MSME Business List - Complete MSME List of Businesses

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The latest MSME classification and the MSME business list came into existence to assist firms in receiving government incentives and utilising government operations. If you are a first-timer, you must note that the MSMEs do not all have to be small enterprises.

This post dives into the broader details of the MSME business list and which businesses and sectors qualify as MSMEs and which do not in this post. It will also break down the benefits and incentives MSMEs can earn if they are onboard to the Udyam platform as small or medium-sized firms.

As per reports, India's MSME sector accounts for more than 40% of GDP and 40% of exports. MSMEs are only second to agriculture in terms of job creation in India. MSMEs also help larger businesses and contribute to creating a marketplace that promotes innovation, partnership, and collaboration.

The Indian government is making strides toward assisting small and medium-sized business entrepreneurs develop their businesses. Simply put, MSMEs could have special privileges such as tax benefits, financial aid, and increased market access.

According to the MSMED Act of 2006, all enterprises in the manufacturing and service sectors fall under the MSME tag. The primary reason behind this classification was to help businesses acquire government incentives and gain access to various government schemes and products.

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How Do I Search the MSME Business List?

Steering through the MSME business list can be difficult for organisations, particularly when the goal is to identify MSMEs supplying specific commodities and facilities and authenticate the MSME status of current merchants. This blog seeks to simplify the process by offering a comprehensive tutorial on efficiently searching the MSME business list and assuring compliance.

Why Do Companies Look for MSMEs?

Purchasing goods and facilities from MSMEs has numerous advantages. MSMEs not only frequently provide specialised services, but they also boost native economies. Responsible businesses recognise the value of helping MSMEs because It fosters community growth as well as economic stability.

Another reason to review the MSME business list is to confirm a vendor's MSME status with whom you already do business. Suppliers' MSME status can vary over time, which is critical for appropriate MSME Form 1 compliance filing.

MSMEs Classification

There are two categories of small businesses: manufacturing and service. According to the Ministry of MSMEs, the MSME sector includes all forms of economic operations, including services and manufacturing, as long as they meet the investment and turnover conditions.

Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing businesses create physical goods. These firms can be tiny workshops or medium-sized factories if they meet the investment and turnover requirements. These businesses are capable of the following:

  • Manufacturing Goods
  • Putting Together the Pieces
  • Transforming Raw Ingredients into Finished Items

Companies in the Service Industry

Service companies deliver services rather than actual goods. These companies help other companies, groups, or individuals with their requirements. Small businesses offer the following services:

  • Firms that provide consulting services
  • Accounting and legal firms
  • Services related to hospitality
  • Benefits for healthcare, exercise, and wellness
  • Educational establishments
  • Services for Security

Types of Enterprises Under MSME Business List

Here is a list of industries that fall under the MSME business list. The list of MSME businesses includes instances of MSMEs.

MSME firms include the following:

  • Leather goods
  • Moulding of items
  • Natural fragrances and tastes
  • Management and placement services
  • Institute for training and education
  • Energy-saving pumps
  • Xeroxing
  • Crèches and a beauty salon are available.
  • Garages and auto repair services.
  • X-ray hospitals
  • Rental and leasing of equipment
  • Photographic lab
  • Maintenance of farm machinery for agriculture
  • Back-office operations
  • Local and International calling booths
  • Low-capital retail trade enterprise
  • Dish cable TV with multiple channels Using a dish antenna
  • Dry cleaning and laundry
  • Hardened metal ware
  • Electronic components for automobiles
  • Electronic monitoring and security
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Engineering and manufacturing
  • VCRs, recorders, radios, transformers, motors, and watches
  • Plants' micronutrients
  • Ayurvedic items and active pharmaceutical components
  • Products made from Khadi and Hosiery
  • Crafting activities
  • Paper printing and other paper-based products
  • Coir furniture goods
  • Farming of poultry
  • bicycle components
  • Items of stationery
  • Contact Centre
  • Products made of rubber
  • IT services
  • Industry testing laboratories
  • Automobile companies
  • Ceramics and glass products
  • Retail Operations

What Exactly Is A NIC Code?

If your company falls into the above categories, you can register and use the Udyam site. An NIC code is required to register your business under the MSME category.

The National Industrial Classification Code (NIC) is the Udyog Aadhaar registration code and must-have when filing your company's registration. This might be a two to three-digit number.

The two to three-digit code shows what kind of business a company does. The four-digit code shows the specific type of business, and the five-digit code shows a more specific category within that type.

What Kind of Firms Do Not Belong Under MSME Business List?

As you may have learned previously, "MSMEs" do not apply to all businesses. As per the MSME Ministry, businesses that don't produce or provide commodities/services don't count as MSMEs. This is because MSME lives to serve the welfare of new enterprises. Therefore, the MSMED Act of 2006 does not include the following activities.

  • Gambling businesses and ventures
  • Wood harvesting and forestry
  • fishing and aquaculture-based businesses
  • Trade and maintenance of motorcycles Retail trade
  • Domestic staffing activities in households
  • Private household goods and services production
  • Extraterritorial groups and bodies' operations

How Do You Grow Your Business?

Because of their MSME status, businesses have gotten various government benefits, including business loans, financing programs, and promotions. MSMEs are eligible for collateral-free loans to secure the development of their enterprises.

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Final Thought

India’s MSME industry in India is continually evolving. Therefore, businesses must keep their current vendor listings and sourcing possibilities. The changing pattern of MSME statuses underlines the importance of ongoing attention to whether a vendor is newly registered as an MSME or has surpassed their MSME criterion.

The difficulties associated with tracing and amenability are more than just procedural stumbling blocks; they represent the broader economic and legal framework in which organisations operate.

Frequently Asked Questions Expand All

You can discover pertinent information on the Government of India website.

You can apply for a business loan online by visiting the financial institution's website. The eligibility criteria are plainly stated there; you must follow their directions to log in with your loan request.

Yes, certain banks do provide women's business loans. The interest rates are lower than in traditional business lending plans.

EMI calculators are online tools available on bank websites. These calculators assist you in determining the amount of EMI you must pay.

MSME loans are available in certain situations, even if the entrepreneur cannot provide collateral security. MSME loan packages are available under different plans, with the government acting as a guarantee in the event of failure.