Learning About the Maximum and Minimum Tenor for Personal Loans

personal loan

Individuals increasingly opt for personal loans as a flexible means to cover various expenses. Nevertheless, the loan duration significantly influences the loan amount and the resulting monthly instalments (EMIs). Therefore, it is essential to familiarise oneself with the available options for personal loan tenor. This article provides detailed information about the maximum and minimum tenor offered for personal loans.

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What Is a Personal Loan?

A personal loan can be borrowed for various purposes, such as consolidating debt, funding home improvements, or financing special events like weddings. These loans are available from credit unions, banks, NBFCs etc. Repayment of the borrowed amount is required over a specified period, usually with the addition of personal loan interest rates. It's worth noting that some lenders may impose additional fees for personal loans.

Here are five things you must know that might influence your personal loan eligibility:

  • Credit Score

    Your eligibility for a Personal Loan is primarily determined by the credit score, which reflects your credit history, including your loan repayments and credit card bill payments. Personal Loans do not require collateral, so your credit score is important in assessing your qualification for such loans.
  • Age

    When considering the eligibility for a personal loan, one crucial criterion is your age. Age plays a significant role as it reflects your financial stability and income potential to the lender. Therefore, when applying for a personal loan, it is essential to consider your age and its impact on the loan approval process and personal loan interest rates.
  • Tenor

    Remember that the repayment period is an additional crucial aspect that influences personal loan eligibility. Opting for a shorter tenure increases your chances of obtaining loan approval at a lower interest rate. Furthermore, selecting a loan amount that aligns with your financial capacity is essential.
  • Lender-borrower relationship

    The strength of your relationship with a lender holds great importance in determining the interest rate charged. Being a loyal customer can lead to a lower interest rate, as you have established a positive rapport with them over time.
  • Loan Tenors

    Each financial institution has a specified loan duration that borrowers must follow in order to repay their loans. It is essential to adhere to this timeline, as timely repayment plays a vital role in maintaining a positive credit history and ensuring future lending opportunities.

Maximum Loan Tenor

Lenders vary in their maximum tenor for personal loans, allowing borrowers to select the most suitable duration based on their financial circumstances. It's important to note that longer loan tenures result in lower monthly instalments (EMIs). Personal loans typically offer a maximum tenure of 96 months, equivalent to 8 years. Opting for a longer tenure can be advantageous if you've borrowed a substantial amount, as it ensures you have sufficient financial flexibility each month to meet your obligations promptly. Consistently making timely payments over the long term can also contribute to improving your credit score.

Minimum Loan Tenor

The minimum loan tenor varies among lenders, typically 10 to 12 months. However, several personal loans provide the option for borrowers to repay their loans in as little as 3 months. It is advisable to carefully assess your financial obligations using a personal loan calculator before choosing a shorter tenure. Shorter tenures are more suitable when the loan amount is not substantial, and your income comfortably accommodates the monthly instalment (EMI) amount.

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Choosing the right personal loan tenor is crucial during the loan application process, as it directly impacts the total repayment amount and the fixed interest rate. While opting for the maximum tenure of 5 years may result in lower EMIs, the accumulated interest over a longer duration can significantly increase the overall repayment sum. On the other hand, selecting a shorter tenure would mean higher EMIs, which may consume a larger portion of your monthly income. Therefore, it is essential to assess your repayment capacity using a personal loan calculator to determine a suitable tenure that aligns with your financial capabilities.