Top 5 rules of Equity Investment

Investing in equity is not a guessing game. Beginners who invest in equity for the first time seek investment tips that can help guide them. Understanding the stock market is one of the first things you should focus on learning. It helps to update yourself about the various trading strategies available for investors. Furthermore, it is also advisable to play by the 5 golden rules of equity investment.

5 Golden Rules of  Equity Investment


Rule 1: Do not give in to the Pressure of Herd Behavior

During the initial phases of your investment journey, you’ll find that there may be a tendency to give in to the pressure of trading in the same manner that most other investors. To overcome the temptation to follow the crowd, conduct your research about investing in equity. Consult a financial advisor if you require more clarity about how to invest your money in the financial markets.

Rule 2: Think Long-Term

Another one of the most essential rules of equity investment is to think long-term. Many investors focus extensively on making quick profits in the stock market. The downside to this strategy is that it can often propel you to make rash and reckless decisions. A better approach would be to invest for the long-term and shift your focus to making profits over 5 to 10 years.

Rule 3: Refrain from Speculating

First-time investors tend to give into speculations and tip-offs which can expose your investments to a high degree of risk. That could be a risk your investments are incapable of bearing. Speculation-based tips about the right time to buy a stock or the right time to exit are not based on research and facts, and therefore, are highly likely to be mere guesses. Instead, conduct your research and observe the stock market to formulate your trading strategy.

Rule 4: Diversify

This is easily one of the most common investment tips offered to investors and is the most difficult rule to follow because if a particular asset class performs well the first time you invest in it, you may find yourself relying on that investment greatly.

Despite how convenient it may seem to continue to invest only in stocks that may have delivered profits for you in the past, you must diversify your investment portfolio. This spreads your risk across different investments and therefore, it also improves your returns in the long run.

Rule 5: Make a Plan and Stick to it

Investing in equity without having a plan to follow is not a prudent way to go. If you’re a first-time investor or you’re looking for some investment tips to streamline your strategy, it’s best to start with a plan that focuses on your short-term and long-term financial goals.

Your focus should be on investing a specific amount each month, instead of infusing capital each time you wish to purchase new stock. This way, you can balance your portfolio with other low-risk investments, without exceeding your budget.


By following these rules of equity investment, your chances of earning higher returns may improve greatly. It may seem tough to adhere to your strategy when you begin investing in equity. However, with time, it gets easier to play by the rules and exercise control. The smartest thing to do is focus on your long-term goals, so your trading and investment pattern is in line with achieving those targets.