Pre-EMI vs. Full EMI: Making an Informed Choice for Your Loan

Home loan

Loans have become indispensable for financing significant purchases, be it a home, car, or education. They offer a valuable solution to alleviate financial constraints and realize our aspirations. However, navigating the world of loans requires a thorough understanding of repayment options to make informed choices. Among the popular options are Pre EMI and Full EMI. This article aims to elucidate about EMI vs. pre-EMI, highlight their respective advantages, and assist you in selecting the most suitable option tailored to your financial needs.

What is Pre EMI?

Pre-EMI, short for Pre Equated Monthly Installment, is a repayment option provided by some lenders during the construction phase of a property. Under Pre EMI, you pay only the interest component on the disbursed loan amount until the property's construction is complete. As the construction progresses, the interest is calculated on the disbursed amount, and the Pre EMI amount remains lower than the Full EMI.

What is Full EMI?

On the other hand, Full EMI is the regular Equated Monthly Installment comprising the principal amount and the interest on the loan. Unlike Pre EMI, Full EMI begins after the entire loan amount is disbursed to you. It includes repayment of the principal amount and interest, and the EMI amount is generally higher than the Pre EMI.

Differences between Pre EMI and Full EMI

Initial Repayment Amount

Pre EMI: During the initial period, you only pay the interest on the disbursed loan amount, resulting in lower monthly payments than Full EMI.

Full EMI: From the beginning, you pay both the principal and interest, leading to higher monthly payments than pre-EMI.

Loan Disbursement

Pre EMI: The loan disbursement occurs in parts, staggered as per the construction progress of the property. You only pay interest on the amount disbursed so far.

Full EMI: The entire loan amount is immediately disbursed, and your EMI starts with the first repayment.

Total Interest Paid

Pre-EMI:Over the entire loan tenure, you may pay a slightly higher interest amount than Full EMI since the principal is not being repaid initially.

Full EMI: As the principal and interest are paid from the start, the overall interest paid could be lower than Pre EMI.

Advantages of Pre EMI

Lower Initial Outflow

Pre-EMI allows borrowers to manage their finances more easily during construction, as initial payments are lower than Full EMI.

Tax Benefits

You can avail of tax benefits on the interest component of the Pre EMI under Section 24(b) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.


Pre-EMI benefits those who do not wish to start paying the full EMI until the property is ready for possession.

Advantages of Full EMI

Faster Loan Repayment

Since you start paying both principal and interest from the beginning, the loan gets repaid faster than Pre EMI.

Lower Overall Interest

Full EMI pays less interest over the entire loan tenure than Pre EMI.

Better Financial Planning

Borrowers can plan their monthly budgets more effectively with a fixed Full EMI.

Choosing the Right Option for You

The pre-emi and EMI difference depends on your financial situation and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

Current Financial Capacity

Full EMI might be the better option for you if you can manage higher initial payments and prefer quicker loan repayment.

Affordability during the Construction Phase

If your financial situation is tight during the property's construction phase, and you need to keep initial payments low, Pre EMI can be a more suitable choice.

Tax Benefits

Consider the tax benefits you can avail of on both Pre EMI and Full EMI while making your decision.

Loan Tenure

Assess how the choice between Pre EMI and Full EMI affects the overall loan tenure and choose accordingly additional Pointers:

Property Under Construction

If you are buying a property that is still under construction, Pre EMI may be a viable option to ease your financial burden until the possession is granted.

Investment Perspective

Consider the investment aspect of the property. If you plan to sell or rent it out after possession, Full EMI's faster loan repayment might be beneficial as it reduces the overall interest paid.

Short-term vs. Long-term Perspective

Analyze your long-term financial goals and commitments. If you have other major expenses planned shortly, pre-EMI might provide temporary relief until you are financially prepared for higher EMI payments.

Interest Rate Fluctuations

Take into account the prevailing interest rates. If you expect interest rates to rise, Full EMI could offer the advantage of locking in a fixed interest rate.


Pre-EMI vs. full EMI offers distinct advantages, making the decision reliant on your financial capacity and personal preferences. Before making a decision, take the time to carefully evaluate your present financial situation, future goals, and loan duration. If required, seek advice from financial experts to ensure your choice aligns with your long-term financial objectives and secures your financial well-being. Remember, informed decisions lead to better financial outcomes and a more secure future. It is imperative to remember that responsible borrowing and timely repayments are fundamental to enjoying a seamless and stress-free loan experience.