the companys cautious approach towards credit risk management. This substantial increase in provisioning underscores the companys commitment to prudently address potential credit losses and maintain the stability of its financial position. Despite the challenges posed by the economic conditions and borrower creditworthiness, the company remains dedicated to imple menting effective risk mitigation strategies and ensuring the overall health and resilience of its lending portfolio.

D. Operating Income and Expenses In FY22-23, we delivered robust all-round performance, emerging strong from the crisis. Interest Income rose to \914.95 lakh from 49.907 lakh in FY23 on account of higher no. of disbursement of loans and having growth in interest income from loans. Operating expenses rose to I817.48 lakh from 381.23 lakh a year ago as a witness of growing business. We increased our employee strength during the year, which resulted in higher staff expenses. E.. AssetQuality Non-Performing Assets & Provisioning Under Ind AS, asset classification and provisioning moves from the rule based, incurred loss model to the Expected Credit Loss (ECL) model of providing for expected future credit losses. Thus, loan loss provisions are made on the basis of the Corporations historical loss experience and future expected credit loss, after factoring in various other parameters. As our Company is growing company and trying to reach customer at large scale to satisfy their financial needs, its very tough task to maintain low % of NPA.

Standard Assets; Sub-standard and Doubtful Assets

In FY23, our company reported a Gross Credit exposure of \ 1170.79 lakh, which was further categorized into standard assets amounting to \1029.23 lakh. However, we also recorded Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA}* at 12.09% during the same period. On the net credit exposure front, we had 1076.28 lakh, with Non-Performing Assets (NPA) amounting to 141.56 lakh. This resulted in a Net NPA ratio of 4.37% in FY23. As per the guidelines and directions of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), our company will diligently formulate and apply the required provisions to manage and address the NPA situation. By adhering to these regulatory measures, we aim to maintain a healthy financial position and safeguard the interests of our stakeholders while ensuring sustainable growth in the financial sector.


This is a general outline for the "Financial and Operational Performance Overview" section of a Management Discussion and Analysis report. The actual content and depth of analysis should be presented in the Financial Reports.


Lending Operations

Despite the challenges posed by global crisis of Ukraine and Russia fight which had an impact on the whole economy and unemployment due to by recurring waves of COVID-19 infections during the year, lending operations of the Corporation continued seamlessly. Much of this was attributed to the ability to stay connected with customers by leveraging on the Corporations digital platforms. The demand for credit i.e. financial assistance continued to be strong for any kind of segments.

The average ticket size of individual loans stood at 21,000.

Product Wise Loan Performance

As at March 31, 2023, The total loan portfolio of the company is 10.4321 cr.

Customers Complaints Dispute Redressal

As of today, our company maintains an impressive track record in handling complaints. Our average Turnaround Time (TAT) for resolving issues stands at just 3 working days, while our maximum resolution time, as per the Fair Practices Code (FPC), is set at 21 working days. We take pride in the fact that to date, there have been no recorded complaints pending or unresolved. We remain committed to delivering prompt and efficient service to all our customers. The disclosure of complaints was elaborated following the format prescribed by the RBI in Circular no. DOR.ACC.REC.N0.20/21.04.018/2022-23, dated April 19, 2022. This circular pertains to disclosures in the financial statements Notes to Accounts of NBFCs and tabled as Annexure-IV.

Physical and Digital Reach Geographic Reach

The Corporation has expanded its physical distribution network to cover 3 office centers. Throughout the year, significant efforts were dedicated to extending this network into remote and underserved geographies, with the aim of broadening the Corporations overall reach. In the digital realm, our company has strived to reach every corner and fulfill the financial needs of individuals. Presently, our services are available in 224 approved areas across India, and we remain committed to expanding our presence to cover the remaining regions. We are excited to announce that our company has recently become a registered member of the Digital Lending Association of India. This registration marks a significant milestone for us, as it reflects our commitment to adhering to industry best practices and upholding high standards in the digital lending space. Being a part of this esteemed association will enable us to better serve our customers, stay updated with the latest trends and regulations, and contribute to the growth and development of the digital lending ecosystem in India. We look forward to forging valuable partnerships and fostering trust among our stakeholders as a registered member of the Digital Lending Association of India.

Strategies for Further Improvement:

A. Continuous Process Optimization: We remain committed to optimizing our business processes through the adoption of industry best practices and leveraging cutting-edge technologies. This approach will lead to increased productivity, reduced costs, and heightened customer satisfaction. B. Innovation and Product Development: To maintain our competitive edge, we prioritize innovation and invest in research and development. By introducing new products and services, we aim to expand our market reach and create additional revenue streams. C. Talent Development and Employee Engagement: Our commitment to talent development and employee engagement drives operational excellence. Our employees are a key asset in driving operational excellence. We invest in continuous learning and foster an innovative, collaborative culture. Material developments include an increased work force to meet growing demands. A motivated, skilled, and engaged workforce is vital to our sustained success.

Internal Control System and Their Adequacy

Being a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC), maintaining a robust internal control system is paramount to ensure the integrity of our financial operations and compliance with regulatory guidelines. This section provides an overview of our internal control framework, assesses its adequacy, and highlights measures taken to enhance control effectiveness.

To facilitate the internal control in the Company, the Company constitute a Audit Committee in this regard to perform following functions:

Risk Management:

Assessing the financial performance is crucial for evaluating its profitability, asset quality, and overall financial health. It provides stakeholders with valuable insights into the companys ability to generate sustainable earnings, manage risks, and achieve long-term growth. Key aspects to consider when analyzing the financial performance include revenue generation, profitability, asset quality, liquidity and funding, capital adequacy, key financial ratios, and growth prospects. To ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of financial performance, our company specifically constitute Audit Committee (AC). AC are responsible for overseeing financial matters, providing guidance, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. The Audit Committee typically consists of independent directors with financial expertise and knowledge of regulatory norms. Their responsibilities include:

Financial Reporting and Disclosure:

Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of financial statements, footnotes, and other disclosures. Overseeing compliance with accounting standards and regulatory requirements. Reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls and risk management systems.

Risk Management:

• Assessing the adequacy of risk management frameworks and policies.

• Reviewing the effectiveness of measures taken to identify, measure, and mitigate various risks.

• Monitoring compliance with prudential norms and regulatory guidelines related to risk management.

Internal and External Audit:

• Overseeing the work of internal and external auditors. J Reviewing audit plans, reports, and findings, if any.

• Ensuring the independence and effectiveness of the audit function.

Financial Performance Evaluation:

• Reviewing financial performance, including revenue generation, profitability, and asset quality.

• Analyzing key financial ratios and performance indicators. J Providing guidance and recommendations to improve financial performance and mitigate risks.

Compliance and Regulatory Matters:

• Monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements, including capital adequacy norms and reporting obligations. J Assessing the impact of regulatory changes on the Companys financial operations. J Reviewing the effectiveness of the Compliances compliance function.

In addition to the Audit Committee, Company also has other specific committees to oversee specific areas such as Credit, risk management and governance. These committees ensure robust oversight and governance, strengthen the transparency and integrity of financial reporting, and provide valuable guidance to the management team.


Our company has established a comprehensive internal control framework that adheres to the principles of sound governance and risk management. Our company has adopted a well-organized approach to identify, assess, and manage risks, aiming to achieve organizational objectives effectively and efficiently.


A. Control Environment: We foster a strong control environment by promoting a culture of ethical behavior, accountability, and transparency. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities are maintained to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure the segregation of duties. B. Risk Assessment: Regular risk assessments are conducted to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks that could impact our financial stability and reputation. These assessments help us prioritize risk management efforts and allocate resources effectively. C. Control Activities: Our control activities encompass a range of policies, procedures, and internal checks designed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial transactions, credit evaluations, and lending practices. These controls are continuously monitored and updated to adapt to changing business dynamics. D. Monitoring Activities: We have a well-defined process for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of our internal controls. Internal audits and periodic reviews are conducted to identify control weaknesses and opportunities for improvement.


Our company has consistently placed significant emphasis on the effectiveness of our internal control system. Regular internal and external audits are conducted to evaluate the adequacy and efficiency of our controls. The outcomes of these assessments affirm the overall soundness of our internal control environment.

Regulatory and Policy Changes

To mitigate these risks and concerns, your company need to prioritize risk management, invest in robust technology infrastructure, maintain compliance with regulations, and continuously monitor market conditions. Additionally, establishing strong risk governance and adhering to industry best practices can help build resilience and sustainability in this rapidly evolving sector.

Looking ahead, we recognize the importance of staying proactive in adapting our internal control system to evolving regulatory requirements and industry best practices. We will continue to embrace emerging technologies and data analytics to optimize risk management and decision-making processes.

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